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Everything posted by JestersHK

  1. I'm down for staying wherever.
  2. Haha, still got some of your seat cushion in my posterior 😆 Was worth it for that cutty though
  3. Yep has the tracker and fished in low water last year and the flood year too so should be fairly comfortable. I'm the big wuss when it comes to boats. Lol
  4. Brandon is bringing his boat likely. I will be boatless and will need a ride. I'll have waders as usual. We fished the low water last year in waders and had a blast.
  5. I've wasted allot of money on crazy stuff. I have a pretty high bar for mounting fish. I have 2, an old skin mount of a big crappie or of LOZ, and my brownie from a few years ago. I will say my replica of my brown exceeded my expectations. Repros can be done right, pricey but worth it to me. We have club rules on mounting deer, so if you take a buck you're committing to mounting it... still waiting on last years to hang. In the end it's about the memories.
  6. We're gonna starve to death I tell yah...
  7. I'll bring down some eats too, I'll see if wife can make a Costco trip and will load us up on some snacks. I got some deer I can bring down too if we need more protein. I can make up some deer burgers which I think I broght last year and they went over pretty well.
  8. I'm coming down Thursday but not sure what time yet
  9. Prayers out to ya. Hang in there
  10. Happy turkey day guys. A piemaggedon occurred today...
  11. Good discipline on her part. I know allot of hunters who would of put an arrow into him. Hopefully she is rewarded with another opportunity. I try to instill into my kiddos good values on waiting for the right shot. I failed to follow my own rules opening weekend when I spined my doe... Shooting at last light and from a weird angle I should of waited. My desire to fill freezer made me take a uncomfortable shot. It all ended well and I recovered the deer but finishing them off is an experience I do not enjoy and hope that it happens minimally or never for my kiddos. It can really turn some off of hunting.
  12. That piebald is awesome... not sure if I'd take him or not though... heck I'm not sure I'd shoot the big 10pt we got running around. I told our buddy my next one would have to be a 170 or better, but I guess I'm still learning how to be a buck hunter 😆
  13. Is that 2nd one the piebald one from a year or so ago or maybe just the lighting? Hope she gets that big guy either way. Kierstin wants a big buck now as well. She's good with putting meat in the freezer, but I'd love for her to get a big one. The hunt club guys took these this year. There's a big 10pt hanging around that I hope to maybe chase over Xmas break if he makes it that long.
  14. Thanks all, and John tell Livie we said good look on getting that buck!
  15. So last weekend I had some great hunts. Got a yote Saturday and Sunday night I took a big mature doe for the freezer. This weekend Kierstin and I headed down Friday evening to hunt. We woke up early Saturday morning to 13 degrees and luckily we hunted a big box blind which kept us somewhat warm. We hunted hard all day in the cold and wind, but never saw our first deer until after 4. Around 435 light was fading we watched a few doe cross the fence line onto the property. They were in some tall grass and I had Kierstin get her gun up and get ready as they were just a few feet from the edge of the field and maybe 60 yards away. A few more steps were all we needed when unfortunately a pair of SxS's came down the main road... spoiled the hunt as the deer popped flags and jumped back across the road onto the neighbors property and took off. Light faded and we were done for the day. This morning we both overslept and we decided to just take a long walk down a wooded trail that's about a mile long. We typically jump up some deer on this path, but on our way down nothing even though it was a calm windless morning. I showed Kierstin to where one of our farthest stands were at and we decided to turn around and head back. Maybe 10 minutes into our walk back I caught movement to our right. We both froze and the deer were in the woods about 30 yards from us. Kierstin had trouble picking them up until they popped flags and I though they would bolt. Instead they ran straight at us! I legit thought they were going to run right into us until the lead doe turned slightly and popped out onto the trail right in front of us. She slowed to a walk and was starting at us. I tried to whistle but took me 3 tries and she full stopped when I finally got one out. I told Kierstin to take her and she pulled her rifle up, popped safety, and did a prefect snap shot right behind the shoulder at maybe 7 yards. Closest either of us have been to a deer during the day... She booked off into the woods and I heard her crash as the other doe chased after her. We took a long walk back and got the truck while we waited it out, even though I heard her crash I didn't see where she went down at. She ended up about 50 yards away downhill when we got back and found her. Not a whole lot of blood until she filled up. 300 black out did a great job though. This is the 2nd deer she has shot with the 110grn AMAX and it just grenades the inside of the deer. Heart and lungs were about gone. Just another great weekend with the kiddo. She fought a head cold all weekend and toughed it out. Very proud of her and very blessed today.
  16. Saturdays hunt with the snow was awesome. I hunted a big box blind up on some hay bales. I woke up a bit late to find all my camo gear that I left out on the rail covered in snow and soaking wet... My buddy left his little buddy propane heater for me luckily so I found one of my fishing hoodies in the truck and figured with the heater I'd be warm enough. I made it till 8am and started to get chilly. I went to fire up the heater and nothing worked... I toughed it out til 11 or so, but with just a hoodie and a long sleeve t-shirt with no thermal layers I had to go back in to warm up.
  17. Should be plenty buddy!
  18. I think there's 7 or 8 of us staying that are 100% in... I know a few had to back out.
  19. Very nice bucks there! Congrats to them both on successful hunts
  20. That all sounds amazing. Can we merge these 2 threads together?
  21. Big hands Rob had a pair of these on opening weekend. We tried to hijack the phone controls so we could roast him out of his boots. 😆 That guy hates being cold and has top notch cold weather gear. Me I layered up and hunted in my old camo hoodie...
  22. Maybe you can bribe her with cheese cake my friend 😆 turn that frown upside down lol
  23. JestersHK

    Deer pics 2022

    Guys had back straps last night! They are nasty and stink though lol.
  24. JestersHK

    Deer pics 2022

    Got home not too long ago. Had a great weekend. The 3 inches of opening morning snow was very pretty. We stayed busy this weekend for sure. I spined my doe, not happy about it, but I was standing up in a box blind hanging out the window to get a bead on her at 5:19pm... she finally turned broadside after watching her and a 6pt for 30 minutes. Made a perfect shot on that nasty mangy yote though of course. It happens though and got some meat in the freezer. Headed back this weekend with my oldest, I'm leaving the bucks for her.
  25. Last night out tonight after doing the whole Christmas thing at SDC. Oldest daughter and I ventured out around 10 and had the whole place to ourselves. Fishing was a bit slow but we enjoyed our time together. This one will be heading to college next year so I'm soaking up every minute I can with her. She did stick a pretty good one on a black and orange jig down from outlet 1. Everything else was dinks and I had a few on the fly rod down by rebar. Saw 4 dead fish including a nice brown... We also rescued a good size bow who got beached in the shallow water and we found him on his side stuck. A pretty decent weekend overall. A bit slower for me than usually, but size was there to make up for it. Hope TR turns over soon. I'll be chasing deer for a while now so prolly done until jigfest and the winter tournaments.
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