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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by shrapnel

  1. Maybe admin can make the forum compatible with one of the #1 photo hosts. WHat are you suposed to do currently, upload it here and then link it to the post?
  2. Let's try this... Nope, doesn't even work when you create a link to a specific image in google photo's. Sorry, it was a cool side imaging pic of crappie stacked under the dock I was fishing.
  3. It's really strange that this forum doesn't show google photo's.
  4. Went out for an hour tonight, found em stacked under a dock and had a blast. I caight 20+ fish, kept 8 bigger ones for a couple meals. Biggest fish were 13". Also, the bigger fish were hitting in 4 fow under the dock floats at the MOST.
  5. I ain't boilin no steak! Or any meat for that matter...lol. The cooking time looks to be 5X that a hot fire, for similar results and less flavor?
  6. I don't know what it is about snow, but historically it seems I have always done well when fishing while snowing. Just being a small shovel for the decks!
  7. I'm done with Lowrance, 2 units in the last 3 yrs and problems with both of them. Think I'm gonna stick with Garmin for a while, especially with live scope on my radar.
  8. Anytime! I'm also starting to think the bright colored heads, pink, orange, chartreuse are producing better than black, white silver. Get ya some paint!
  9. A lot of fish are surprisingly shallow when water temps are in the mid to upper 40's. Drop below 45* and I think that's when winter patterns really lock in on LOZ (Each lake varies) and fish head deeper. Were still casting for them, and just a slow reel back to the boat letting the jig get down to maybe 10' at the most then burnin it back in for the next cast. Most bites were in that 3-6' range. Same if shooting docks, no need to let that jig fall more than 10' right now. Cloudy days they venture out and can be caught on the corners and middle of stalls, sunny days I prefer to shoot pretty far under something. Best spots for me lately have been close to deep water, but not over it. Our best dock yesterday was 12-15' off the deep end and our best tree was about the same, the channel was not far though.
  10. They're crappie. One of the dumbest, most prolific feeders in freshwater. When I get schooled by another target species I use crappie to make me feel better about myself...lol. Don't wet a line until you see a group of fish on sonar, and don't fret color too much if using jigs, if you put something, anything in front of a crappie it usually eats it. On LOZ right now the bigger fish are shallow in 48* water, like 3'-6' but fish can be caught down to 20'. I am in the camp that fish can see and line matters, even crappie so go small. 4-6lb mono is perfect or if using braid make sure to use a nice long leader.
  11. Gee, Scanlon sponsored by Lucky Strike? And what draw down, she's pretty much at full pool. They dropped it almost 2.5 feet in October and I thought here we go but nope, it's been full for the last month now it seems. Thanks for the articles John.
  12. The Yumbrella is horrible! I bought 5 last fall and by the end of winter I had zero useable ones left, and several large fish lost to entire steel arms coming off of the rigs. J U N K.
  13. Gimme an old Rattlin Rogue down to about 45* after that I do think the 110 is a better bait.
  14. A good friend caught a large chain pickerel just below clearwater a couple months ago.
  15. Holy smokes! That's a good walleye...what did she eat?
  16. I think it's turning for sure now, especially the Osage.
  17. It's a 99 on it's original powerhead, and as we know it will run on 1/2 gas 1/2 water for quite some time. It loves to run, it just doesn't like to start! Thank gosh for neutral rev.
  18. I'm gonna try to run mine enough it can't freeze!
  19. Skeeter has some of the best tourney incentives as well.
  20. Most of the big fish were weighed at Alhonna...time to start moving fish from the Gravois to other parts of the lake!
  21. How much in repairs do we need to rack up before we get a celebrity fishing trip?
  22. A boat passing by at high speed definitely chops up the shad on the surface and can cause a frenzy if the fish are already nearby. It really helps if it's got twin 400R's and is pushing 100mph.
  23. Just fished the Missouri Angler Wed Night Championship. I only had 2 fish but 3 bags over 16 came in...pretty darn good for a 5hr tournament.
  24. I read plenty into the low weights...lol. Some of the best fishermen on LOZ brought in some of the lowest weights of the year = fish not biting very good. So you fished one of them, what did you weigh in if the fish bit pretty good on Saturday?
  25. Fish are everywhere, deep, shallow, but fishing is tough right now for most. I heard only 13lbs won the Bass Cat Tournament, and the BFL only took 15lbs a day to win. Very low weights for LOZ with some of the best local sticks out there.
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