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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    If you followed Hank's recipe, I'm cerain that it is good☺!
  2. Yeah its not me holding that tiger trout☺! That's what's wrong with this photo.
  3. I was stunned about the smallie and that big brown trout. I got excited about the whitetail shiners and carp on our last trip!
  4. Agreed on the buttonbush.
  5. Here's an unusual fish pictute. Probably shoild throw that one back☺!
  6. Seriously for a long time my largest fly rod caught rainbow trout were caught using olive mohair leeches. Must have been like candy to those trout. They worked great and I went through a bunch because am not a great caster so left a lot of ornaments along various trout streams. I don't tie my own and have not found them locally. Miss using them.
  7. What's all this dipshit biology in your post.? You're not working for the MDC as a leech manager☺?!?
  8. I'm not sure about making the drag scream, but a new life list fish can make a grown man or men scream! Much to the chagrin of my daughter !
  9. It was a yellow bullhead, Not! I was drifting with two rods and they both got hung up in a brush pile. I worked on getting the one rod released and as soon as I did that, the boat started drifting again taking the other rod over the side. I should have opened the bail and I would likely still have that rod.
  10. There actually is one pond that I catch crappie in the spring and fall. Early in the season I often see guys floating their boats along the dam casting into the shallow water, while I will cast somewhat parallel to the bank from the bank or straight out into the lake. I will catch more fish by casting beyond the guys in the boats since the fish at that time are still transitioning off shore. Later in the season they will be right along the bank spawning.
  11. Hey if you ever find one in Little Dixie Lake near Columbia with my name on it I wouldn't mind having it back .
  12. I saw a guy selling them at our farmer's market on Sat. Didn't buy any since I know I can find them myself. To us they are still a novelty and not a must have like wild mushrooms ! man I wish we get some rain. With all these storms hitting the coasts, you would think we would get a bit of precipitation .
  13. Last August I fished the lower Current with Ham. After that trip I stayed in Licking to fish the upper Current for trout. On the way from Eminence to Licking I ran through a major rainstorm. The next morning the water was running a little high and had some color to it. I had planned on fishing one of the lower access points but ended up at Baptist. I just dropped down from the parking lot and caught this 13-14" brown on my first cast. I was within sight of the outhouse. A couple of guys that were setting out canoes came over as I was fighting the fish. they kept saying that this was a German speckled trout. I have heard them called German browns and brook trout be referred as speckled (or specks) trout. Never heard the German speckled before. I caught another smaller brown and missed a much larger fish that flashed at my bait.
  14. Lots of boat ramps will have a deep hole downstream of the ramp that can get overlooked. Several years ago I went down to the Current river and was running later than I wanted. I got to one of the popular access points at 7 am. A couple of guys had camped at that access. The one guy was ready to get fishing but the other guy was still in their tent. He was taking his time to get ready. I was able to get my waders on and got my gear together, and. I waded across the river while that one guy was still in the tent. I usually don't fish the pool at this access but went ahead and cast my stickbait by a exposed rootwad and hooked up. This brown trout leapt several times and each time landed like a brick. By the time I landed this 19-20 inch trout both guys were standing on the bank watching me. I have never caught another brown trout in that pool and very few rainbows. I also will never know what those guys talked about after I released that fish. I'm sure maybe a couple of digs about sleeping in or not getting ready sooner.
  15. I have taken microbiology and studied red tides yet still eat raw oysters and clams☺! Maybe it's a version of foodie roulette but just enjoy shellfish and raw seafood.
  16. Now that was very funny. I SAID IT WAS VERY FUNNY!!
  17. Good Luck! Your photos are getting me excited and I can't hunt for a couple of days nor do I have a spot like that one! Can't wait for the trophy photo!
  18. Thanks for posting this information and the link to the publication. They provide a lot of potential answers to this fish kill. Once I blew up your DO graphs it is really evident how much DO depletion had occurred and how compressed that hypolimnetic refuge became as the season progressed. I enjoyed looking over the data that you provided.
  19. Now my mouth is watering! Smoked tender meat yummmm!
  20. During one urban gun season I shot a just out of spots fawn. She wasn't more than 60 lbs soaking wet. I decided to keep one whole ham intact with the bone to make as a roast. I had an idea to finely blend rosemary and garlic in olive oil to inject into the meat. I even communicated this idea with Scott Leysath and got his opinion. He thought that it was a good idea with a young deer. I went with the idea, made the marinade, injected the leg, and cooked the roast to medium rare. It was very tender and delicious. If I have the tags I have no problem dropping a young un☺!
  21. I'm sure that they would be good to put on a spit☺!
  22. Sounds like a great trip! Congrats on the hidef craw bite!
  23. Who's on first!
  24. I actually enjoy small game more so than deer hunting. That's probably because I don't have a lot of private access to hunt deer and public land hunting for deer can be a problem. I don't get a lot of other folks ruining my squirrel hunts! That and I can usually find huntable numbers of small game on even the smallest piece of public land. My wife can get more excited when I pull in with a buck or doe in the back versus when I come home with a brace of squirrels. That is until she gets to eat whatever I make with them (check out the What's cooking thread for my latest Thai inspired squirrel dish).
  25. Flysmallie I know that you already know this, but we did remove or pushed out the primary predators for the otter. So now it is up to us to control their populations. Unfortunately the economics, i.e., fur prices, are too low to incentivize trappers to catch more otters. I know that I am speaking as a dipshit on this one, but without adequate population control of the otters they would ultimately decimate local streams and ponds of fish. That would in turn reduce the number of otters in that area either due to mortality, starvation or disease, or more likely migration to another body of water. Once that predation by the otter is reduced that would allow what ever fish remained in those systems to again repopulate those areas. This only becomes an issue to us when we want to catch those reduced fish numbers, i.e., remember when we used to catch 30 to 50 fish per day, or do not want to wait for the populations to rebuild if they even can.
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