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Everything posted by FishnDave

  1. Sounds like a made-up excuse. Probably just got mad cuz his buddy tried noodling in the wrong hole. Again.
  2. I've seen roasted chickory as in ingredient in tea. The roots and extracts have some good health benefits. Also used as a natural sweetener.
  3. Wow! Keep catching those!
  4. Caught a couple shortnose gar (didn't photograph) yesterday. Also 2 Grass Carp: Also a surprise 19"+ Freshwater Drum: Have seen this stuff for years, and always wondered what it was. Chickory!
  5. Those are some well-fed, healthy fish!
  6. Channel Catfish: 2 pics of the same White Bass...interesting how the light can make the stripes look darker. Common Carp: 3 Grass Carp. This puts me at my goal of 200 lifetime fly rod grass carp! : 30.5" Longnose Gar...my biggest so far...but they get much bigger! This one had pretty spots on its head:
  7. We kept in Iowa. For trout on this trip, we hit Casey Springs, Bohemian Creek, Grannis, South Canoe Creek...might've been one more spot we tried that I'm forgetting... Although it isn't a trout stream, I did catch a rainbow trout on the Volga River. And we fished the Turkey River as well (not for trout). We caught fish everywhere...but most of these trout streams weren't that great. There are much better ones, we just didn't get to them in the limited time we had.
  8. Good luck on your trip, @Ham ! Lots of streams to fish there, for sure. There are many I still haven't visited. Most are small enough that you don't wade them, although fishing from shore is often difficult due to the tall weeds and prevalence of invasive Wild Parsnip everywhere. That is nasty stuff...do NOT touch it. Wear long pants, socks and long-sleeve shirts. What you catch really depends on which streams you go to. There are streams with naturally-reproducing browns, and some that are stocked with fingerlings as "put-and-grow". The IDNR doesn't stock adult brown trout anywhere...so the ones you catch are generally stream-raised, or stream-born. Perfect fins, great colors. For Brook Trout (which we tried for, but didn't catch any this trip), some streams have native populations, some are stocked from native Iowa populations. For Rainbows...they are generally all stocked, although some have certainly managed to breed in the streams. Its fun to catch some with perfect fins, and in places where they've never been stocked (stream-born or migrants from other streams).
  9. FishnDave


    Oooooh! Garden veggies. gotcha. I was fishing at Seed Savers in NE Iowa last week. They've got all sorts of heirloom seeds for sale!
  10. FishnDave


    Hybrid... is that like Hash Brownies?
  11. Millions of these Hackberry Emperor butterflies along the streams.
  12. ....Brown Trout: Rainbow Trout:
  13. ... Smallmouth Bass Rock Bass: Largemouth Bass:
  14. ...Creek Chubs Common Shiners: Hornyhead Chub:
  15. Visited Iowa this past week. Pumpkinseed Sunfish: Hybrid Sunfish: Bluegills:
  16. Political, but maybe sort of unrelated...What would your (everyone) thoughts be about regulating lobbyists? Individuals, companies, organizations, etc, can and SHOULD be allowed to use monies on lobbying to educate and try to persuade members of congress to see things their way. Its up to congressional members to determine what is bull and what isn't. That's how good things can get done. But I don't think they should be allowed to, in any way, pay/buy members of congress or donate to their reelection campaigns. That's how bad things happen. Think members of congress would ever vote to not be given money from lobbyists?
  17. Are guns being taken away? From what I've read, the bill would raise the age limit for purchasing a semi-automatic rifle to 21 and prohibit the sale of ammunition magazines with a capacity of more than 15 rounds. Someone under 21 could still own/hunt/shoot with rifles that are bolt-action, lever-action, and pump-action. I didn't see any mention of changes regarding hand guns. I realize there could be much more to the legislation than the very little I've read.
  18. Flyfished Saturday. It was hot! Water was high and stained. Caught 2 Channel Catfish: 2 Grass Carp: And 10 Shortnose Gar, including some decent-sized ones.
  19. Roughly 20 years ago, I caught a walleye at night (in Iowa) on a Pop-R near some shallow weeds.
  20. Update: Bowfin and Chain Pickerel have been "checked off", thanks to @Ham. And I've had Spotted Gar on the line, but none landed yet. Flier have not been targeted yet, but apparently I've fished where they are. That's a step in the right direction.
  21. Alright! Congrats! ...You mean 3 Pelvic fin rays?
  22. So cool! I mean...invasive maybe... but it saves you a trip to Asia / Malaysia. 😁 Ian hits another home run! He also caught a huge Bowfin this year! 🏆
  23. FREE COFFEE (but the cup is $2)!
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