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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We haven't made anything note worthy since we got back home from FL. I will share some photos or our meal in Key Largo. We tried to go to a local spot that served hogfish (as per @Gavin). However the place was packed, maybe because of the band. Ended up at the Pilot House. We sat right next to the water. The view didn't suck and we could hear the band from across the marina😁. Livie and I were seriously interested in the fish and crustaceans below the railing. They normallly give oats to the kids to feed the fish. Well we got two containers 😉. Lots of snappers and chubs showed up once those oats hit the water. Other notables were two nurse sharks, a 4' tarpon and a big sheepshead. We all had fish, not a surprise. Mahi fish tacos Sesame Tuna and Macadamia crusted mahi - apparently a preferred dish of Guy Fieri when he was their for DDD.
  2. JF #53 (Lifer) Mayan Cichlid, Mayaheros urophthalmus JF #54 (Lifer) Peacock Bass, Cichla sp. There are three species in FL. Not sure yet which one this is, more work needed. JF #55 Oscar, Astronotus ocellatus JF #56 Spotted Tilapia, Tilapia mariae
  3. @Phil Lilley very sorry to hear about your loss. Condolences to all of you from our family.
  4. I've seen them in Florida and Bahamas and we even ate one that we speared along with some trigger fish. I had caught what I thought was one back in the day, but no photo and I pulled it off my Life list.
  5. JF #50 (Lifer) Slippery dick wrasse. Never did catch a terminal phase fish. JF #51 (Lifer) Buffalo Trunkfish, Lactophrys trigonus. Maybe @FishnDave would call it Plieris biteyourhandis JF #52 (Lifer) Slender Mojarra, Eucinostomus jonesii. Should have used this guy for bait to try for one of the two barracuda at the end of the pier.
  6. JF #46 (Lifer) Spottail Pinfish, Diplodus holbrooki Have to look at their teeth to id 🙄. JF #47 (Lifer) Reef Croaker, Odontoscion dentex Teeth on this guy helped in its id as well. I tried to lip it but changed my mind quickly. JF #48 (Lifer) Houndfish, Tylosurus crocodilus. Definitely did not try to lip this guy. JF #49 (Lifer My 200th species 😁) Cocoa damselfish, Stegastes xanthurus
  7. Used to hunt a spot in PA that was used as mortar range in the 40's. I have found cases and one whole shell while out hunting that area back in the 90's. I know that they closed it off in the 20's to try and clear that area. It still may be closed if they found it easier to just keep people out instead of sweeping out the oridinace.
  8. My computer upgrade still won't remember my login info. So I am getting really good at remembering my password 🙄
  9. I wouldn't go bowfishing with this guy again 🤣. Missouri man steals redear sunfish state record from friend Alex Phillips was bowfishing with the previous record holder when he shot the fish. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) congratulates Alex Phillips of Ash Grove for becoming the new state record holder under alternative methods for redear sunfish. Phillips was bowfishing at Table Rock Lake April 28 when he shot a 2-pound, 1-ounce fish. The previous record, caught by Phillips’ friend Josh Cole, was a 1-pound, 12-ounce fish caught nearly two years ago to the day. “It’s quite a story,” laughed Phillips. “I’m a fabricator and had just finished outfitting Josh’s boat for bowfishing. He asked if I wanted to go out with him that night, so I did, and we ended up shooting a lot of fish. Things were slowing down when Josh said he wanted to check that spot where he caught his record sunfish. I just happened to see four of them together – one of them looked like a dinner plate!” Phillips said after he shot the fish, both he and Cole originally thought it was a bluegill. “When Josh figured it out, he just let out this big sigh and then we both started laughing,” he recalled. “It’s just too funny because we were on his boat, he took me to his honey hole, and I broke his record.” MDC staff verified the fish’s weight by using a certified scale at Chesapeake Fish Hatchery near Mount Vernon. This is the fifth state record fish recorded for 2021. Phillips said he’s planning to mount the redear sunfish. When asked if he has plans to go back to his friend’s honey hole to get a bigger fish, he responded, “I have more plans to keep Josh out of there!” Missouri state record fish are recognized in two categories: pole-and-line and alternative methods. Alternative methods include: throwlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, spearfishing, snagging, snaring, gigging, grabbing, archery, and atlatl. For more information on state record fish, visit http://bit.ly/2efq1vl. PHOTO: MDC confirms Alex Phillips of Ash Grove is now the fifth state record holder of 2021 after shooting a 2-pound, 1-ounce redear sunfish April 28. Phillips was bowfishing with Josh Cole, the previous record holder for redear sunfish, when he caught the new record from Table Rock Lake.
  10. Last few times getting on the server is remembering my profile and I didn't have to sign in again. Server issue seems to have been worked out.
  11. That's a speck. No sorry it's a calico bass. But could be a papermouth.
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Those look delicious!
  13. Gotcha a black perch🤣
  14. @Quillback congrats on some nice fish. Sounded like a decent day.
  15. Northern rock bass, ozark bass, and shadow bass are all part of the Ambloplites genus. Photo of N rock bass. The rock bass all have the spotting along their sides. I think that they tend to be more blocky in their body shape. The warmouth is part of the Lepomis genus (bluegill sunfish, redear sunfish, longear sunfish, etc.). They look similar to rock bass but more closely to green sunfish. The warmouth have the lines radiating from the front of their face and a larger opercular flap. Their body shape is rounder than the rock bass. Green sunfish
  16. Jeff I agree with you and Dave that this is a nice warmouth.
  17. Livie #44 (Lifer 118) Bermuda Chub
  18. Livie #43 (Lifer 117) Ballyhoo
  19. Livie #42 (Lifer 116) Sargent Major
  20. Livie #41 (Lifer 115) Schoolmaster Snapper, Lutjanus apodus
  21. JF #45 (Lifer) Bermuda Chub, Kyphosus sectator
  22. JF #44 (Lifer) Sargent Major, Abudefduf saxitilis. Also caught these blue males!
  23. JF #43 (lifer) Ballyhoo, Hemiramphus brasiliensis. Catching Bait!
  24. JF #42 (lifer) Redtail Parrotfish, Sparisoma chrysopterum
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