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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by FishnDave

  1. And if a mountain lion attacks a "target practice" elk made from timber.... woodstock, right?
  2. Because it was dead.
  3. Did it! 100 Bowfin on fly in 2023!!
  4. My wife and I took pickleball lessons last year. We played each other (no score-keeping) for a couple months, then we over-did it and hurt her elbow. We let that rest over the winter, then played a dozen or so times this summer. Our HOA has a tennis court we use. We aren't good or particularly competitive, but it really is fun. @Quillback When my son was in early High School, he was very into Parkour. He was pretty good at it, could do all sorts of flips on the ground and off walls and trees, etc... fun to watch! He got a number of his friends into it as well. Anyway, he wanted a Bosu Ball to practice off of...and one day we had it in the the house. He ran from the kitchen, launched himself off the Bosu Ball into the living room, did a mid-air flip, and accidently kicked the ceiling fan down! 😅
  5. You mean Madame Antoinette?
  6. Happy Birthday, Phil! Also, Happy Belated Birthday Marty!
  7. I can't even imagine the talent and practice that would require!
  8. Due to a strange configuration of family genetics....I have my own "built-in" fish caller. But I think I'd have to buy that anyway, for $5.... Kazoo might be the only instrument I can sort of play!
  9. Warmouth x Green Sunfish hybrid:
  10. The magical wizard of fishing, who has earned such nicknames as "Dumbledore" and "Gandalf" and "Merlin" and "Ham". 😄
  11. I might be able to help out with both of those. I exceeded my "100 Bowfin on Fly" goal back in April. It took considerably less than 1 year, but it bridged 2022 and 2023. Somebody... talked me into getting 100 on fly in one calendar year...so now I'm trying to do that. I need 9 more. Its gotten extremely tough lately. It isn't easy, and often barely even fun. I've certainly paid my dues many times over, I feel. I'm hoping they'll cooperate better as the water cools some into Fall here....
  12. Elk droppings poisoning the waterways. 2.5 times more elk now than 10 years ago. 🤔😅
  13. I feel like @snagged in outlet 3 misses the days when he got to fish for something besides trout. So, for his benefit, I went out and captured some of his absolute favorites: Grass Carp: Common Carp: Bigmouth Buffalo: Bowfin:
  14. Good thing I did! You must have missed it when I posted the same pic on Monday under the 2023 Flyfishing Fish Pics thread. 😄 I know how much you enjoy the fish pictures.
  15. This is the 2nd post I've seen in the past few minutes that said they weren't able to post pics as usual....thought I'd test to see if it works for me... Looks like it does. I'm just posting a URL link to a photo of mine stored on an outside photo-storing site (gifyu.com).
  16. Sounds awful and miserable! No thanks! I've occasionally wondered if the tournament anglers would be better at their job if they DID fish for other species...bluegills, muskies, catfish, etc...to have a better understanding of the entire food chain and ecosystem that their tournament target species live in? Maybe not, but wouldn't more knowledge help? Folks fishing for other species often catch bass, for example, so wouldn't knowing those other methods help when fishing gets tough on the standard lures and tactics? Seems like it would.
  17. While I'd love to be making a living doing something I enjoy and am going to do anyway... it always seemed to me the best way to ruin the enjoyment of fishing was to be a pro tournament angler or guide. Even 2023 NBA champ Nikola Jokic mentioned something true in an interview. Following his team's Finals win, he was excited for the end of the season... to go do things he enjoyed... because no matter how fun something is, nobody likes it nearly as much when its their "job".
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