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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. That's a nice flathead and sounds like a good night for whites as well. Were they running water?
  2. Johnsfolly

    Pens vs Bolts

    Marcus - Ovechkin knows that he will have to continue to hear about his teams not making it any further than the second round and his disappearances in big series or games. Who wants the moniker of being the player with the most goals that has not been to a Stanley cup finals. I don't feel bad for him, but hat has got to cause some gray hairs.
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Mitch - Elvis didn't get a body like that without downing a lot of fried PB, bacon, and banana sandwiches. Been working at trying to stop looking like a blond version of the fat Elvis.
  4. Johnsfolly

    Pens vs Bolts

    Looking forward to keeping the run going! I love that they have home ice. I was happy that they picked up their PP production against the Caps. My wife has two issues with the Pens still in the hunt for the Stanley cup. The first is my beard, which she says may go Grizzly Adams by the end of their run. I was out of razors when there was 15 games left in the season and stopped shaving then, which is the main reason the Pens went on their tear and got to the playoffs! The players had nothing to do with their success, it was my playoff beard!The other is my Chris Letang man-crush. I love the way he defends and moves the puck. Looking forward to great things from him and the rest in this series. I guess that there is a third issue, keeping my Penguins shirts clean for me to wear every couple of days. Enough about my superstitions. Go Pens!
  5. Awesome stringer of fish. Were you fishing from the banks or a boat? Jigs?
  6. I know I am coming late to this party by never fishing a Ned rig. Is this bait best fished from a boat going away from the shoreline into deeper water? Can it be effective while wading or bank fishing?
  7. Al -thanks for that information. I usuallylook at gage height more so tthan flow to determine if I am going to try to wade a stream. This gives me a second tool to consider before making a two to four hour run from home to fish. Thanks again. I do wish they had a way to provide water clarity measures as well. Nothing like expecting gin clear water and you get chocolate milk.
  8. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Talk of all these fried stuffed breads, ravioli, and sammiches has got my blood sugar and cholesterol levels rising. I've got to go to my healthy place!
  9. I'd love to see the picture of that record fish. I am on the MDC email notifications. So I get a lot of material from them. I figured that the fish state records would resonate with folks on these forums. There may be more coming.
  10. Another state and potential world bowfishing record for river carpsucker and he breaks his own previous stat record. For you racing fans, this guy kind of looks like Tony Stewart. I would have loved to have caught this fish on a hook and line. Bowfisherman becomes 11th angler to break state record in 2016 Congratulations to Jonathon Randall on breaking the state record by shooting an 11-pound, 2-ounce river carpsucker with his bow and arrow. CONCEPTION JUNCTION, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that Jonathon Randall of Conception Junction became the most recent record-breaking fisherman in Missouri when he shot a river carpsucker with his bow and arrow on Smithville Lake. The new “alternative method” record river carpsucker shot by Randall on April 23 weighed 11-pounds, 2-ounces with a length of 25 1/2 inches and a girth of 20 1/2 inches. Randall shot the fish in about 2 feet of water. MDC staff verified the record-weight fish using a certified scale in Gladstone. “As soon as I pulled the fish out of the water I knew it was bigger than the river carpsucker I shot last year,” said Randall. “I just couldn’t believe how big it was.” Randall broke his previous state record set in 2015 with this fish by almost two pounds. This fish was also certified by the Bowfishing Association of America as a world record for the largest river carpsucker ever taken by bowfishing. “I really just can’t believe it! I shot this fish literally about 20-yards from last year’s state-record river carpsucker,” he said. “I’m still in shock that this happened. I have a new state-record fish, but also I now have a world record. It’s really unbelievable.” According to MDC Randall’s fish is the 11th state-record fish this year. Anglers are on track to break more records this year than ever. “2016 is shaping up to be a year for state-record fish,” said MDC Fisheries Programs Specialist Andrew Branson. “The most state-record fish caught in a year was 19 and we are definitely on track to break that this year. Conservation makes Missouri a great place to fish and it shows with all the big fish anglers are catching this year.” Missouri state-record fish are recognized in two categories: pole-and-line and alternative methods. Alternative methods include: throwlines, trotlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, spearfishing, snagging, snaring, gigging, grabbing, archery, and atlatl. Conservation makes Missouri a great place to fish. For more information on state-record fish, visit the MDC website at http://mdc.mo.gov/fishing/state-record-fish. Jonathon Randall broke the state record by shooting an 11-pound, 2-ounce river carpsucker with his bow and arrow on Smithville Lake April 23, 2016.
  11. A couple of coworkers and I went and tried crappie fishing the Rt T causeway and closed bridge last night after work. We have never fished here before. We got fishing around 5:45. Wind was coming from the north. Partly to mostly cloudy. I fished the south side of the causeway on the west end of the bridge. I began using a float and black/green jig. I caught a couple of small bluegill under the bridge and had one big strike that pulled the hook. Judging from the slime on the line, it was likely a catfish bite. Saw a guy on the east side catching crappie without a float. I switched to a 1/8 oz jig head and slider body. I fished this near the bottom with a medium fast retrieve. I lost a large crappie right at my feet. I first thought that it might go 12" in length. I caught 6 crappie with this set-up and lost one other. I also caught a small largemouth, a few small channel catfish, and an 18" hybrid. Stopped fishing around 8:30. I kept five crappie, four of which were female and all were 11 to 11.25" in length. The last fish was a male and he was a little over 12" in length. All of these fish were noticeably shorter than that first one that got off at my feet, which was likely 13-14" in length. I did catch a channel catfish on the float and jig combo later in the evening that also slimed up the line. My coworkers also each caught four or five crappie and a couple of hybrids up to 18". All in all not a bad night of fishing. For this being the first time fishing this water, I was pretty happy with the results. Don't know if the crappie bite will continue much longer, but will likely get up there again soon. Just need a couple more jig heads.
  12. There are two trout section designations for that creek. The white ribbon section is from the spring to just downstream of the water treatment facility discharge and this section gets restocked with rainbow trout throughout the year. You can fish any bait type including live bait in that section. The red ribbon section then goes the rest of the length of the creek down to the confluence of the Gasconade. As you mentioned that section does not allow for scented or live baits. The MDC does stock brown trout in that section at least once per year. The brown trout are more like the smallies that Ollie mentioned in the types of baits they like. I have had luck on 1/32 and 1/16 oz marabou jigs (white, tan or black) and small jerkbaits like the Rapala UL minnow 06.
  13. Dan nice blugill! I love the hand size fish. Should have a god meal ahead with that catch!
  14. That's a great fish! Awesome musky!
  15. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Now you are just being mean with the bacon and breakfast for dinner discussion.
  16. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    At our house we leave out the onion and have just radish/butter sandwiches. My wife and kids likes to smash down the bread before eat one. Trying to lose weight, so I don't eat these anymore.
  17. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ness - You can't go wrong sautéing the broccoli rabe with a little minced or sliced garlic and olive oil. Salt and pepper.
  18. We have been successful in getting orioles by putting out a pint mason jar and grape jelly. I put a wire around the jar at the base of the threads to use as a hanger. I do screw on the metal ring and cover that with plastic orange flagging material. I put out a little jelly at first until we confirm they are feeding and then increase the amount throughout the year. Where I hang this feeder, I worry more about raccoons than ants. The ants don't eat enough of the jelly or affect the orioles from feeding. I do have to pour out rain water and refill the container. I personally don't like grape jelly so that is what I use the most often to fill the feeder. The first couple of years we were likely just getting transients to feed. Last year we had a pair that nested somewhere near our house. We had adults feeding young in our trees. I like to get this feeder out before the leaves come out for the orioles to see it easier as they pass over. I haven't put it out yet this year. Normally I hang it on the shepard's hook that I hang my thistle feeder for the finches. This year we have goldfinches still using the thistle and I haven't found a new spot for the oriole feeder. It looks like we have a pair of Mississippi kites residing in our neighborhood. We were watching the pair calling to each other and interacting on Sunday. My wife has heard their calls for the last week of so. When you have as large a chicken flock as we have, you are always vigilant about raptors in your neighborhood.
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Mothers day dinner was grilled cowboy ribeye steaks with fresh asparagus, and new potatoes with garlic, oregano, and thyme.
  20. We have at least a male and female at our feeders. The male did a stare down with my wife when she was sitting on our porch under the feeder. She moved to that side of the porch to allow the goldfinches to get back into the thistle seed.
  21. BH - great bunch of chunky bass! Thanks for posting.
  22. Congrats Mitch! That is definitely a keeper!
  23. I was fishing off of Key West on an overnight charter boat. I had a good bite and set the hook into something heavy. As I was reeling it up there was all kinds of conjecture as to what kind of fish it was. "See how the rod tip pulls ang tugs. Its got to be a black grouper." "AJ's will pull like that as well." "No. It's a big mutton." Anytime someone asked me what it felt like, I said it felt like a rock. It wasn't long before I landed a two foot tall basket sponge and it's rock base.
  24. SPF sun protection. Big fish fight hard and carp are big fish. Starting to get more attention. I would love to find some big grass carp.
  25. Dan. Good luck if you keep going after the walleye a month for twelve months goal.
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