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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. I went to Bagnell to catch white bass and hybrid stripers and caught this 23 to 24 inch silver carp on a spoon. I also foul hooked a bighead that was over 25 inches also with the spoon. I did end up catching the whites and hybrids.
  2. @FishnDave I personally look at all of those fish and would consider them to be silvers. Go catch a big one to look at those differences. I would suggest fishing below Bagnell Dam where both bighead and silvers are abundant.
  3. How Dare you!! How Dare you!! Haven't had enough Thunberg lately.
  4. Very clever!
  5. Hey here in Maryland we were nearly completely shutdown back in Feb/Mar, couldn't even fish. Watched and rewatched a lot of movies during that time due to the pandemic.
  6. We quote Dr Stangelove all the time at our house. 😁
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Anyone been to Louis Lunch in New Haven CT? Supposed to have served the first hamburger in US back in 1898. Still cook them the same way all of these years later. They also still serve them only on white bread and no catsup. They were pretty good burgers. Pepe's is a great pizza place in New Haven as well!
  8. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    On Friday we ate dinner at my favorite BBQ place in Missouri - Kehde's BBQ in Sedalia. Fall off the bone ribs were delicious. If you get there early you can sit in the old train car and have your meal.
  9. Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face due to the pandemic!
  10. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids due to the pandemic.
  11. @FishnDave congrats on catching a bunch! I think that golden shiners the size that you were catching are a lot of fun. We have a small pond near us that we can catch a bunch that size at least until the lotus engulfs the banks in the summer. Keep catching! Can't wait to see what you catch next.
  12. I like that idea better with Captain Morgan rum. Was a great treat in HS and college.
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    One of my favorite food memories from past Jigfests - Rick's possole👍👍 You have my mouth watering buddy!
  14. Pretty cool looking sunfish! Looks like a green sunfish but no idea where it got that color.
  15. I'll be back! After the pandemic?!?
  16. Those goldeye are cool catches! I was hoping for one like that this morning. Last time at this spillway we had seen silver fish flashing. Figuring that those fish may have been goldeye, Mooneye, or sjipjack herring I had a spoon rigged up and made lots of casts but no bites or follows. Keep tearing up those rough fish buddy!
  17. @snagged in outlet 3 awesome grass carp catches! Sounded like a lot of fun.
  18. One of my favorite instrumental pieces with what I think is an unfortunate title.
  19. Nice!!! Would have loved to seen that bigger one. Those are just old toads in that skinny water.
  20. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I like some heat but still use only one or two habaneros for any dish. I personally would really need something else to make with them. So I don't think that you can go wrong with a batch of the jelly.
  21. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Sue and Livie processed a few of our hot peppers into hot pepper jelly😁! Very tasty over a Ritz cracker and cream cheese.
  22. Having little kids come up to me when I am swimming and rubbing the hairs on my legs is a bit annoying to... wait that wasn't me ..🤣
  23. These are the inshore lizardfish that we caught in Virginia on Sun. There are a bunch of Pacific species.
  24. These size lizardfish won't cut your line .
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