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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. Looks like Flat creek down the road from me in Jenkins Missouri...lol
  2. Here you all go for signs...lol https://www.roadtrafficsigns.com/deer-crossing-signs
  3. I got my replacement from Kiddie, once you get your new you send the old one back to them and they pay shipping.
  4. Copied from another website of what was suppose to happen. Its not good. The lady in room next to us visited bill (angler) at hospital. They speared a wave and Nik went out. By the time he stopped he tried to go back and get him, engine would not fire. He went to try trolling motor and another wave knocked him off boat, co angler was last seen waving at him. He had to tie his self to the troll motor cable to stay with boat. He was able to get away from boat and to land before it crashed on rocks. It was 30degrees and windy as hell, water temps were low 50's where we were. I would imagine by the time he stopped he was already a long ways from him. Then the wind pushing boat did not help when it was dead in water. I dont know all the details yet but this was from someone who actually saw him and asked right b4 we left today. Its probably the most accurate thing we have heard so far from a reliable source. I pray they find him alive.
  5. It's been said boat had steering issues, when he left to take off some say you could see motor flopping back and forth.
  6. They cancel the rest of the tournament
  7. Prayers that they find co-angler alive and safe.
  8. Next time i go fishing i will post a screen shot of my gps map on fish finder, then everyone will have my gps numbers...
  9. Before i pull up on one of my fishing spots i always look around to see if anyone is watching or close by, if there is i move on..i carry binoculars in my boat and use them...lol
  10. The fire wall in his router may need to be looked at see what sites it is blocking, that's about the only thing i can think of blocking the site....im no pc guru i know enough to be dangerous ..very dangerous...lol
  11. Suppose to be 55 here Wednesday next week..wooohooo
  12. I raise born and raised in Florida and i have all kinds of stuff going on... i have had stuff burned off cut out and so on....i use sunscreen and a hat usually.
  13. Just for giggles who is Bill's carrier?
  14. Bill maybe your provider has a firewall blocking OAF for some reason, you may want to call them and see...this is just WAG...
  15. Those champs will still fish without carpet 96.. According to accuweather March the 10 is suppose to be 53 degrees for a high and 29 for a low, but we all know how them weather people lie.
  16. This is what i have at the helm paid 125 bucks for it 2 years ago... 4 inch screen...problem is hard to read without my reading glasses on and with glasses on everything else is blurry.
  17. Well all you all need is the NED rig and that don't take up much room..
  18. Awww i missed that sorry...
  19. That's just sonar gps...no down scan or side scan..
  20. I have a helix 7DI on the bow and been looking at helix 7 si gps for console, but i see some pretty good deals on garmins popping up now also.
  21. Buzz baits don't catch fish....lol
  22. Is this something you look for thumbs?...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IMN9FQ2/ref=asc_df_B00IMN9FQ25321819/?tag=hyprod-20&creative=395033&creativeASIN=B00IMN9FQ2&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167120104993&hvpos=1o4&hvnetw=g&hvrand=157403365732800239&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023738&hvtargid=pla-338216584764
  23. I am going to try to make it this time...do turtles count?
  24. Looks good thumbs!!...you have more than i do...at least you have a garage...
  25. Years ago snook use to be called soap fish for a reasons which i don't remember, i have caught a lot of snook but have never eatin any snook as there are better fish to eat. Ok here is why in the early days snook was called soap fish.. When cooking snook, the skin must be removed, because otherwise it imparts an unpleasant taste, described as soapy, to the fish.[20]
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