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    Reeds Spring

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  1. Ozark Finesse Heads are now available at Ozarks Extreme Outdoors. We are located at 3583 US Hwy 160, Reeds Spring on your way from Springfield just before you hit Reeds Spring and Branson West.
  2. Just did. I will get an order together and email it to you. Thanks We still have a long ways to go to get the shop where we want it but now we have the room to do so, unlike our previous location.
  3. And Dave I talked to you last year but had so much changing going on. I do need your heads in here.
  4. Ozarks Extreme Outdoors which opened on Indian Point in 2013, bought Ozarks Archery and moved to its new location last summer right off U.S. Hwy 160 north of Reeds Spring. It is 5 miles north of the Hardees in Branson West and next to the Conoco gas station. We got the new addition done this winter and are currently stocking the shelves, getting shipments in every week from Pitman Creek. We have 4500 sf of hunting, indoor range, fishing, fly fishing, and kayak fishing; including all the Table Rock favs, Ned Rig, Kietech, Zoom, Yamamoto, Yum, Netbaits, Rage Tail, Spro Rk Crwl, Wigglewarts, localy made stuff, and stuff for the hardcore swimbait guys. Also have live bait and easy access right off the hwy for any boat traffic. We would be glad to help you find what you need. The exact address and phone number is 3583 U.S. Hwy 160 Reeds Spring, MO 65737 417-272-0389 https://www.facebook.com/OzarksExtremeOutdoors
  5. Just seen this post and from your original post it looks like you are looking for something that has unbelievably stability, can be loaded and unloaded without breaking your back, and won't break the bank. I have a kayak fishing shop down on Indian Point and Table Rock Lake called Ozarks Extreme Outdoors. We carry different brands and we do carry yaks that have raised seating, under 80#s, great stability, and under $1,000 dollars. Check out the Diablo Amigo (LENGTH: 12'8" WIDTH: 37.5" WEIGHT: 75lbs CAPACITY: 500lbs) and the Feelfree Lure 10 ( LENGTH: 10' WIDTH: 36" WEIGHT : 69lbs CAPACITY: 375 lbs). Both are specifically designed as a standup platform and are priced at $999. We are a local dealer for both these brands as well as for Malibu Kayaks, Emotion Kayaks, and Vibe Kayaks with prices that range for a Sit on Top Fishing kayak from $499 and up. But as far as advise goes, don't ever take anybodies word on what kayak will be right for you, just like purchasing a vehicle test drive, kick the tires, and demo multiple kayaks. We offer demos on all brands that we carry at anytime during our regular business hours and would be happy to help answer any questions. You should look at all your options and then decide what fits you and your pocketbook best. We also have a sale going on right now at 5% off all new kayaks and 10% off all accessories, gear, and tackle, just saying.
  6. MSU Fisher Bear stop over to the shop sometime at 1056 Indian Point Rd we can answer any questions you have about the tournaments and can also show you some pretty awesome waters in both Taney and Stone counties that are worth checking out. Crappie Adams and I just spent a day over on Swan and caught some nice smallies over there, had a blast.
  7. Hey everyone, my name is Eric Hansen. I have been a member of Ozark Anglers now for a couple years and have posted some different discussions mainly in the Table Rock forum. A few years back my wife gave me a suggestion to start a kayak rental business over on Indian Point and little did I know where it would take me. I have always fished since I was little growing up in southwest Iowa and when I moved here in 2005 I took right to the rivers doing overnights from a canoe and kayak. So I thought it was a great idea to start renting out some kayaks to make a few extra bucks. Well that little venture grew into a full retail shop located on Indian Point selling fishing kayaks and gear alongside tackle, rods and reels, and live bait. We are in our third year for the shop and are in the process of expanding to give more room for tackle and kayak fishing gear. Though I am a kayak angler myself, we don't want to serve just kayak anglers. If any of you are out on Indian Point or around the Table Rock Lake area stop in and say hi, the name of our shop is Ozarks Extreme Outdoors and we are a lot more than just a kayak shop. We carry a lot of the local favorites and would love any feedback that you may have while we grow our shop to be the go to tackle shop for Table Rock Lake. Again it is nice to be part of the communtiy here and wish you all the best and tight lines.
  8. We are looking at carrying Goldfish at the shop on Indian Point and wanted to get some feedback from some of you. Don't want to get them in and have them sit here all year. Let me know if any of you catfish anglers would be interested in having us carry them.
  9. It is not about whether or not a kayak angler knows what is safe or not. We all are very safety conscious in our community and I can speak for everyone of us that fish in our club or tournaments that a PFD is on at all times, if not then it is an automatic DQ in our tournaments. It has become a norm for us because we know the risk if we fall out and can't get back in the kayak. As for lights and at night, we do fish a lot at night. When we do, we don't attempt to cross a large body of water and we have multiple lights (light pole, headlamp, flashlight, and flashing strobe is what I carry) and many of us carry air horns. That is the beauty of a kayak we can carry it to a launch location if there is access available and we tend to fish the bank where we launch, lets remember we don't have a motor and the only time I am going to paddle across the main channel of Table Rock is when there is no wind, few boats, a I have a 4ft hi vis orange flag whip, and I can find the narrowest channel crossing point to get it done quickly. The reason for bringing it up is when you have a bass boat come within 10ft of you in broad daylight and purposely throttles down in order to push a large wake and then throttles back up all while laughing, at that point it doesn't matter how safe the kayak angler is and what lights or flag he has on his yak, it comes down to a lack of respect and lack of safety practices for the boater. I am not saying that is the majority (I appreciate all the positive comments) and I am not saying that all kayakers practice the safety that is needed while on a lake with large boats, but within our community, where safety is our number one concern, we have been subjected to this lack of respect by the minority being out in force this past month.
  10. Tyy I agree. I brought this up because it seems to be happening more frequently and I knew that the majority would reply with positive comments. I just hope that some of the minority also reads these posts and realize that we are anglers just like the rest of them. I don't want to hear of an accident on the lake between a bass boat and a fishing kayak or any boat and any kayak for that matter.
  11. We carry the Hawg Trough at the shop on Indian Point and sell it for 17.99. They are a great fishing accessory and are better than any other bump board on the market. Though as previously stated they don't float but the spray foam statement can fix that or in a kayak simply tether it. But there is no reason to order one online when you can pick them up locally and support local business. Great job Tyy and it was a pleasure seeing you progress this year in the sport.
  12. It very well could not have been, but the boater was wearing a Jersey and had plenty of decals on the boat. Either way it was definitely uncalled for and not a very good example for the young one.
  13. We have used the Vexilar on the kayak and can say it definitely was beneficial to us with smaller space to work with. I believe that the tablet that they are releasing this fall will have a glare resistant screen at least that is what the guys at the Vexilar booth told us at ICast this past July. If you pull the trigger let us know as we plan on carrying these at our shop this next spring and we have all the ram adapters and cases to go with it. The split screen with Navionics is awesome and the fact that one unit can signal three devices is another plus, at least for us kayak anglers.
  14. The guys that have been sharing these incidents are regulars in the shop and are good respectable guys that won't encroach on anyone fishing an area whether they are kayak anglers or boaters. It just has become quite frequent lately on Table Rock with boaters getting upset that the kayak is there first fishing before they get there. We try very hard to get guys to pick up and install the safety equipment such as flags, light poles, and lighting kits and we carry all that in the shop. With us being the first shop of our kind in the area that offers these products specifically for kayak anglers, we are trying to build a responsible community of kayak anglers. And if there are ever any reports of someone either wearing our shirts or has our stickers on their yaks showing unsportsmanlike conduct please let me know and I will address it within our community. We are avid fisherman just like the rest of the individuals on this forum, we just choose to use kayaks.
  15. Here this past month we have received multiple reports from kayak anglers while fishing Table Rock Lake reports of boat fisherman cussing. screaming, waking kayak anglers, and even casting across the kayak while they are fishing a bank, a boater pulls up and is upset that they are there. Table Rock Lake does not belong to just boat fisherman and kayak anglers have the right to fish just as much as the other guy. Where is the good sportsmanship? Had another report just this morning that a boater cussed at a kayak angler because he was on a point that he wanted to fish making reference to him being a @#&*ing kayak angler. Pretty sure that it was part of the highschool club tournament this weekend with a young kid in the back of the boat. Way to go guys let's show them how to be good sportsman.
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