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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. Man that is awesome!!! What a ride. You know how it is when your young. I would have been right there. Now it's scary to watch! lol
  2. When I go to the local sporting good store and I see the pretty green, blue, and camouflaged kayaks. I think, that is some pretty prop fodder. Don't buy something that blends in with the scenery. You get some mature dude like me. Eyes ain't what they used to be. Getting all he can out of that exploding Mercury. All jacked up on ensure. and your out there floating around in a blue kayak. You can't put your life in the hands of others. It's yours. Protect it.
  3. I know there getting smarter. They've been known to school.
  4. Good for you guys. I was out today over at Greenfield, Didn't do all that well. Big surprise there. lol Caught a bunch of crappie and white bass dinks on minnows. Story of my life. Wrong bait, wrong place. Man they say rain is going to be in our face for the next couple of weeks.😫
  5. That is so cool and a little humiliating at the same time! lol Does he do guide work?
  6. Carp always look so surprised.
  7. I don't fish bass tournaments. Doesn't interest me to do it. Probably because I wouldn't be any good at it, and I'm getting to old. lol But I get why people do it. Looks like fun. I would never advocate banning tournaments, but there has to be some kind of limit to how many, when and where. At least that is one guy's opinion. It is really getting out of hand. You got an unlimited public desire against a limited resource. Last time I checked, people are still having sex, so the pressure is just going to increase. Mike
  8. I was there Thursday, Fished mostly the mutton creek area. Never seen anything above 63 degrees. Caught several dink Crappie and a couple of decent keepers. It was pretty slow. Caught them in all in 10 to 15 FOW. Couldn't find anything shallow yet. Looks like if I want to try next week, I'm going to be wet...
  9. What we need is for a Gofundme account for bass. Slip the money into any of a number of honest politicians (lol) pockets, and poof, instant tourney limits. They are here to serve for proper compensation. And yes MDC does at some level answer to politicians,,,
  10. Way to go Dutch. That had to be fun. That's really a nice bass!!!
  11. It's a carp. I think if you fed your dog the night before. You would have plenty of carp power bait the next morning...🙈🙉🙊
  12. That thing looks like it wants to poop so bad!!! I've been there.
  13. That's the show that made me think of having uniforms in the closet. lol
  14. I grew up in that era. But I'm not weird about it like some people. I only have two uniforms in my closet. lol It could be worse. You could be listening to the Gilmore Girls theme song for the 5000th time!!!
  15. Thanks Spock. lol
  16. Z-MAN PB&J and California craw
  17. Thanks Dutch. You did better than me. I had several short smallies on the ned and a couple of short LM on on the RC over in the Maze creek area. oh, and the chicken was over cooked!😒
  18. Same hear. Any more I try to cover up somewhat. Either sunblock or some kind of clothing. I thought I would get a mask nest winter. Maybe help keep my delicate skin from getting cold... I had to friends on the railroad die from skin cancer. It was kind of a wake up call for me...
  19. I think people like them because their disposable. When your done with them, you just run them up on the nearest gravel bar, grab whats left of your beer and walk away. lol
  20. Those are exciting fishing moments. Good for you!!!
  21. I have never tried this Technic myself. But I have seen several of you mention a minnow hooked right on a jig for crappie and walleye fishing. My question is, are you guys talking about just a jig head with hook, or an actual crappie jig? Thanks, Mike Billethead stop rolling your eyes. I can see you! lol
  22. Congratulations young man!!! Outstanding!!!
  23. I plan on going to Stockton Monday. But I haven't decided where to go or what to fish for yet. Love to bass fish, But really would like a mess of crappie with a walleye kicker. Most likely outcome, the way it's been going for me. Is I will have to get chicken on the way home. lol
  24. This is where I get a little confused. Well actually their several things that confuse me, but that's for another forum... Anyway, I know I have seen other people spider rigging with more that 3 poles per person. Where does the 3 pole or hooks if that is more correct, fit into this? Mike
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