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About jbooth24

  • Birthday 02/18/1994

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Hornyhead Chub

Hornyhead Chub (25/89)



  1. Figured it out was the fuel pump 20 bucks on amazon
  2. No water in the fuel. Im sure I have narrowed it down to a fuel issue. Getting spark to the spark plugs
  3. I have a 1983 mainer 40hp 2 cylinder. I got to the lake and went to start it. Fired up for about a minuite or 2 then died. Then it wont start for a bit. Then fires up and does the same thing again. Cleaned the spark plugs and still nothing. Does anyone have any ideas what it could be?
  4. Planned on running that in the day light time
  5. Me and a buddy of mine are going to do some afternoon into night fishing. We are launching at Forsyth and running up to rollaway beach. I have only had my boat on there one time and that was at the landing. Is there any obsicals that will be in my way? Dont really know that part of the lake really well. Also how is the trout bite doing down that far. We want to go for some rainbows and bluegill. Also how far up bull creek can you run before it gets shallow?
  6. I have heard that saying. A buddy of mine at work said when he was bow fishing last weekend at kisse mills the whites and walleye were up there stacked. Went to bull twice this year so far and both times I have come backed skunked
  7. Does anyone know if the crappie and white bass are biting up there. Going out in the morning to try to find some. If so how deep are they, also what is the water temp at right now? Thank you for the advise. If you see a young guy in his mid 20s in a 1980 bass tracker put there tomorrow on beaver creek that would be me. Dont be afraid to say hi
  8. I launched at Cape fair today. We can up the James. Water temp was about the Same. Only difference was that we caught 2 small Kentuckys on a slim swim on the same bank after that nothing else but a few bites
  9. Ok cool. Thanx for the advice. If you see a 1980 bass tracker with a 40hp mariner on it out there on Sunday around Cape fair. That would be me. Dont be afraid to say hi
  10. Me and a buddy of mine are going to be fishing the flat creek and James river on Sunday . What is working well for crappie and white bass up there. Haven't really fished table rock much before. Mainly bull shoals and Stockton
  11. Very nice fish. I caught my pb last year that was almost 6# on top water. With in a month them big females will be up shallow
  12. It was slow. Had a few bites in a swim bait. Did see one guy on a kayak catch a nice walleye thou. Did pick up a few largemouth on a jig and ned rig down by Barker hole
  13. Is anyone having any luck at the pot hole or Swan creek area. Heading down tomorrow and was wondering how the bite was
  14. Shadow rock was open last weekend but not river run. Swan creek was stained and the water temp was 50
  15. I did good last summer throwing baby brush hogs
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