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dan hufferd

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by dan hufferd

  1. It is common in factories to have to make a copy of the standard operating conditions, or settings, once this piece of paper is developed it becomes a "controlled document" and cannot be stored or copied and stored. Then if someone needs a copy they must go to the data base, this is done so revisions can be made to one master document. Good practice in most factories
  2. I think you inadvertently answered this question. There is much the common man can't answer,when it comes to these things, because we don't know. The more we don't know the easier it is to keep us not knowing 🤔 It's better that way😜
  3. I don't know jack about fly fishing, this stuff? https://www.amazon.com/Scientific-Anglers-Air-Floating-Lines/dp/B015YP5TOC?th=1 It was too easy to find so it's probably not the right stuff.
  4. I remember at least 4 inches of snow opening morning in about 1998. I shot and 8 point on the other side of indian creek in McDonald Co. I had to wade the creek, I found a spot that was knee deep, then slipped and fell, deer in one hand rifle in the other. Car was 500 yrs away. Yep I remember climate change way back in the 90's🤔
  5. Well I have fished a couple 6'6" Berkley lightening rods for about 8 years, I'm on my 3rd reel on one of them. 8 years ago they were $40 I think now maybe $50, they are different now but they might be worth a look.
  6. My wife and daughter have a cleaning business, they are insured and have references, they currently service about 35 clients both commercial and residential. If you need this service either one time before or after an event or would like to become a regular client. Contact : Sandy Hufferd 417 316 0945
  7. Maybe someone could make a rendering of the white river monster, based on it's various descriptions...hint😁
  8. The water is low, the big fish are chasing shad in the shallows, like a foot of water. Visibility is about a foot and a half. I did see a couple "oh wow" fish swim by did see some green but couldn't tell exactly what they were. I managed to fool one squeaker keeper. It was hard to leave, beautiful day.
  9. I used to hunt rabbit a lot, I will tell you house cats do more damage to the rabbit population, and many others. No one talks about their fluffy killing rabbits, not just the babies either....the cat population around my house is getting pretty thin. Remember a house cat is only tame when you are watching. Oh I forgot to mention I hate cats
  10. I knew a lady who was worried about an injured owl she found on the side of the road. In her infinite wisdom, she figured it needed to be put down, but didn't want to do the deed herself, so she placed the bird in her stand up freezer over night. Well in the morning the owl was still alive and kicking, so she call a conservation agent to pick it up. Oh this woman and her husband are educators. They are the people that teach others about tree hugging and guns are bad stuff like that🤗
  11. I might have to remedy that, I've had my nose to the grind stone for a couple years now.
  12. Thank you for your advice !
  13. Very nice !
  14. I have been wear (when not in cheap boot chest waders) my old merrel barefoot runners, they are pretty darn good as far as fit, but over the years of creek water and sun they have delaminated, they are an expensive choice for dedicated water shoes. Thank you all, I have some things to try now
  15. Everyone has been great about sharing info here and I do as well, unless a situation like this comes up.
  16. Sorry for the vague location, I made a few calls and got private river access, the owner asked me not to let world know. It is well away from any public access. Anyway I got my river walleye x 2 from a kayak. And a couple decent smallies. I'm pretty dang happy about it. They were right on the 20" mark ! I saw spoonbill, beaver, eagles. It was a great day !
  17. Nice report sounds like fun.
  18. Question for those of us who find out feet in the creek from time to time. I have always used and old pair of tennis shoes to wade in. You always have problems, rocks, laces coming undone, de lam of soles etc. I am looking for a new idea/or an old one I guess. I recently found some neoprene booty like things, similar to diving boots only they have soles. It seems like a good deal. What do you all think? The water is down so there is a lot of walking, a couple rocks in your shoe can be a pain in a couple hundred yards.
  19. That can't be it because, they would be balding and have excessive ear hair📪
  20. It was probably a beaver slapping it's tail. Besides I thought bigfoot left in the spaceship with the 6 million dollar man. Who remembers that episode😃
  21. Throw that jigging spoon, it will work well on the retrieve. Let it drop for half a second (if it will get that far before they wack it) You can work it like a walking bait back to the boat, it looks just like a fish trying to get away. I have not caught striper doing that but I have caught many other species.
  22. Not sure but above there you will drag a lot
  23. South and north of Shelvin Rock. This water is low so working ones way down and back is a pretty decent work out. It was a gorgeous day ! Started at 8am out by 5:30 or so. It seemed like every piece of cover had a goggle eye under it, I caught at least 10 this picture is of the largest. They really liked the green pumpkin hula stick. Ended up boating two quality small mouth one had to be 3.5lbs my ruler said 18.5 inches, the other was 14.5". I also hooked a big carp that broke me off after a wonderful run. There are deer and turkey everywhere, I even saw a spoon bill in one small area, it looked like it was 5ft long. Anyway great for me, I'm probably done for a while, time to be responsible again.
  24. Well I got to Delaware town access earlier this time about 8:30am. I went down stream to have a look. Ventured just beyond blue hole, all the banks and lay-downs looked fishy, but no takers. I did hook a small bass early but it got off at the boat, around 12" I'd guess. Then on the way back working the shaded bank with the Ned, I fooled one. It was over 18" At least I didn't get skunked. It was a beautiful day.
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