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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. Missouri has issued a new wake law. https://www.lakeexpo.com/boating/boat_safety/what-boaters-need-to-know-about-missouri-s-new-boat/article_593ba520-6902-11e8-8041-cfe43f546d7b.html
  2. I have one of those in my live well lid as the lid is not big enough for 2...I will say this my live well doesn't smell moldy or musty anymore.
  3. Thanks for report Bill!! some good info there.. Regarding Shell Knob ramp i have seen dead fish there numerous times and not just 1 or 2 fish either.
  4. My feathers don't ruffle for starters....and from your post you sir seem to be wanting to stir up some poop.....
  5. They need those breath analyzers on those rented boats, if you blow into it and you been drinking it won't start, like they have for cars and trucks.
  6. One of the cranky old dudes you are referring to just happens to be one of my friends dad and i know for a fact he is not a cranky old dude, he my be old but not cranky. Also you say anyone over 50 is cranky so i guess that makes me a cranky old man at 64...Good luck in your search you cranky young dude.
  7. Only had one guy fishing today...down 2 more spots for me...
  8. My guy's went backwards today also....lol
  9. Oh come on now Cheese...Heck i dropped 5 spots....let me know when you find out who to send them lures too so i can send mine, if i can find them since moving....lol
  10. There was a Kayak guy caught cheating, he had a cut tail he would use to make the fish look longer on the measuring stick when he took the picture.
  11. I use them and have never been snagged in the rocks.
  12. Thanks for report Quill!! Last couple times i had been out i saw a lot of gar fish and it seems the recreational boats are out earlier this year.
  13. I have had my line up done for over a week, with me moving and trying to reorganize my junk i would have fergottin .
  14. Hopefully i'll be able to get out while topwater action going. Got moved in house yesterday now just putting everything up. Thanks for report !!
  15. Warm the zerk fitting up a little with propane torch, i have done that on many grease fittings and it worked
  16. Even had that problem fishing out in open waters on the Gulf of Mexico and on grass flats fishing inland. They would see you catching fish and come over with in 20 feet of me and i would say hey just tie your boat up to mine and you can fish out of my boat and then they would leave....lol
  17. MinnKota has a good reputation, i would get the 345...3 banks 15 amp each bank..I have an old dual pro 15 amp each bank 2 bank charger that seems good.
  18. I have good luck with the Dixie jet spoon, in coleslaw or silver plated..I use mine with snap swivels, don't know if this is right or wrong.
  19. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family..
  20. Very fishes!! Thanks for report.. Probably be another week or so before i can get out, this moving is for the birds, and i have closing Wednesday at 4 and 5 pm.
  21. Very nice cheese, Thanks for report!!
  22. Yep there out there.
  23. I hit a deer many years ago with a 1998 windstar and it set off both air bags and just had right front fender bent up a little bit, didn't look totaled but insurance totaled do to the air bags going off which meant a whole new dashboard assembly which costed back the little over 2500 bucks alone just for the assembly. Glad to hear everyone is ok and no one got hurt..
  24. Look out boy's im coming thru.. https://loz.craigslist.org/boa/d/pearson-43-motoryacht/6577508384.html
  25. This is going to be a busy weekend on Table Rock.....good luck and be safe.
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