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    springfield mo

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  1. If you've not already purchased one I'd also make the suggestion to "test drive" a couple. I know the place in Ozark off highway 65 will let you try out their boats. They sell the Native Ultimates too. Those are sweet!
  2. I would also volunteer to be a judge. I've done the tournament thing years ago and have no interest in doing it again but I really do miss the atmosphere and camaraderie of tournaments. Probably learn a thing or two as well.
  3. Thanks for the report Jimmy. Nice looking setup. We like fish pictures too!
  4. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'd be pretty careful about who I'd let into my new home. If it were me I'd call a moving company and see what they could do for you. They should be bonded in case of any theft or broken items. Jeff
  5. Bring the hammock and a tent. Your hammock is half the size of a loaf of bread. Use both when the opportunity fits your need. I think you'll find there are more opportunities than you think to hang your hammock. You just have to look in places that your normal gravel bar campers are not looking. Bring a folding saw to remove branches from willows and you're set. Out of 6 nights spent river camping last month one night was in a tent, the rest were in my hammock. It's hard to beat the ease and comfort of a hammock imo. The tent was a nice backup when it was needed. Most on this site are a bit more traditional, and that's fine. A bed roll on gravel with stars overhead is surely a great way to go for some. For me the hammock was some of the best rest I've had in a long time. Good luck, have fun and be sure to post after your trip. Jeff
  6. I really am. I paddled more than 20 miles several days in a row and I'm guessing you can't do that comfortably in a lot of boats. She tracks really well. It was a good choice but one I would not have made without help from the forum members here. I over packed for my trip and was heavy till the end. Rookie mistake I think. She handled the load very well. Jeff
  7. A few pics from the trip. The first is from day one. Not far from Ponca. The 2nd is fellow river tripper Andy with a lost dog we found about 5 miles up from Woolum. He got a ride in Andy's canoe to the Woolum camp site. The 3rd is my first night's camp in the Lower Wilderness area and the last is me taking out at Riley's Station. I can't seem to get the first and last to load right side up. Computer is down.....working off a tablet. Jeff
  8. They will ruin your apple orchard in a matter of hours. 400 lb raccoon is accurate. They'll break every branch to get to the fruit in the fall. They are a terrible nuisance for landowners. Friends in Virginia protect their orchard with a electric fence. Seems to help and they have a lot of bears.
  9. Ham I also have this addiction you speak of. But I found out just how driven I could be when I set a goal for myself. I convinced myself that this was not a fishing trip, it was more of an expedition. I kept that in my mind and told myself if made the miles I needed to make I would reward myself by slowing down after Rush. My first night in the wilderness area I decided to take a break and log no miles the following day. I fished. Rested, then fished some more. As the fog lifted off the river I was standing in it, rod in hand and a bald eagle flew directly over my head. It was a great day. Don't let that hold you back. I made it in 7 days logging more than 20 miles on several days in a row. Do 15 a day, fish and finish in 9 days. Very doable.
  10. Well I finished my trip. I started last Wednesday the 18th and pulled into Riley's Station at 11:45 yesterday in a pouring rain. 7 days, 135 miles. I read this morning that the upper river is now flooded. Probably good that I got off the river when I did. The water was low when I started making it very difficult to navigate. Lots of rock gardens. The canoe took quite a beating.Great trip overall. The weather was wonderful with the exception of Tuesday's storm. I met up with some wonderful people, helped rescue a dog lost on the river, spent 3 hours on a river bank during a thunderstorm, saw some of God's finest work and experienced the Lower Buffalo Wilderness area. I enjoyed this area immensely. Anyone who enjoys the outdoors owes it themselves to experience this area. Once past Clabber shoals it's like entering another world. I spent my first night at Kyles and my last across from elephant head. One night in a tent and the rest in my hammock. Loved the hammock. I will post pictures at some point but need some time to get back into the civilization groove. Thank you to all who have helped me in the previous months with suggestions and advice. It would have been much more difficult without you. Al, the Penobscot was a fine choice. She really moves through the pools, and handled a load perfectly. Many along the way had commented that doing the entire river was something they always wanted to do. My suggestion is just do it. If I can, anyone can. It's very rewarding! Jeff
  11. Thanks Al. Since my seat is mounted on a slide, I do have some opportunity to change weight distribution on the fly. The upper river, as you suggest, is not the place to be experimenting.
  12. That was my thinking as well but the confirmation from guys more experienced than me sure does help. I really appreciate all of the help I've received from you guys! You're the best! Jeff
  13. Al, would you or anyone else advise me on where to put the weight in a solo canoe ? I've loaded it twice and can't get past one end being heavier than the other. I'm guessing heavier in the rear would be best but don't know for sure. There won't be much time for testing if I launch at Ponca in high water. I'll just have to go with it.
  14. Yes, and I've never been on that section of the Buffalo so I've not been to Gilbert. It would be a nice break from the routine. No need for ice and I'm filtering water. Burger and soda would be nice about that time though. I'm also planning for a re-supply bucket to be left for me at Dillard's Ferry, although I'm hoping not to need it. So if you see a 5 gallon soy sauce bucket at Dillard's Ferry around the 23,rd or 24th that's my re-supply. It'll have my name on it.
  15. Thanks guys. Journal is packed and I'll try to write daily. When I was 14 I toured the country for 2 months with an uncle moving from Georgia to Alaska. My mother made me keep a journal. I still enjoy reading those pages. As far as fishing rods I have 2 spinning and 1 baitcast. No room for anything else I sacrificed space for efficiency in my canoe and I think it was a a good choice. It's 15 ft 2in. Joe there will be no ice. One small cooler will hold 2 gallons of water and water filter. I do think I'll pack another pair of socks. Nothing more comforting than warm dry feet when you go to sleep. Jeff
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