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Stockton Lake Guide Service

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About Stockton Lake Guide Service

  • Birthday 10/02/1966

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  • Location
    Stockton Lake
  • Interests
    Hunting and Fishing

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Longnose Gar

Longnose Gar (29/89)



  1. give me a call if you are looking for a helix 12 chirp si di etc without the mega screen. might make you a good deal so i can get the mega screen, i messed up when i got mine.
  2. i have the new helix 12 with the chirp. just getting used to it, so cant tell you much yet. had the onix 10 before this one. i'm using it in the gulf right now, be back on stockton next month sometime. pics are awesome and easy to find stuff so far.4
  3. It's still coming up, water is still pretty clear on South end. Sorry, ain't been to high point. Try fishing in the very back of creeks coming in, fish are feeding back there better than the points, we'll the bass anyway. Good luck
  4. I've got to disagree with the fish shutting down, it changes their feeding behavior, and sometimes it can be tuff, but the don't quit eating for days. Ok, go ahead and yell at me, I'm used to it.
  5. I thought I could get one walleye for every month. I thought it would be a neat personal goal, but I blew it for January. February isn't looking to good for me.

    Thanks for all the info you post, it has been very helpful. 

  6. great chance to get what you need to get this boat back on the water or to use this great engine to get a boat going. I have a 21 foot stratos 201 pro, with a 225 etec evinrude. Motor runs fine, it was under water for just a few minutes, it was pickled, and ran for 40 min after taking out of water. runs good. the bottom of the boat is in bad condition. I'm wantint to get this out of my garage without giving it away., so the first 4,000 takes it unless someone offers less and thats it. you can take a look at the boat, just give me a call. 4176372277 thanks, Bob looking for pics but you can run by and see it also. have clear titles.
  7. optima blue top! been having same trolling motor batteries for 4 years, and they get used 250 times per year. I can''t find anything that can beat them at the price. cmac auto repair has them in lamar, as well as interstate. Or you can buy them thru amazon, but if you have an issue, they justsend out another one. don't go cheap!! it will kill you later, the ones i purchased were about 430 for 2 batteries, they sell at orielly for 299 each, plus exchange, and tax.
  8. Dutch, hit googer from the center 2 point to the left. lots of shad this time of year. those eyes are laying down under them. also old state park has a good population of shad.. good luck,, let jus know how you do..
  9. Does it really matter how they got here? Most likely it was an Arkansas fish farmer with a biology degree. There.., everyone wins.
  10. Looks like they have been dropping the lake 4 inches per day, or close to it. As far as crapp I e spawn and stuff in water, cold water holds o2 lots better, shouldn't be a concern in the winter. The spawn is a long ways off, they will have the lake back to normal over the winter, unless we get lots more rain. And you are corrct, for the past years mdc and the coe have worked very well together to help the spawn and not leave the eggs dry. It shows with the awesome fishing we have in missouri. Got some flounder to catch in the morning. Stay safe and warm!!
  11. Looks like they have been dropping the lake 1/2 foot per day, or close to it. As far as crapp I e spawn and stuff in water, cold water holds o2 lots better, shouldn't be a concern in the winter. The spawn is a long ways off, they will have the lake back to normal over the winter, unless we get lots more rain. And you are corrct, for the past years mdc and the coe have worked very well together to help the spawn and not leave the eggs dry. It shows with the awesome fishing we have in missouri. Got some flounder to catch in the morning. Stay safe and warm!!
  12. with stockton still 15 foot highand of course my doctor not wanting me to get chilled, I decided it would be best to come to florida and fish. Had some nice crappie, but man they look funny down here. They taste awesome!!! Anyone doing any good on stockton for the crappie. Everyone I've talked to has said no. If your out there stay safe and good luck.
  13. thanks straw hat. It was a very busy 2015 on Stockton, which I guess is a good thing!! But didn't leave much time to post reports and info, if I ever become tech savy, I'm sure I will keep up better.
  14. Just wanted to say happy new year to everyone on here. Lake is at 884.15 and I am going to fish the gulf of mexico!! Be careful if you go out on the lake, not a lot of traffic if you get into trouble, so keep the lifejackets on!! If I hear any good news on Stockton, I will try to post something on here to help catch some fish. Good luck and stay warm!! Bob
  15. And no I didn't eat them but the Customer sure did
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