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Everything posted by Bushbeater

  1. Build your own, you will never buy off the rack again.
  2. You can go to the Springfield News Leader facebook page and leave a comment. There's already a bunch of good ones so I just left a like on on of the better replies. You oughta see the posts on BBC, those guys are ready for a lynching.
  3. Trilene XT for me, who has the rebate?
  4. As a LOZ resident I'm unsure if this will help the situation. The excessive wake fine is reduced to just $25 with no court appearance, the guy with the 28 ' boat sure isn't worried about the fine.Is a $25 fine enough to help the shortage of Water Patrol we already have? Here on the upper end of the Niangua we could probably get 75% of owners to approve no wake, but our problem is not 40' boats, but 300 HP pontoons and 24' + - cruiser guys trying to pull 6 year old kids on a tube at 15 mph. I hope it helps but I don't see it.
  5. Larry Gale?I don't think PB2 is Camden County.
  6. Years back when I was young and tuff we would put the 16' Jon on roof racks and the outboard and tank in the trunk and go.
  7. Sounds like the deal for me, can someone teach me to fly fish and loan a grand daughter?
  8. Whens the Ozark Anglers Bad Golfers Tournament? I sure Johnny Morris would offer us the use of one of his courses and up a Nitro to spice up the deal. As for the hybrids they will surely help your game, although I've had some bigger ones almost pull me outta the boat.
  9. I was wondering about Greens myself, I had heard it's closed up. I agree, however that the upper above the spring would be the place to be.
  10. Just one of the best plastic baits of all time. You probably know it by a different name. https://chompers.com/
  11. I might be stuck in the 70's-80's, as I almost always have a Texas rigged lizard in the boat and often 2 rigs usually the second is a Chomper or worm. It's my confidence bait. Cotton Candy in clear water or mossy pumpkin in darker water.
  12. How about this healthy Black Snake I saw on the water this morning.
  13. We got pounded this afternoon on the Niangua. It appears we got 3" rain here, maybe more. My wife was gardening and the wheel borrow is almost full. I'd expect a slug of mud to be washing down from this end.
  14. There's Walleye here but not enough to make it worthwhile to target them. Most are just bonus fish caught by accident. I've never heard of a Muskie caught on the LOZ either. There are a few pure Stripers but again not enough to make it a target fish. The Hybrid Stripers are fun if you can find them and are common up to about 10 pounds. The Crappie and Bass should be really good when you are here.
  15. I'll buy, ever come thru Camdenton? PM info for payment.
  16. I recall seeing that rig on the river before. We were jealous sleeping in our small tents with no heat. But we did sleep good with no distractions.
  17. Settle down kids, before you get quiet time. No need for the bickering. We have some Cherrywoods, and Lightning Rods, and both are very good for their price range. But I don't think they compare in weight or sensitivity to any $100 rod. Just my humble opinion. Go catch some fish guys.
  18. Bushbeater

    What's Cooking?

    Looks delicious, we're having handmade tamales tonight, that Mole sure would go good. Here's the Easter Dinner.
  19. Here's a link to download topo maps. If you can get access to a large format printer or plotter they come out very nice. https://nationalmap.gov/historical/
  20. Bushbeater

    What's Cooking?

    Fish is becoming our traditional Easter Dinner. Walleye is preferred but couldn't come up with any this season. Fried White Bass with Roasted Potatoes and steamed Asparagus. And of course a couple cold adult beverages. Sorry, can't attach images this evening.
  21. I was missing all photos earlier today, not sure about now.
  22. She's not into pink, and if I were to do another build now it had better be Turquoise, with real Turquoise and Silver inlays. Probably have to weave in some flowers too.
  23. I got hooked back around Christmas and have completed 4 and working on number 5. I had to promise my better half #5 was for her, but you know I'll be using it at every opportunity. She tells me I'm done for this year and better go use them. 1. MH 7' Mud Hole Kit. Brandon Lester Signature. (However he is.) 2. ML 7' on Existing Handle. CRB Discount Blank 3.and 4. 7' M Crankbait Rods. Rain Shadow Blanks. One to be gifted to a fishing buddy. 5. 7' Medium Spinnning Rod on a MH Blank.
  24. I apologize in advance if I am high jacking the thread but I built a rather curious rod recently. I had a broken casting rod with a nice handle I wanted to salvage so I removed the butt cap, sawed it off in front of the handle, measured and ordered a new blank that would fit inside the existing handle/blank. It ended up having to be a medium light. I've been fishing with it this last week and it casts small baits beautifully. Really loads up well with a 1/8 or 3/16 oz. jig and zings em out there. I've been fortunate enough to catch some nice LM and whites on it, and although it's a bit wimpy I've had no trouble landing larger fish with it and wish I had been using lighter casting rods in general. Those medium heavy and heavy casting rods aren't all there is.
  25. I read a article in the Rod builders Library about the benefits. They sold me and I'm planning on trying one. Maybe not epoxy it all up till I've fished it a bit, if I don't like it just rewrap. Wrapping doesn't take that much time.
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