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jay bird

Fishing Buddy
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About jay bird

  • Birthday 06/20/1973

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jay bird's Achievements

Largemouth Bass

Largemouth Bass (26/89)



  1. Bo was probably the best fisherman that I knew for table rock lake. He was a neighbor, a great contributor to the Cassville High School fishing team, and a huge well of knowledge he was willing to share. Every time I catch a nice smallie by big M or eagle rock i think about his relocation program from the Dam area. Bo I hope your time is now filled with full moons and black lights. RIP
  2. Great job Eric!!!!!
  3. Great news!!!!!!!
  4. Does anyone know if they have fixed the courtesy dock????
  5. Great boat. We had some flipping jigs Tuesday. Man I wish they would fix that dock not sure what happened to it.
  6. I have one on my wall that is 43 inches long and close to 40 pounds. I think it is still my avatar.
  7. Went out yesterday afternoon for 2 hours no bites rock crawler and spinner bait. Fished towards shell knob.
  8. He is a pretty nice, local shell knob guy that spends a lot of time on the lake. Not sure who started this, but can just say just a guy that likes to fish like a lot of us.
  9. I have a 2004 150 ho evinrude. Been on a deck boat for last 14 years. Had some very minor issues the first year. Since then no issues. Yesterday first day out started first turn then trolled for white bass for an hour with out missing a beat.
  10. Sorry will not be able to make it my boat is still getting a new transom at championship marine. Hopefully will be back in the water soon.
  11. Great guy and great fisherman. He put me on my biggest bass so far.
  12. I would look for a better fishing partner. ☺☺☺☺☺
  13. Yes kind of keep my kids off social media and sometimes teenagers post before they think.
  14. He is 14 does he need to become a member???
  15. Me and son going to try
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