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Fishing Buddy
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  • Birthday 07/30/1959

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  1. The complete game is on Youtube Ness...
  2. Thanks dnj... there are six of us going. We've all traveled quite a bit through the years and you're right, tips go along ways at an all-inclusive. Beachside service! Gonna do some shore fishing along with open water stuff. I'll post a few pics here when I'm back. KC
  3. We'll be at the Grand Bahia Princepe Coba. Grand Bahia Princepe Akumal and Tulum are sister properties all in the same area. The six of us in our group are going deep sea fishing and are also gonna do some shore fishing while we're there. Would like some Dorado and Tuna. But I'd take this...
  4. I will do that.
  5. Heading to a place between Akumal and Tulum end of Feb. Gonna spend a day or two on the water. Fished Cabo a couple of years back. Wife had a Striped Marlin on but lost it at the boat. Every time I have deep sea fished it's been during the winter which is not the best time most places in the northern hemisphere. But it sure as hell is the best time to get the hell outta' the cold up here!
  6. Trout pond at the KC Sports Show.
  7. You and Chief should start a "swimming with the sharks" business. I'll be your boat pilot and charge by the pound for netting casualties.
  8. Hey BH... I was supposed to be down there too. Had to move the in-laws back to KC after 27 years at Shell Knob and Cassville. Sorry I missed it. Hope to be there next time.
  9. If you're camping on the river I think Blue Spring on the upper JF to Alley would be perfect. Bring your soft plastics IMO.
  10. We're going in 2018 now MTB. Stuff has come up for this year. Gonna meet our hosts in March at the beach somewhere. Thanks for the photos. I'll check'em out.
  11. That I sometimes bring one pole and as you know my confidence baits only. I probably need to be more diverse. But less is more as far as I'm concerned.
  12. I used to always pick up trash but my mom never approved of 'em...
  13. The one pole approach probably hurt ya if ya wanna reach stud status.
  14. Sorry buddy. Never saw this post. 4 hours and 30 minutes on the average from where I live north of the river.
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