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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Shout out to DJ for bringing me down to TaneyFest what a blast it was. Still in a food coma, amazing work; Gordon Ramsey's got nothing on you all. It was great to see some folks I hadn't seen in a bit; Les, Phil and Blake glad you are doing well. So nice to shoot the breeze and laugh with new friends Rick, Daryk, Cody, Ryan and Jim. Thank you to Marty and his wife (did not get your name, I'm so sorry) for the info about reelrecovery.com which I will pass on to help some guys with their journey. I too caught my first trout on a flyrod, my flyrod not DJ's this time, which is cool. Also caught a 20" bow throwing a jerk early in the am on Friday. Thank you all for the hospitality and I wish you all the best in life, fishing, health and family. Hope to see you all again soon.
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