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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Never more true than when bottom fishing in the ocean. I recall one trip when I had a great bite and hooked something heavy. I would pull up and reel down to take in line. Each time that I dropped the rod there would be one or more heavy rugs on the line. Everyone around me speculated as to the species. Got to be a big black grouper. No its an amberjack. Red grouper pull heavy like that... I said it felt like a rock. I ended up pulling in a sponge attached to a coconut sized rock😂. No I did not put that on my life list.
  2. Keep me posted. Since you don't sleep we might be able to hit five states, catch your trout, and secure your road warrior status😁.
  3. DJ - I got you covered if you make it to Maryland - brook trout in the mountains or browns in the foothills . I still haven't caught a rainbow here. I will be fishing West Virginia early next year and may have some spots there figured out for your trout quest. Delaware may be a tough sell. Only see a hand full of stocked trout streams, but the weakfish aka "sea trout" is the state fish.
  4. Phil - I would love a lesson ! Hope that I can get back to Taney possibly in 2019.
  5. I do the same. I can't even watch live sports anymore.
  6. Congrats on some nice smallies!
  7. Oh and the sponsorship story was great as well😁!
  8. Good deal Ness. I have seen every episode of the original Star Trek, Batman (including the movie with the infamous line... Somedays you just can't get rid of a bomb!), and the Twilight Zone. For British shows all episodes of the Black Adder (plus all of their specials) and Fawlty Towers. I want to see all episodes of Psych, Cheers, and Get Smart😁. Then move onto Monty Python.
  9. @stinger160 Good luck and stay strong! Hope to hear about your future fishing exploits and possibly meet you some time as well.
  10. Fishing with your kids is a great goal. I had so much fun with mine working on her species goal. There were also times when I forced the issue a bit . In terms of your Current river goal there is a confluence that I am sure you are familiar with that you could catch all three species. If not send me a PM. Good Luck
  11. It should be fine in the house in a bright window or under a grow light through the winter. Then consider moving it outside in the spring and summer. Will likely need daily or twice daily watering in the summer. Again I would suggest getting in contact with the local bonsai club for good care tips for your area.
  12. I would consider a lunker musky in Missouri is one over 40 inches. I would push largemouth to over 7 lbs and smallmouth over 4 lbs as lunkers. Rainbows i could agree with 3 lbs and 4 lbs for browns.
  13. Hey you called me retarded 😜. If we end up on the White in March I would be happy to fish with you buddy.
  14. Hey you need to know where you have been before you can set where you want to go next ! So for 2019 Catch 2 new darter species including a tessellated darter Catch a Musky or Pike in PA or Maryland Catch an American shad Catch two new shark species plus a dogfish species Catch two new sunfish species (hoping to catch at least one species when fishing with Ham in Oct) Catch a new sculpin and a creek chubsucker When in Missouri/Arkansas fish with a couple of OAF members that I have not fished with previously. Help my daughter and others achieve their goals if possible
  15. My 2018 goals were varied: Previous years I tracked based upon the Missouri fishing license year from March 1 to Feb 28th. This year I will switch to the calendar year. So all of these achievements were done since March 1 of 2018 and will end Dec 31st. Catch 4 new darter species - I caught three only did not catch any in Maryland Catch 4 new minnow, topminnow species - I caught three only Catch 1 new sculpin - did not achieve that one none in Maryland and did not fish in Maine for a large marine species. Catch 15 new life list species - caught 21 Catch a fish in six new states - caught only in 4 - Rain had kept me from fishing in Illinois and West Virginia Catch a PB striper - lost my biggest one to-date Catch a Taney brown trout - did achieve that one Catch a brook trout in Maryland - did achieve that one Help others achieve their goals: Daughter wanted to catch 40 different species - helped her catch 53 different species Help Ham get to 52 different species - only helped him catch a few different species showed Daryk Campbell how to microfish - he caught a great looking rainbow darter I also caught 64 different species this year which is the greatest number of species in a given year. I am working on trying to get at least one more .
  16. It looks good. Did you have it outside this summer? They do better outside than inside even at that size. If you aren't in a club, St Louis has a good bonsai club. When I lived in Florida our club put on a series for beginners called "I bought a Bonsai but it Died!"
  17. Now I see what is likely a Procumbens nana juniper . Looks healthy. I don't know where you got that one. I have contended for years that most of these junipers that have been sold from places like Walmart, mall kiosks, Lowes, etc. were sold after the plant had already died. Junipers will remain green for a long long time. If the needles are hard and sharp then the plant is likely to be dead.
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That Irish cream looks great Ness! So does the gumbo.
  19. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    No photos. Tonight was roasted herbed chicken legs. Paired that with crab and cheese stuffed portabella mushrooms.
  20. Hope that those bass didn't touch the deck😁. Some nice fish for you guys. Good looking walleye! Congrats. Seems like they loved that running water.
  21. I went out once last year and bumped fish but no hooksets. Would love to catch at least one sometime.
  22. Awesome striper buddy! Congrats on a great fish and on the walleye! Had to weed through those stinkin bass😁.
  23. That's an awesome trip! Glad that you guys got to fish together. Congrats on a great mixed bag! Definitely a bit jealous in landing that paddlefish.
  24. Congrats. I have always liked the urban trout program. Gives a great sunday afternoon diversion for those that just can't easily get to a trout stream or tailwater.
  25. Bret you got a great fish fry. Congrats!
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