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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. No offense taken at all, BassCat. Just making a funny about capitalism at its finest. I hope your plan is successful. Rather see honest folks making a buck off keeping others' property safe than see the thieves continue to make money by stealing.
  2. We already give the lowlifes 1/3 of our income every other Friday, then they come and take what little gear we can afford while we're sleeping so we can go back to work the next day and earn them some more money.
  3. That's good stuff, rps. Very good stuff.
  4. I'd say that's the pinnacle of opportunism ... the thieves take the opportunity to steal, and someone else comes along and seizes the opportunity to stop the thieves.
  5. Fortunately, we don't all like the same things. I'm like you ... 10 minutes of trolling and I'm ready to make deals with the devil to get me to the bank.
  6. Thievery is addressed in the very first book of the Bible. We aren't going to stamp it out by shooting anyone. Heck, if you want to do that, get your local map of sex offenders and go shoot one of the pervs who abuse children. At least you'll be doing society a truly big favor on your way to jail. As citizens, we are limited in what we can do to curb crimes like these. Yes, it has to be a pain in the arse to haul all of your belongings home (I can't speak from experience since I trailer my boat). But doing so will accomplish two things ... (1) The thieves won't be stealing YOUR stuff and (2) they'll have to work a lot harder for their bounty and hopefully will either move on or get caught.
  7. Must have just been a boring day all around. I spent the entire day proofing/editing a 266-screen webinar session (on-screen content, closed captioning and audio) on a new HR management system for a major grocery chain. That's almost as dull as trolling.
  8. That's one heckuva report. Pretty much covers it all. Thanks, chief.
  9. I don't know how you could ask someone to do it for less than $100.
  10. I'd call that fortunate and would probably insist on $100. Never hurts to tip.
  11. Your insurance deductible might be cheaper and easier than hiring a diver, who is no guarantee to find it.
  12. If he's that scared he doesn't need to be out there. Gonna end up causing someone else to wreck by blinding them.
  13. Hope those big LM got a pardon and were released alive. Be a shame for an 8-pound LM to eat his last meal attached to a trotline.
  14. 50-pound braid ... when regular finesse gear just won't do.
  15. Drop-shotting is kinda like scratching your butt. We all do it but we don't talk much about it and we try not to let anyone else see us doing it.
  16. Everyone has to fish outta something.
  17. You're right, Plug. My old Champion had a few scratches, a couple of which came from fishing Central Pro-Am events at LOZ.
  18. Couldn't agree more, Plug. Nothing flies all over me faster than someone who is "too good" to even speak, especially when I expend the effort and breath to say hello. I go out of my way to be friendly to everyone, even though I'm not the most outgoing and talkative person at times. It's just common courtesy, although I'm sure we all agree that it isn't very common anymore.
  19. Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are. Worse part about the new Wart release is going to be trying to wade thru all of the yada yada "they are great" vs. "they suck, old ones are better" here on the forum. For all of the banter that's been written here on the subject, nothing has ever been decided. Gonna need a lot of duct tape and bailing wire to keep my head from exploding.
  20. Very progressive thinking, bfishn. One thing we do know ... contrary to what us 50-somethings were taught growing up, bass do not shy away from current, particularly in the hot months. It brings food to them, cools and oxygenates the water, etc. Thanks for sharing the diagrams and your personal experiences. This is good stuff.
  21. Thank you for your patriotism and love of country, DC.
  22. Darn good ol' motors, Wrench. But boy do they love them some gasoline.
  23. BassCat, I can assure you that I'm serious about catching a bass anytime I go fishing and I've caught more than my share at night on a black War Eagle. There are a lot of good spinnerbaits out there. I'm sure the Black Widow is among them. But it's not the only one.
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