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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by cnr

  1. This may be a little bit of a stretch. But, do you think that maybe some people (children and adults) have become desensitized to the reality of gun violence and death? I see some of the very realistic first person shooter video games and have to wonder if it dehumanizes the experience? That goes for the modern crop of movies too. Yes, I know most people understand the difference between reality and a game or video but for some it may not be so clear. For example, I have a very good friend that thought when you shoot someone with a large caliber handgun the person would be lifted off the ground and thrown through the air like it shows in the movies. I had to explain the physics to him that it just doesn't work that way. I think our entertainment industry (games & videos) and 24/7 media coverage may be partly at fault of warping the reality of the consequences some folks actions.
  2. True. That's why I worded it as a "known area that repeatedly floods". The situation is dynamic and getting worse due to man's poorly planned intervention. Our area sits in the confluence of two of the biggest rivers in the country. We cannot ever contain that water volume. Let's start reversing the years of building-up in those areas so future generations are not affected.
  3. True enough. If you live in a know flood area that repeatedly floods then the cost is on you as the risk taker. Oh, and don't even get me going about Chesterfield Valley. That's a future disaster in the making.
  4. Yep. Levees don't solve flooding. They just make it someone else's problem. I'm of the opinion to remove them all and let the flood plain be what it is supposed to be. Start using the funding that was allocated for levees to relocate and/or buy out flood victims. Use flood plains for limited use that can handle occasional flooding. Park land, bike paths, etc. Yes, it would be a difficult and slow process but maybe in a 100 years things would be in a better state. Eventually flooding would be a natural curiosity, not catastrophe.
  5. cnr

    What's Cooking?

    Oh heck no. I could never do that. Of course I don't smoke and am allergic to gluten (no fried chicken). Only leaves me one vice left.
  6. Well done Scott. You were due a good trip after your recent little adventure on Hog Wally's boat.
  7. Wow. Great job and congrats. Those fish don't come along very often. Super fat pig. Well done.
  8. Had? Past tense. I guess they HAD no cars at all. Answer 0.
  9. cnr

    Ozark Gold

    Great video. I just fished that watershed the other day. One of my favorites.
  10. Person B and sneak out to fish more when my wife thinks I'm working. Or, maybe person A and buy better equipment but hide the tackle warehouse bill from my wife. Unfortunately I fall into both personas.
  11. Ha. That's the truth there brother. Gotta love those teenage years.
  12. LOL. You crack me up Mitch.
  13. Nice smallie. Well done.
  14. Nice. This warm weather seems to have them on a good bite.
  15. You don't want to start a fight but put the above line in your post. Throwing rocks always starts a fight.
  16. cnr

    Jerk baits

    I'm a fan of the Spro McStick 110. Good bait for the price. It's my go to confident bait for Browns this time of year. It's put 20#+ fish in the net.
  17. Nicely done. Congratulations.
  18. Here are my two biggest for 2015. 20.5" Smallmouth. Caught mid summer, mid-day on a white fluke. Steelhead caught April 2015 from a small creek in Michigan on a small black Stonefly.
  19. cnr

    Christmas Music

    It's a little different but I like TSO. Trans Siberian Orchestra.
  20. That fish sure was eating well. Nice one.
  21. Black beans matter too!
  22. Congrats. Having a family will be the most rewarding time of your life. Enjoy.
  23. Wow. Smalliesaurus
  24. Here are a few from the fall of 2012. JoeD is in the pics.
  25. Here's a video from Phil explaining how to fish a jig properly for trout on Taneycomo. Always remember that if you are not losing jigs then you are probably not fishing them properly (deep enough). You should always fish close to the bottom and you will occasionally hang them up and lose them.
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