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Everything posted by rps

  1. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Same is true of Blue Apron
  2. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Noodle bowl. Chicken stock, miso, bok choy carrot sticks, jammy eggs, weird Asian mushrooms, fresh noodles, green onion, sesame oil, soy sauce, anchovies, and salt and pepper
  3. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Pesto and shrimp pasta last night.
  4. Thank you. I did not abandon you. I got old and parts started breaking. We got tired of driving 2 hours to see specialists.
  5. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Been doing meals lately that have already been posted here - hot dog and sauerkraut casserole, Chicken Provencal, Mexican Surprise, among others. I have enjoyer all of your posts. I will try to get more creative soon.
  6. Right now, until March 1, the riverine part of the White River above Holiday Island will be chock full of walleye. Nightime on the shoals with jerk baits and daytime in the low flow below humps and turns will be the key. Think minnow jigs and sluggos. Thanks for the shout out Bill.
  7. Many people cut off the two single hooks on each end. Fewer hangups. Important, because drop offs to deep channels still have wood, fences, and junk. If you are fishing in the channel itself, it doesn't matter, but if you are fishing places like any side of the Devil's Backbone, it will matter. EDIT: There are no fish around there. I was using it as an example of terrain.
  8. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Planked Trout Generously salt and pepper a cleaned and scaled trout. Place upon a cedar plank soaked for two hours in water. Roast at 350 for 20 minutes. Allow to rest 5 minutes. Discard the trout and eat the board.
  9. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Marinated wings with a yellow rice pilaf.
  10. If anyone wants them, I still have about a dozen of Bo's jig heads, bare and painted black. Seems to me someone could tie some mighty fine hair jigs. Bo would like it.
  11. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Valentine's for the wife. Duck breast, sesame noodles and peas. Had a chocolate mousse for dessert.
  12. I have no idea how to answer your question. I lived 17 years on Table Rock. I thought I should say hello and tell you I admire the way that you asked your question. BS is an excellent lake for walleye and bass. Keep the gold fish and let the green fish go. Good luck.
  13. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Pasta with white clam sauce.
  14. Jeff (Quillback) speaks truth. Any more, no where is safe. When the wake boats and cigarette boats come out, nothing below the 62 bridge will be safe. However, upstream of Eagle Rock is rarely dangerous. The key is to pick your time. The rich kids with wake boats mostly don't hit the lake until noon. There are exceptions. When they do come out, you can fish good water in Jolmes Creek, Haddock Creek, Stubblefield Branch, and up Roaring River.
  15. Used to live in Holiday Island and extensively fished that area for 17 years. Storage units exist at Holiday Island plus near Beaver. I second the suggestion for Beaver town park and launch ramp. Another excellent alternative is Eagle Rock. Campground, ramp, marina, great fishing area with near by storage. BTW I fished from the 62 bridge downstream in my Lund 1650 with a 90 hp with no problem.
  16. I just remembered a tactic for bottom bouncer trolling. Do just as I wrote for lures, but instead of the lure, tie on a 1/4 ounce spinner bait. To keep it down, you will need a heavier bottom bouncer. I don't remember where, but that tactic won a professional walleye tournament. bobby b., a long time member of this board, once caught a nice walleye on a spinner bait, while fishing with me. I have caught several on them as well.
  17. Put this in Wrench's hands, let him do his thing.
  18. Good advice. If you run a lure behind a bottom bouncer, set your leader line from the bouncer to the lure longer than you would for a worm harness, 4 or 5 feet. Do not let the bouncer simple drop to the bottom. Instead, let it out slowly so the lure remains away from the bouncer or main line. Last be sure you use a floating bait that does not dive sharply. You will hang up less frequently that way. Last, periodically pull the bait forward, pause for about a second and then let lure slowly pull the rod back. The hit will likely come on the sudden move forward or on the pause. Good luck.
  19. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Thank you. sous vide loves duck.
  20. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Domestic duck breast, pan roasted asparagus, saffron rice.
  21. rps

    What's Cooking?

    You know I love Pasta Fazool. I did a blog post and posted a link here in 2015.
  22. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Hello Fresh and Blue Apron are good for ideas. If you stay with them for 2 or three months the ingredients and ideas start to bore.
  23. I once had an Xpress modified v. I used it on TR. Beat me to death. That is when I bought the Alumacraft 16' that I wish I had never sold.
  24. Believe it or not, I would take the hand me down Evinrude 18 hp motor out of the back of my VW and sleep in it. I took sandwiches and sodas and fished an entire weekend out of a cheap rented boat. I really enjoyed it. My young wife, not so much.
  25. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Last two nights: Tomato Mac and Cheese; Chili to match Nancy's Cornbread
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