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Chief Grey Bear

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. Yeah first pic is just about right. Maybe pull it off about a minute and a half sooner.
  2. Definetly more manly than in a sandwich bag in hot, scratch that. Make that luke warm water. But the ultimate is with fire on a grill. We did steaks tonight too! Great men think alike!
  3. ...he does a lot of good in the community. http://sbj.net/stories/breaking-news-morris-decides-fate-of-ozark-mill,57148
  4. I just read it twice. Where did it say they were bottom feeders?
  5. I've got a Steven's that looks a lot like that. My dad got for my 10th birthday.
  6. Me either
  7. WOWZA!!
  8. Post the proof. Shut us up.
  9. Whats a matta? Can't do it? I want a pic with you and the Threadfin and the Niangua Arm sign and Marty in the same pic.
  10. Now that there is funny. Extremely ironic, but funny.
  11. Yeah this ol boy done his homework and scored one up north in Dakota. South Dakota I think. Anyway some from over east poo pooed it because it was too short by their standards. They began to question if was really worthy of record status because of length.
  12. I wonder if this one will be long enough?
  13. Yeah all that and more.
  14. Don't forget the Russian Sturgeon! But they won't talk about them. Something about Trump starting a caviar business.
  15. Not a great pic but tonight we had Fired Chicken Cordon Bleu with a Dijon Parmesan sauce.
  16. This is the man that sparked my passion for fishing the rivers and hunting the great lands. He instilled in me the ethics of respecting the outdoors and the conservation that must accompany it. He also sparked my interest in grilling, smoking, and camp cooking. Yesterday was his 80th birthday. This was 6 months ago at the young age of 79 and he still floats by himself. I can only hope to achieve the same.
  17. I love you ness! is that good??
  18. I'd love to do that some time.
  19. Hilarious! It reminds me of a group that continually breaks all 10 of those rules. Then when somebody from outside the group stumbles upon their waters and posts a report, they do everything but threaten them with death. Hahahahaha!
  20. So what happened to our BBQ summit? Are we going to get that going this year?
  21. Why always bring your childish politics into a thread? It serves no purpose.
  22. He's got rocks in his head. He's closer than he knows!
  23. Another good read https://thelibrary.org/lochist/periodicals/wrv/V8/N8/S84h.htm
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