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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. A couple nights ago, the local biologist said the Bull Shoals Stripers being caught were fish that flushed down from Beaver during the flood two years ago. I differed. with the fact that if this is so then Taneycomo should have stripers in it as the Powersite dam was inundated at the time, along with Table Rock. So with this in mind has anyone heard of a striper being caught from lower Taneycomo? or even lower Tablerock? I claim the Bull Shoals stripers are from a release nine years ago, in Bull Shoals lake..
  2. You do need to check the tongues of the fish, Ar, stoked some stripers two years ago, so the small ones may be stripers and not whites.
  3. Gonna cause a big stink, As I was sitting in the coffee shop this AM. A bunch of people were really pissed off to hear Steve Grant on KY3 news last bight say the elk would be coming from Arkansas. The locals say that the Ark. Game and Fish have an elk problem and should issue more tags than to give the elk to Missouri. They also say that if MO. gets Ark elk, that means open season on ever elk they see.... It may get real sticky down here if you are an elk.
  4. This time of year CC is odd to say the lest a rain and its up, wait a couple days and you will be dragging the boat a bunch. With the lack of rain in the last couple months just makes the creek this way. Yea it will be an all dayfloat if you fish, so whats the problem?
  5. KY3 had a lot of huge stripers on their website that came from Bull Shoals about a month ago. a lot in the mid 40 lb range. I have one hanging in the shop that was over 50lbs, Like skinning a volkswagon and carving the body for a volkswagon.
  6. Bait for Brown Trout!
  7. It has been mentioned to leave part of the slab on each side, due to that making fishing HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE.
  8. And yet they never write jet skis or ski boats tickets for using dive flags as buoys to drive around. Someone needs to ask the AGFC about the speargun incident where a diver speared a jetski, when the driver of the jetski ran over the diver. No wake means no wake. regardless of boat size.
  9. With the amount of water that has ran all summer the cline is hard to define. Even with the deep thermeters its been hard to find and the O2 content has and still is pretty good down deep. This hot weather should define it well.
  10. 6'6" med light spinning rod, 14 lb floracarbon (vanish) line, 1/4 once bullet sinkers, 1/4 beads and good swivels. Carolina rigged and depending on what you are using for bait hooks or large Husky Jerks, Rogues. And those depend on the water rate. You can spend the day catching sculpins and the night with 24 inch brown trout.
  11. They are all over north Arkansas so you know they are in south Missouri. If you are fishing at night on any of the lakes, just shine your spot light on the banks and you will see what I am talking about. Float any creek at night and look at the snakes!
  12. http://www.silverhill65.com/ they will tell you.
  13. Low water right now. Bruno is not near CC. I would float Snow to Kellys slab maybe.
  14. Did you look at the colors, those markings are awesome. Hurst Hole above Cotter a couple miles I was told.
  15. The high water a couple years back removed most of the grass and coontail moss from White River. Now we have the green slime.
  16. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cotter-AR/Hurst-Fishing-Service/401403885150 Check out this bruiser that was released yesterday.
  17. Maybe it was couple local kids They could have been sent to grandma house and she told them take the rods and go fishing.. easy to make a lot of assumptions, but then maybe everything was on the up and up, sans littering.
  18. Ok if we the USA dont take the oil from the GULF, China, and even Vietnam Russia and other "enemy countries are already on producing wells in the gulf. We need to go with nuclear power now and get the oil fired plants off line, then we can work on the coal fired. Greenies dont want NUKE, Dont want Wind, Dont want Coal, Dont want oil. But every darn one of them, has cell phones, computers and use something that was delivered by fuel pumped out of the ground. They were fake leathers made from oil.. Geez talk about two-faced idiots. Whoa let me edit this! Everything you use to fish with has been delivered by fuel oil, your rods are made from that same oil, the line you use wiether it be fly, leader or spinning. its all oil products. How much of the economy depends on oil? Answer that!!! Here I will 100%, your job, your food will not exist without fuel.
  19. http://ir.stockpr.com/ecospheretech/video-presentations/view/53/total-frac-water-management-lifecycle These systems are used everyday in Arkansas (130 well sites.) and they say they are ready to move on the gulf oil. Also used in Texas, Oklahoma.
  20. It could be a beginner not knowing anything about fishing. either way he needs practice.
  21. we have caught a lot of fish the past couple of day. walleye and bass. Chrome Hot and tots, blue or black backed, deep rouges same colors. But man on man we have not caught a keeper!!! I told one of the AGFC Commissioners I was going to just take a skillet and grease and start doing shore lunch to get rid of the short fish. Also told him he would have to check my scat for evidence. Anyway You cannot beat Bull Shoals for walleye numbers!!!
  22. As for land animals they need a larger body to hold the body heat through the cold winters. esp those that do not lay around all winter.
  23. Catheter just like when you have one shoved up your urinary tract!
  24. Tournaments I feel have a lot to do with fish size Yo much stress on the fish, I have not seen near as many 5 lb spotted bass, not hardly any honest 5lb smallies in the past ten years as I saw back in the late 1970 through 1988. dont know if the virus wiped out the larger strains in the lakes but the size of largemouth has fallen too.
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