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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. I’d be honored.
  2. The rocks don’t even scuff them. Only bass teeth. 😁
  3. Sometimes people don’t catch em shallow because they don’t fish shallow. You only catch them where you put your bait and that needs to be where you have the most confidence.
  4. Champ188

    My wife

    I can’t even imagine. Prayers.
  5. Baffles me how anyone would gamble putting marina gas in a 20-year-old push mower, much less an Uber-expensive hi-tech outboard.
  6. It's definitely a train wreck when those good brown fish eat that Plooper.
  7. Good luck and please practice CPR!
  8. It had to get out one of these years. Dang that KVD!
  9. As usual, well said Vernon.
  10. I see what you’re saying. Clear water, bright skies and no wind are the toughest of conditions on highland reservoirs like Table Rock. Glad you got to see the good side of our lake, too. Come back.
  11. Many people would kill for that kind of action in post-spawn conditions. Not sure what you were expecting but that is some very good action in late May.
  12. This is the running totals for the season ...
  13. Great to see so many nice SM showing up in those parts. Hope they’re still swimming.
  14. Any fish caught in 8-15 feet this time of year is subject to be on a bed.
  15. Spawned out LM in the pic.
  16. Good report. Thanks Bill.
  17. Champ188


    Great report, Techo. Congrats on a fun day on the water.
  18. Great stuff, Bill. Thanks for sharing.
  19. They’re only running 3400 out of Beaver so shouldn’t be a huge event for anyone.
  20. I frequently make that same gesture and get the same response. Hard to imagine someone is so uninformed or downright stupid as to think that's OK.
  21. You can bet that most any of those guys have no problem yanking every big one they can find off the bed and socking it down in the livewell only to cull as many times as they can later in the day. So it’s not just a five-fish limit that gets displaced. One of the many reasons I pretty much gave up derby fishing and the last time I did fish one during the spawn, I purposely passed on bed fishing. Not perfect by a dozen long shots strung together but I do practice what I preach where fish care is concerned.
  22. Fishing isn’t all that slow. Took 20 lbs to win the Cops for Kids derby Tuesday and 14 lbs to make the top 25.
  23. Some of the prettiest crappie I've seen in a very long time. Congrats and enjoy munching on them.
  24. 96 CHAMP knows his business about night fishing on Table Rock. He won’t steer you wrong and neither will Bo (Merc97).
  25. Oh, the irony! 😂 🤣 Ironic, too, that the self-appointed wise one can only respond by calling names.
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