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Blue Catfish

Blue Catfish (9/89)



  1. I had a bud who lived near Crane and fished Crane Cr a lot maybe 40 yrs ago. He said there were big trout in the creek and occasionally he'd catch one.
  2. I've seen two cottonmouths , that I know were cottonmouths. One near dry creek branch on lower Flat creek and one 30 yds from the playground equipment at the C & R area at RR. Both were huge. body bigger than my arm. White mouth/fangs very intimidating. Both were nearly stepped on so I'll not forget them. Several copperheads but no rattlers.
  3. RIP Bo. I only knew Bo from fishing against him in the Friday night tourneys at Campbell point. Bo and Kelly Williamson started it some 40 years ago. No matter who his partner was Bo's was one of the top teams at that time. Always willing to share 'some' info .
  4. I didn't know that about the nets. I usually just bring the fish close to the bank and then grab the hook with my fingers and shake them off. It's common to see people fishing illegal at RR. In the past, People would use rules/laws as a guide to do things the right way. Nowdays , some think it's only wrong if your caught. JC
  5. Thanks for the replies. Corn casters. lol. Last year, just after the winter stocking, I watched two guys catch and release several trout at the hole next to the upper bridge. They were using some kind of bait. I could tell by how long it took to get the hooks out some were hooked deep. I imagine several of the released fish didn't survive. (Released by dropping them from the 10 ft bluff) A PU drove by and they gave him several trout. They left with at least 2 limits. I understand this is common here. To bad some people have no integrity. I do think I could enjoy fishing Capps between the bridges, specially if I know I'm not breaking any rules. Thanks again. JC
  6. Where can I find out where I can fish / park legally at Jolly Mill/Capps. Last time I was there, 12/27 , the parking area directly north of the farmer/land owners lane had a cable across it. The other parking areas were open. Can one walk onto the area around the mill park to fish without paying ? Can one cross the fence and walk along the creek, on EITHER SIDE to fish BELOW the main bridge at Jolly Mill ? Can one walk/fish all the way down to the lower bridge ?
  7. So that's what a troll looks like. :=) Thanks for the info Ollie. Maybe I'll see u there sometime. JC
  8. SO, can I park in the parking area by Haskins road, cross the road and fish in the Jolly Mill park area without paying the $5 fee or is it best to walk across the main bridge, cross through Ollie's pass (lol) to fish below the main bridge. How far below that area are you allowed to fish ? I'd like to fish Capps but not being sure if I'm trespassing or not makes me wary. Thanks JC
  9. As I was leaving my daughters home Tuesday night I saw the big moon coming up in the East. I have not fished for bass since a July of 2012 Wedn night tourney out of the Shell Knob bridge. Seeing that moon made me think about how much I loved being on the water this time of year. Man I miss it.
  10. Looks like a lot of new boulders in the C&R area. . Photo by Tim. Looks
  11. Some say cottonmouths do not like 55* water and do not inhabit spring fed creeks and I doubt copperheads are ever found at Lowe's stores BUT check out this headline...: Snakes are where you find them. Copperhead snake bites Lowe's customer at North Carolina store
  12. I didn't know they 'floated high' in the water but the CM I saw at RR did do just that as he swam away. That's when I got a good look at how big across his head was. When I first noticed him, he was already coiled and showing me how white his throat was. Without a doubt, this was a CM. My only question was, about killing them in a place like RR. There is a picnic table/shelter and children play area with swings less than 30 yards from where this snake was. Last year I saw a dead copperhead near the drinking fountain there. As I was leaving, a family with 3 small kids drove up to the picnic table area. I turned around and warned them. The rest of the evening I kicked myself for not killing that snake. I guess it's just hard to believe anyone would be OK with poisonous / venomous snakes in an area like that although I understand why the MCD doesn't want ALL snakes killed.
  13. I hope it was the same one I saw. Don't need several of these crawling around RR.
  14. Per siusaluk ''Not a cottonmouth, they are not found in heavily Springfed watersheds like RR. '' So bassfisher, you & I are obviously mistaken about seeing a cottonmouth... :-)
  15. I suppose I understand why MDC does not want ANY snakes killed but RR is a high traffic area for people and there are plenty of non venemous snakes around to take care of the rats/ mice & dead trout.. My main concern are the many young children who visit RR. While it's true death by snake bite is rare in Missouri, snake bites are not . I should have used better judgement and killed that cottonmouth.
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