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Everything posted by rps

  1. For years I fished a green frog on a black twin spin spinner. I cut the pork side in a cross hatch to make it flexible and wave more. And for years I had to clean up the box every Spring.
  2. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Salad anyone?
  3. In 17 years on the lake, I killed two huge walleye. I caught both in July while water temps were near 80. Both were spent when I netted them. The larger is my avatar.
  4. My cousin Steve spent his whole career with AFGC. He told me the best he could do was to be visible as many different places as he could be. Most of his arrests were for spotlighting deer, because that was obvious. Once in a while, someone would tip him about some Scooter and Hooter pair doing something illegal and stupid. He must have been fairly efficient. He had his tires slashed and two Labs poisoned.
  5. When I focused on walleye for my "after topwater is done" fishing, I was one of a small number. From what you write, times have changed. Good fishermen will adjust and continue to find fish. The rest will have a small window to catch in the Spring only. I wish it were otherwise.
  6. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Last night I served a meal to the people who bought me at a charity auction. Amuse Bouche - seared shrimp with curry sauce Appetizer - crab cake with strawberry salsa Entree - butter poached lobster tail, mushroom rissoto, asparagus with a saffron aioli. Dessert - chocolate mousse I could not interrupt the guests for pictures, so I only have one of the Amuse Bouche.
  7. As I have written before, the Yozuri Hybrid is an inexpensive line that performs well and reliably. It humbles the mono I used in the past, and does not cost nearly as much as the flouro flavor of the day.
  8. rps

    What's Cooking?

    yes - ham was what I had.
  9. rps

    What's Cooking?

  10. rps


    Since the largest HP motor I ever had was 90, I never saw those speeds. My last boat (16', 90HP) topped out at 37 mph.75 mph would make me pee my pants.
  11. rps

    It Is Time

    True for striped bass, yes. Lakes with limited tributaries and walleye reproduction, like Oolagah and Canton here in Oklahoma, have a strange combination of wind/shallows/rocks and dams that keep the eggs suspended until they hatch. The Great Lakes, with tides and vast bodies of water moved by wind, are another example. Walleye were native to the White River before they dammed it. The Black River supports a good population, or did before if was so heavily fished. According to what I have read from AGFC, Tablerock and Beaver have only limited natural reproduction. AFGC considers them put and take lakes for walleye. By way of another example, sauger were native to Tablerock before the dam went in. In over 15 years of walleye fishing on Tablerock, I caught one sauger. The change to the river severely restricts their spawning success.
  12. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Way, way back in this thread, we (not the royal we) covered spatchcocking fowl. Now, years later, it has become the new normal. On the topic of way back, go back and check out the pictures in the early days of this thread. Compare those to those we currently post. We need to start a cooking show, "Sportsmen Cook! (and Bake).
  13. rps

    It Is Time

    When I lived on Tablerock, I rarely fished walleye before late April. February was too darn cold, and March was WW time. I did keep and eat walleye, but I always obeyed the possession limit. Last, Tablerock is primarily put and take for walleye. The rivers that feed the lake do not have the length of moving water to allow the eggs to hatch. My comments about taking only 1 or 2 were aimed at sharing a finite resource.
  14. rps

    What's Cooking?

    If your water container is large enough, you can do a large roast beef and then sear the outside. Edge to edge perfect pink.
  15. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Welcome to the fold. For some things, it is the best. My favorite? Take the breasts off ducks and sear them. Use the sous vide to confit the thighs and legs. Magic!
  16. rps

    It Is Time

    For the last week to ten days, my sources have reported the walleye are biting between Holiday Island and the Beaver dam. This should last another 4 to 6 weeks. Please, take only one or two home per trip. God bless.
  17. Dutch, 479 244 5278. I would be pleased to make you a rod.
  18. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Curried chicken with saffron rice.
  19. You probably already know this and use one, but a jigging rap moves, when vertically jigged, in a circle large enough to be under the center of the boat when you jig it at the side.
  20. If you want to front attach to a flutter spoon, try threading a length of heavy braid through the o ring on the spoon. Then use the doubled ends to uniknot snell to your hook?
  21. rps

    What's Cooking?

    BH hunts. Fish, fowl, beasts, fungi, and cast iron. One must ask. For what else does he have time?
  22. You can also use them as "stingers" on large bait setups. Cinch the line to the first (normal) hook and use the first hook to lip hook a chub. Then use the stinger to have a second hook farther back in the bait.
  23. They replace trebles on spoons and tail hooks of cranks. They make hard baits qualify for "no treble" zones and reduce hangups when vertical jigging trees. They work great for those purposes.
  24. I have done them for vertical jigging spoons, but with heavy fused braid (it is stiffer). I used a snell knot at the hook and a double palomer at the O ring.
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