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    Kansas City
  • Interests
    Working Out, Watching Football, Literature and Music, Exploring the Ozarks. Multi-species fisherman with an obsession with river Smallmouth.

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Bigmouth Buffalo

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  1. Wish we could hit open water this weekend but deep down I know it won't be doable till next. March is coming right up on us. Thank the Lord. I think Saturday the 1st will be a great day on the water. Not sure if I want to try chasing river Walleyes, creek Smallmouth or local stocker trout.
  2. I haven't used him but only heard great things about Tim 'Hot Dawg' Curtis on Bull Shoals. Hear he is great for anything, but most famous for White River Trout and Bull Shoals Stripers and Smallies.
  3. Is MDC releasing these reports all at once?? In waves? Wish there was some sort of set report schedule...
  4. The rain yesterday really helped.... Now, let's see this ice thaw!!! James A Reed beckons me.
  5. While I would definitely check out the Elk, I never considered it as seriously as wading water. Are there any good access points for a mile or so of bank hopping and wading? I will probably try to make it down there in May, so we will see about water levels.
  6. I saw one in some video. To me, it definitely favored the appearance of a Smallmouth, but it was definitely different. Greener, with what kind of looks like faint vertical and horizontal bars. However, I am sure there is a lot of variation in phenotypes. Interesting topic. Apparently, it is increasingly common in Table Rock.
  7. Old topic - but looking at it for some research. I will definitely be taking a day trip to this river sometime this summer - not sure whether I will float or wade, but right now, wading is more so on my mind. Not asking for secret spots, but does anyone know the best access for wade fishing? Should I work upstream from Fiery Fork? Or maybe just explore the Mule Shoe area? Thanks
  8. A similar idea - One could spend a week or two up in northern Idaho. Fish Dworshak for a potential world record Smallmouth and some good Kokanee. Hit up the Clearwater River for Steelhead. Then you have Pend Oreille, where you can get your char fix. Lots of Bull Trout and Lakers. To top this off you got the St. Joe, which I hear is plenty famous for Westslope Cutthroat Trout, as well as any Alpine lake you can hike to. Lots of opportunity.
  9. I'm almost tempted to check it out for an hour or two after work. Spent too much time without a line in the water.
  10. I would love to go to East Tennessee for trophy Smallmouth, but I wouldn't know where to start. It would feel like learning everything about the Ozarks over again x2. Something about Smallmouth though - Sure, I would love to target them up north, but something about that species with an Appalachian/Ozark type setting is what really excites me. It just makes sense.
  11. Good Catfishing - lots of Carp and Gar as well. I fish for Catfish there quite often as I mentioned earlier. Almost at that exact location. There are Largemouth further upstream into Kansas. Good creek for an evening of average Channel Cats and an occasional lucky Flathead. Pretty contaminated though, used by the homeless in certain areas.
  12. When I save up some dough, I personally want to travel up towards the Nipigon or Labrador to fish for some giant Brookies. Obviously, the Nipigon would be much more accessible. Both probably fall very short in terms of DIY, but that's my biggest dream trip at the moment. I mean seriously, landing a colored-up Brook Trout over 5 lbs.. wow.
  13. Well, I'm sure I won't be strictly fishing that creek. There is a lot of opportunity in that region based on what I see on maps... Probably will spend a long day or maybe two hopping from access to access (stream to stream) looking for good wading water. Indian Creek just looked like a decent bet based on access, average water levels and general reports. Besides, with this particular mission, I'm going for quantity over quality and most importantly a bit of an adventure.
  14. I had a feeling. Sorry, didn't mean to seem sore. You know how the internet make it hard to understand certain messages. Will definitely make reports. This summer no weekend will go to waste, that is for sure.
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