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Lake Lover

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Lake Lover last won the day on April 3 2019

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Morse Bluff Ne./Baxter Mo.
  • Interests
    Spending time with my family at TR, Fishing & Hunting with my boy's, My Wife

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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. Looking forward to it!
  2. I'm with you c4f. All we were able to do this weekend is donate to the pot as well. Even tho fishing was slow, it was Still a great time on the water with my son. Have a safe trip back North!
  3. Tri Lakes in Forsyth, Joe should be able to help you out.
  4. I know, I'm actually just jealous, cuz I'm stuck still working for a few more years.
  5. I saw your monster Brown today on another site. 40.4 LBS! Nice!! 40.4lbs - 41.25" long - 28" girth.
  6. At least from 9 to 5 mon thru friday. I think the lakes and streams are closed then. 🤔
  7. I have used Ulrich Marine in the past for the install and work on my electronics. Ask for Kyle as he is pretty knowledgeable about that stuff
  8. I think you are 110% correct. Their is a ton of good info here i can use to develop a (new) game plan. I guess one good thing about being a rookie is, i haven't had enough time on the water to develop any bad habits that don't work yet, so i can just toss them all aside and start doing it the right way. Next project is learning more about my electronics than just how to use the power button! Thanks!
  9. I would call them fairly large, at least the ones i've seen lately look to be probably about 3" long. Pretty comical watching those come up out of the water then the bass is right on his *&%. The spoon is something else i haven't used much. Iv'e tried it in a vertical drop just jigging but that's about it. That's another very good option i will try. Thank Quill!
  10. Mike I totally agree, anytime on the water is time well spent and I enjoy just being out there fishing. I do catch myself sometimes getting a little frustrated then I sit back and look at this beautiful lake and smile and go right back to chasing them. I think and hope it will be even better once I retire and have more time to fish as now it is just a scheduled time that I can sneak away and knowing I wont be back for a few weeks is the worse part but it's all good. 🙂 Lots of good info and suggestions on this thread, I appreciate it very much. Thanks!
  11. That's another thing that confused me a bit as I had several areas where they would be busting on top early but the ones like on mo huzgrs pic were just not interested. The docks are another spot I should probably try more also. Thanks
  12. Yes, you are very correct on the fish i have been marking, i am still trying to get a good feel for my electronics also, so i could be throwing my rig at anything and thinking it's bass. As far as bait, I would say probably about a 50/50 on if i see bait or not, and part of that might just be my inability or lack of being able to read the electronics correctly. I have a garmin on the front and a Lowrance on the dash, and sometimes when i check them both on one i can see fish/bait and other nothing or very little, so i definitely need too spruce up my knowledge on the electronics as well. As far as presentation goes, your right, i should probably try different avenues on getting the bait in front of them too, as i sometimes just get in a rut of just vertical for the deep, i guess it just feels right knowing they are right below you to drop it on their head, so i am definitely missing some opportunity there. The weights are something i have honestly never really experimented with, i know i have read on here in several posts that the rate of fall can make a difference, but i have not experimented with that much at all yet. I think i can be my own worse enemy at times with having limited time on the water and being bull headed about using what worked the last time i was down and not mixing it up more. Your comment about time on the water is spot on, as a couple years ago i had even less of clue, ( if that's even possible) about how to go about things, and just the little bit of time i have been able to get out, along with all the great info and advice from you and all the OA guy's has definitely helped me a bunch. Thanks for reply and tips i really appreciate it! Thank You also to all the guy's on here that contribute info and tips as well so that beginners like myself can stand a chance! Counting down the last few years before i can retire and hopefully spend a lot more time on the water!
  13. I do think part of my problem is i don't wander much from the spots i have caught them in the past so i am limiting myself for sure by doing that and not being flexible enough with locations. I will have to try your scenario of baits as well, as that sounds like that will either work or rule out a spot fairly quick. Thanks!
  14. I have a question about time spent at any one spot. I realize this is probably just personal preference for most, but mine doesn't seem to be working well so thought i would see if anyone else has a recommendation that might make the little time i get on the water more productive. I typically can go out and get a few here or there, which is a huge improvement for me , but this last time i was down, i was fishing in the Baxter to Campbell Point area, and i marked more fish in more different area's than i think i have ever seen at any one time, in several area's over the weekend, yet out of 3 days, the last day is the only one i was able to get bit. I threw jigs, drop shot, swim bait, Ned, all the normal stuff at them with no luck. Since i could see the fish and the shad on my graph i kept thinking, "dont leave fish to find fish" well, that didnt work out for me as i would spend a ton of time over and around them throwing different baits, different colors, different presentations etc. with no luck before i would move on, so i was thinking, (after the fact) maybe i shouldn't hang around so long and keep searching for them, as the last day i ran across a bunch that were more willing to play. My question is, what is your guy's limit on how much time you would spend and how many different things you would throw at a group of fish that you can see on your graph so you know they are there, before moving on?
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