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Black Bullhead

Black Bullhead (7/89)



  1. Wesley


    Is anyone driven from .15 to Cape Fair Marina and then from Cape Fair Marina to .9. I’m sure the water got trash how much trash ??in but what’s the clarity of the water? Is it crystal clear so I can look 10 feet down the water and see the fish. Is it a little murky or muddy? still let me know.
  2. Wesley


  3. Going out over the weekend. Where are you getting the crappies nowadays? THANKS
  4. Wesley


    Just caught a big crappie. Full of eggs. Can they spawn this time of year?
  5. MORNING ALL. Any info on crappies. Anybody getting any. Hoy deep, Timber. Brush piles
  6. I have used Walmart batteries for 30 years. Last week I trolled 4 hours before battery gave out. Remember very few battery manufacturers. Honeywell makes most of the batteries for all brands. As far as starting I have never used a marine battery. I use a car battery in all of my 4 boats. More power. Never a problem.
  7. Where is anglers bend. Relative to Bridgeport
  8. Wesley


  9. Wesley


    Never drifted the flats for channel cats. Gonna use cut bait bluegills. Any certain depth we should target.
  10. Need advice. I have tried crawdad traps but I never get any dads. I am going to put dead fish in the traps this time. Any tip on where to put traps. Depth?
  11. Anybody getting any crappies on the banks? Thanks
  12. Crappies on the bank?
  13. Anybody getting any crappies. If maybe a tip coves? Trees? Depth? Any info woujd be appreciated.
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