The bite was way off this weekend. Took 14 to win DuPo and 17 to win USA bassin Sunday. We had 4 keepers Saturday lost 2 at the boat that were just holing the end of the worm. Even the blue gill and war mouth weren’t hitting the shakey head at the bank.
The problem with LOZ versus Kentucky Lake or Rayburn is the big tournaments only go out of one ramp. Pb2. Kentucky and Barkley have several tournament ramps. if they don't have a release boat all the fish get dumped in one cove in a creek.
I thought about taking off just to see what the fishing does during the eclipse. If anybody goes out give us a report. I'll be looking through my welding hood as it passes by.
If you travel through Wentzville. Tristate Trolling Motor is pretty good to work with normally have you done in less than a week. I don't know of any at the lake.