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Everything posted by abkeenan

  1. Hey Guys, Winners check your PM's and you'll have your gift card prize payouts there. Thanks again to all who played this year. See you next year, Brett
  2. Hey guys, Sorry for the lack of communication on the boards and with fantasy fishing. Been busy with work. As you can see I missed ONE tournament which was a couple days after another BASS event had just finished and I wasn't able to get a lineup entered in time. After I missed that one week I just mailed it in and didn't continue the season. Not like it mattered anyways as I'm sure I wouldn't have finished in the top 3 with fully filled out teams. That said CONGRATS to the top 3 finishers. Looking at the standings looks like Swebo1 pulled one out from under Nomolites right at the last second. Very close finish with only 19pts between the two. We had 16 participants this year for a total pot of $240. Ill pay out the top 3: 1st - Swebo1 - $120 2nd - Nomolites - $80 3rd - Fallguy - $40 Winners, give me a couple of days to get on Tackle Warehouse and purchase those dollar amounts in gift cards. I'll then message you individually. Again sorry for the delays and getting around to the payouts of this league. Congrats to the winners and thanks for everyone who participated. -Brett
  3. I’d just like for it to be on record that I have indeed been in first place at one point during the season. Might be the first time ever. Certainly the first time in many years. You can’t take today away from me. My descent to the bottom begins tomorrow.
  4. Good deal. Glad it worked.
  5. Thumbs, Try to enter now. Hopefully it works.
  6. Guys and Gals, Last call to sign up for Fantasy Fishing. Tournament starts early THIS Thursday morning. Group will close at that time and no new entries will be allowed to register to participate. We have 15 participants at the moment. It’s $15 for the entire season and if you already follow the Elites makes it a little more interesting with a little skin the game. This goes for anyone on the fence or who have already signed up: Aside from our little pot you can also join other public groups at a chance for more prizes. It’s free to join those groups and I recommend joining the Tackle Warehouse group at minimum. It’s the largest group by far on BASS fantasy fishing. Last year we had a couple guys in the hunt for some really great prizes from TW. Top 10 or 15 is paid out in that group and it’s literally a boat load of gear that you win. Just a thought. Good luck to all this year. I have my lineup locked, loaded and ready for another miserable finish.
  7. That’s actually my spot, sir. Well at least it was last year excluding people that didn’t fill out a lineup for at least one week. I think I was statistically the worst last year.
  8. Man ladies and gents....super sorry for the delay!! Didn't mean to keep everyone waiting and I hope we can still get a good turnout for this years league. First Elite event is just a few weeks out starting Feb. 22nd on Toledo Bend. So lets get signed up quick! Bumping to league fee up to $15 this year. INFLATION is hitting home! Payment details are in the group notes once you join the group/league. League entry fee (PayPal or Venmo) is due by the start of the first tournament. If you have not paid by that time then you will not be eligible to win prizes in the league even if you continue to participate in filling out rosters every event. The prizes will be in the form of Tackle Warehouse gift cards at various values. The value of those gift cards will be determined on interest and amount of people that join the league. The payout will scale accordingly from 1st prize to an agreed upon (by the league majority) last winning place. Example: 20 entries x $15 = $300 in pot for TW Gift Cards 1st - $150 2nd - $100 3rd - $50 - Something along these lines. To sign up go here: https://bassmasterfantasy.com/ For those of you new to fantasy fishing its very simple and requires very little effort or skill. The only thing you need to do is FILL OUT A TEAM EVERY WEEK there is an event. You forget or miss one tournament event then it is hard to compete for prizes as it is nearly impossible to make up those lost points. See above link for more info. Please register your name AS THE SAME NAME/HANDLE you have here on Ozark Anglers as it's easier for everyone to identify each other. To join the league find the OZARK ANGLERS group I've created after you've registered an account. It is marked as private as to not let a bunch of people into the league. Group name: OZARK ANGLERS Password: longcreek Please respond here on this thread for those that plan to participate so I can get an idea of how many will be joining. Thanks and good luck! Brett
  9. Sounds fun but I will be out of the country for this date. Have fun fellas!
  10. Alright guys, Winners have been sent their gift cards so for those individuals check your PM's. See everyone next year!
  11. Hey Guys, Sorry I've been quiet on the boards and not very responsive lately with fantasy fishing. Been super busy with work this year. Fallguy was an absolute hammer and made a serious run at the top prizes from Tackle Warehouse. I think they pay out top 10 or so there and their prizes are just mountains of tackle from what winners post on social media. So very close and congrats. We had 20 entrants this year for fantasy fishing = $200 into the pot. Will Pay Top 3 this year: 1st = $100 - Fallguy 2nd = $60 - Swelbo1 3rd = $40 - Targa98 Thanks again for all of those who participated. Next year I think I am just going to do auto-generated picks for my teams because it cannot be ANY WORSE than me actually deciding on my own. I barely beat teams that even failed to enter a team for a tournament or two. That's how bad I was. Good grief I stink! I'll get the Tackle Warehouse gift cards to the winner this upcoming week when I get a minute. I'll PM those individuals the codes. Thanks again and see you all next year! Brett
  12. New series coming to TLC. “Hoarders: Table Rock Edition”. You have a sickness.
  13. You have a better shot of winning the Powerball than getting a KGB bait on their "drops". They are gone in less than 15 seconds of going live on their website. You can have all your address and payment info pre-filled in the fields, add the bait to the cart and click order as fast you possibly can and you STILL have a very slight chance of getting one. Your best bet to get one is like you said second hand from a friend or on the facebook group "Swimbait Universe". Just have to be careful though as it's a large group of people and scams occur all the time even though the majority are good guys/gals buying, selling, trading and sharing a wealth of info.
  14. Final reminder to get your lineups set before tomorrows Classic start.
  15. There's really only so much one can improve on when it comes to jigs. It's a lump of lead molded to a hook in various configurations after all. But I believe that the thoughts and theories behinds Bo's jig make the absolute most sense, scientifically speaking. The mechanics of his design are sound and in my estimation lead to just better performance in snagging less and hooking up with fish more. Every single fish I've ever caught on his jig has been "hooked in the top of the head" as Bo used to say. That is due to the mechanics of the design of his double independent weed guards. For that reason alone is why I use it. No foul hooking or skin hooking fish which can lead to missed fish. That doesn't happen when the hook is driven through the top hard plate of the basses mouth. Here are some videos of the physics of it all:
  16. Good luck on your business venture, Phil. Not sure what kind of patents or intellectual property rights that Bo's NuTech Lures/Jigs hold but I think it would be really cool if you could somehow acquire them and produce his jigs once again. Part of that is me selfishly wanting them but it would be nice to see his memory live on by keeping his jigs on the end of peoples lines.
  17. In an unrelated note and I am not bashing or attacking but more wondering: If the entry fee's go up in cost and also the number of entrants grow each year why aren't the payouts increasing in either prize amount or number of hourly places paid? I realize costs have gone up the last couple years on EVERYTHING so cost of putting on the invent increases but I don't believe the payouts have kept pace accordingly.
  18. To piggy back on this anyone know if someone picked up Bo's NuTech Jigs and is selling them? It's all I've used for the last decade and it appears that their website is now defunct and Tackle Warehouse is out of stock/not going to restock assuming. RIP Bo.
  19. Just a heads up to get those rosters set for the BassMaster Classic!
  20. My brother Connor has pushed "all in" on the swimbait stuff. I still have all my "conventional" tackle as swimbait guys call it but have also added a bit of rod/reel gear to handle the big baits. You have to have the stomach to do it as you aren't going to get many bites. Blanking for hours or even days can and does happen. You aren't going to have 30+ fish days on them. But when you get one it's gonna be likely a good one. There are a wide variety of swimbaits and just like any other bait they have their time and place. I don't want to call it a fad but it appears that big swimbait fishing is going more mainstream as now SPRO is mass producing them, Cliff Pace just released his own handmade glide and it seems the younger generation of fisherman gravitate towards this "style" of fishing. Bass Pro just released an XPS Swerve Glide and for $18 you really can't go wrong. For someone starting out and wanting to get their toes wet that is a cheap bait to see if it's for you before draining your savings account on some of the other high end stuff.
  21. They aren't "knock-offs" perse as they were a collaboration between KGB (Kevin) and SPRO. They are just an ABS version of Kevin's resin Chad Shad. Release hasn't gone to plan as there are factory issues in China that have slowed the process. But yes, all KGB baits are hard to get and also expensive. Especially if you are new to swimbaits the sticker shock is.....well....shocking
  22. Some nice healthy fish there.
  23. Title made me think you were going to be talking about Major League Fishing. 57 fish is a BUNCH even if small. Makes for a fun day.
  24. Couple of years ago at the Big Bass Tour event there was a 9. That's the largest I've heard of or seen in a while. Babler had a 9-10lb'er if I recall on a jerkbait a while back. Maybe he can post a pic again but it was at least 5+ years ago and probably more like 10 yrs ago. Mike Webb's 11'ber is the largest I've heard of in the last 20+ years. Granted there are probably a lot of good' ol boys that catch them but you just don't hear about it.
  25. Yep. Don’t forget to fill those lineups out ladies and gents. The next Tourny on Seminole starts THIS WEEK. Lock’em in. Can’t recall the last time they went to Seminole. Something new and different, which is welcomed by me.
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