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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Last nights dinner: Cut out the tenderloin piece from three chicken breasts and sliced each again with a butterfly cut to make three thin cutlets per breast. Removed the tendon from the tenderloin piece and pounded each piece thin with a mallet. Lightly dredged in flour contaning salt and pepper. Pan fried in a little olive oil in batches. Once done added all chicken back into skillet and added lightly chopped capers and fresh squeezed lemon juice. Cooked to incorporate flavors and served with steamed broccoli and a pinot grigio.
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Tonight's was grilled pork steaks with a glaze similar to the apricot ginger glaze I have made before. Baked new potatoes with S&P and small amount of sour cream. Salad with hard boiled JFolly Farm fresh eggs and caesar dressing. Had a couple of the peaches we canned earlier this summer. This batch had 1/4 cup of rum added before they were canned. Everyone enjoyed the meal.
  3. BH Great trip report! Congrats again to both of you on your WY cuttslams. Really enjoyed riding along with you as you described your trip. I also like beans and brats or dogs.
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ness At least you spared us a picture! Didn't need to see you using the Gopro to show us the affliction.
  5. Haris122 Do you think that your rod wasn't giving you the power to get a real good hookset with the treble on that crankbait? Are you fishing mono line that might be stretching too much during the hookset? Maybe switching to a less stretch line might help.
  6. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Home made sauce made back in March. No mushrooms. Store bought noodles. First time since June that we haven't had wild mushrooms in the house. Except for the squirrel leftovers and the jars of pickled mushrooms on the pantry shelves.
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We had spaghetti tonight.
  8. No need to fillet them. Dredge in seasoned flour and fry them up. Don't even have to gut them! just need 30 or 40 per person.
  9. Your memory serves well. Also the darters are in the perch family.
  10. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Thanks for the confirmation. Hate to think about you laid up with fall rapidly approaching.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ham - don't see a time/date stamp on the photo. Did you just cut your knee or was that some time ago? Doesn't look good.
  12. BH - I think of the subspecies in WY I would agree with you from the photos that I have seen. I don't have any "hands on" experience. YET!
  13. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    BH - We have picked soft ones from the tree. picked them up from the ground (we have a persimmon tree on the edge of our driveway), after hard frosts. We just seem to catch them at the wrong time more often than not Last year we stripped their pulp and tried to make fruit leather. Was not great.
  14. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Would love to try them. We have tried a lot of ways to make wild persimmon be more palatable. Can't get over the astringent nature of this fruit. I agree with these statements. I see lots of seed piles especially after a hard frost hits the fruit. I can just see Ham now counting the number of knife, fork, and spoon seeds from the crap piles just to predict the type of winter we're going to have this year. Though I doubt he would take that much time away from fishing to become a nature meteorologist.
  15. That is one of the hard parts about talking with folks about different fish species. There are a lot of local names being used to describe the same fish. I had a guy tell me down at the Current river that I had caught a German speckled trout instead of a brown trout. Now I have heard brown trout being called German browns, which I can understand since they were originally imported in from Europe around the 1880's. Never heard of them referred to as German Speckled trout. I have heard of brook trout being called speckled trout. Crappie and bluegill are known as specs and bream (or brim) down in Florida. I'm sure that Ham could provide some of the Cajun names for crappie, bowfin, etc. I have also had guys tell me that green sunfish are rock bass and that goggle-eye (aka N. rock bass, Ozark, and shadow bass) are red-eyed bass though there is an actual black bass species in Alambama/Georgia known as the redeye bass that live in water where you would think to find trout. As a guy that likes to fish for a lot of different species (I also have a tendency to try to be taxonomically accurate; kind of obsessive about that aspect) I often need to see a picture or better description of the fish when they give me a local name.
  16. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    One of the local conservation areas that I hunt and fish has a tremendous number of paw-paw trees. I have seen lots of flowers while turkey hunting, but later in the year I have never seen a fruit. The squirrels and raccoons must hit them pretty hard. Though there are a lot of persimmon fruits most years.
  17. Great fish! Thanks for posting! I love fishing that creek. Haven't caught one that big yet. Congrats!
  18. Even with the frustration it still sounds like a great trip. A lot of fly rod lessons learned and seversl trout landed. Also no wading problems due to water generation. Can't call that a bad day. Been wondering what you have been up to lately. Glad to see you get out fishing.
  19. Great post BH. Like seeing the snake river cutthroat photos. Looking forward to seeing some photos of subspecies three, colorado river cutthroat. You caught them, now just need to see photos. Have to see if I can find someone that can sell me some hoppers that cutthroat can't help but bite.
  20. Armadillos are the least observant animals on the planet and that include opossums. I was on the bank of the Current a few winters ago and had an armadillo rooting around within 9 feet of me (touched it on the head with my 9' fly rod) and coming closer. I just stood there as it came towards me. Started rooting around under my wading boots then sat down on my foot. I lifted my foot about 10 inches off of the ground before it realized that it was being lifted into the air. It was the funniest thing, because once it startled it fell into the river. They can swim, but looked more like it was trying to hop from the bottom as it headed back towards the bank.
  21. All of my picture books have been colored already. Need to go out and get some more. Anyone know where I can find smoke, green pumpkin, motor oil, black grape, pumpkinseed, or junebug colored crayons?
  22. That is just a giant rainbow! It does seem early for her to have ripe eggs. Great job on a great fish!
  23. Oneshot You have been after redhorse for awhile. Glad to see you catch some instead of all the trout you were catching most of the season.
  24. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    MOPanfisher - I love braising wild game. The house smelled fantastic. The last couple of years I'vee gotten into making venison shanks. Also another recipe that is better the longer you cook it.
  25. Ollie Found some recipes looking for chicken of the woods on goggle and Youtube. Always good to just cook with some garlic, butter, and olive oil. Enjoy.
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