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tjm last won the day on November 1 2024

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About tjm

  • Birthday 05/16/1950

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    South of Joplin

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  1. I think you need to ask your Agent. Or buy her Fishing and trout permits together they just cost $25
  2. Might use a hammer against the hide like I do with coyotes. Grandpa's generation wouldn't butcher a hog until it got close to 500#, can't render much lard off them baby pigs. Just thinking about it I tastee them cracklins. They also believed that the meat would cure better with hide on and scraped every hog they butchered. I don't know of anyone that even has a smokehouse these days.
  3. @Quillback I'm pretty sure that I know a beekeeper within miles of you. I've not been over there for a few years, but I've not heard of him passing either, if interested I'll check up on him and get you a phone number. I want to get some wax anyway. I used to take my own pickle jars and have him fill them with raw honey. There are also some honey producers in the Neosho area that my kids buy from. Have you looked at Allen's? they did have local honey, but it might be over priced.
  4. Both are easy to over cook. I wouldn't use batter on either.
  5. Seems unlikely to me that the average hunter or fisherman will carry a two sided step ladder in their rucksack, and if we carry it to the corner with a vehicle and we cross the corner with it, how do we get the vehicle over it? This decision would have more significance if the landowner were required to provide gates. Won't matter though if the feds sell off all those BLM/NFS sections.
  6. Feb-May 1970 in San Diego NTC (Camp Nimitz?) the weather that I recall was daily smog at a predictable mid morning time and extreme after smog heat on the grinders. If there was ever a breeze I didn't notice it.
  7. That depends on where you are, trout permits are needed to keep and transport trout, except on Taneycomo, where you need one to fish, and in the Parks during C&R. So, if in the Park, you would need a daily tag and if on Taneycomo you would need a trout permit, but on a stream you'd only need a trout permit if you are keeping the trout. In any case you would need a fishing permit or an exception.
  8. Probably not. But he wouldn't have either.
  9. And if you had had a heart attack? Was he CPR qualified? What if you had reacted violently with a fight reflex? Doesn't seem like behavior that an employer should encourage and seems unrelated to any "work ethic", but maybe that's just me.
  10. Some states do specify the primary be 5th wheel, some require driver license endorsements; as far as I know Mo. doesn't, but they do have width, height and combined length limitations and braking recommendations.
  11. It's a guberment job and work is four letter word that guberment employees shouldn't have to put up with.
  12. Sounds like you were lucky, a guy willing to pull you out and the car still derivable. I've seen cars that were strip salvaged right beside the street in the cities where police make constant rounds. In less than 1/2 hour time as I went down a sidewalk and made a return about 1/2 hour later. Saw what looked like a drug deal behind a doughnut shop where officers were having coffee at the time. A deputy driving by a couple times a week isn't likely to deter criminal activity at a place deemed to be "public". I bet you could find instances of drug labs and pot growth on private land that were tended by kayak or canoe if you searched a bit. Your anecdote describes a circumstance that seems to justify elimination of the free access. And that may well be why the MODOT has closed all their land. And as far as floats go, I've seen groups of kayakers at the low water bridge that appeared to be intoxicated while floating, and a couple of times groups of "wading anglers" that were obviously not sober. I suppose that if a pair of deputies spent enough time at any low water bridge they could likely find reasons to arrest a fair number of floaters, even though the boating while intoxicated laws wouldn't apply, maybe they should. Unrestricted public access means access by criminals is encouraged. Advocating for unrestricted public access to private lands is in effect advocating for criminal use of those private lands. But if we want access to streams at bridges, we must allow that same access to all, parties, drug deals, drug producers, dumpers of stolen cars, all. If laws are broken, the complaint must be about the law that is broken, not just use of the access. And although you say underage drinking happened and I say some kayakers were intoxicated, I expect that in both cases we'd have no proof, you didn't get ID for age nor take a blood test and neither did I.
  13. Not many bars that I'm aware of though. Not long ago that was a "Dry County" and the residents would buy trunk (or truck) loads of spirits to drink at home.
  14. The dam doesn't make any water, whatever water there is, is what there is. It's not a flood control dam nor used to store water, it's just there to raise the head height. Dam removal would not take any water out of the river's flow, it would mean that some lake front property becomes 'lost in the woods' property, but it would also mean that floaters would not have to portage the dam, and that the river would become wild again over time. Take out Bagnell too and over enough time the eels might return to Niangua River. The USGS gage shows 282CFS and that should be plenty for a float, it's more than twice what Little Sugar is flowing and everyone says it's floatable. I doubt that they allow floating through the construction though, so during that time you'd be right about no floating.
  15. Potato Planting Day! It's always a marvel to me how many people become both Irish and Catholic that one day each year. I have thought that bars/pubs should not not have parking lots. Only loading zones, make it part of the building code or licensing requirements. Area Pub Crawls should sponsor a trolley bus transport for the revelers, with constant bus circulation the party could make the rounds two or three times to all the participating pubs.
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