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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Hydro tech in nixa. They are top notch with Yamaha being there forte!
  2. Had a tournament boat pull in on me yesterday around 11 am. He was very frantic asking me if I had any livewell treatments in my boat. He was losing them. Told him to go over to Indian point and get some ice but believe it was too late for that.
  3. Sweet indeed! Hofer International in Pittsburg Kansas sold them. I think half of the populatin of Brazilton Ks drove one. 1975 or 76 was the last year they made them.
  4. Fished out of the Indian Point area today. At 5:15 started throwing the fin in the dark and had 3 takers all short .Once it got light that was it they wouldn't have anything to do with it so switched to the spook and they flat ate it. Took around 14 pounds of keepers (all blacks) and 4 or so shorts off of a 100 yard stretch of bank. Boat in around 6ft of water throwing in and around the bushes. Next stop caught around 15 or so smallmouth on the spook boat anywhere from 15 ft to 60 ft. They averaged between 14 to 16 inch. Top bite ended around 9:30. Drug some flats with a tube and caught a couple more shorts, Then it got bright and slick and I got hungry so called it a day around 10:30.
  5. Whites and death trap hooks would scare me to death. Wish you would dull down to a gammy.
  6. Don't ever use feathers! They wont hit it. Wink.
  7. Lets stock some tiger muskies too why we are at it. At least they will die off in 10 or so years.
  8. Lets say Champ wants a new recliner. My cost is $400. I use my suggested retail formula $400, 400 / .20 = $2000. Then I give him the good buddy discount. $2000.x.50 = $1000, plus sales tax at 7.638% = &76.38 =$1076.38. Plus shipping to me of $35. Then remote delivery charge of $75. That's to his driveway, ( inside white glove delivery available at an additional charge). Gps usage surcharge $15. For a total of $1201.38. We do accept credit cards but a 4% conviance fee will be added. Heck, I will even buy you lunch at the Dairy Queen! You would need to drive me there though cause its 5 miles from your house. Signing off now with a Sams furniture commercial arm rotating thing with my middle finger sticking out.
  9. Bill, use your cypering on my tab. Dont ask Becky to figure it for you ! Also then the discount multipliar for the individual items would be 0.42. Say 1 item was $300 retail. Your costs would be 300 x .042 = $126 And if you wanted to mark it up and sell it say at 50% markup you would divide your cost by.50 to get your selling price. $126 / .50 = $252. That would be 16% discount off retail and you doubled your money.
  10. You guys go ahead and stuff the top stuff back in the rod box after the sun gets bright. Wink wink.
  11. http://bcove.me/62ledz38
  12. I know at our campground they spent around ten grand last winter updating the sewer filtration system. It was compliant as it was but we voted to stay ahead of the game and make it better. Now if us humans can stop using the phosphate based soaps. We are brainwashed that if there is no suds its not cleaning properly. AmWay, (and no I dont sell amway) , sells some of the best phosphate free soaps in the world.
  13. But don't expect this unusually clear water to last all summer. This clear-water phase will end as newly hatched fish graze the zooplankton numbers down and allow the algal community to rebound. Think he said zooplankton , not plankton.
  14. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Why-Is-Table-Rock-Lake-So-Clear-this-Year--40-Foot-Visibility-Not-Seen-in-30-Years-.html?soid=1102224436468&aid=h9j7ut2lLQo
  15. Bill didn't say Nitros were bad boats, just that they don't compare to a Phoenix, and they don't. Like comparing a Kia to a Infinity.Nothing wrong with a Kia just that an Infinity is better. That old saying you get what you pay for holds true. Like most if you cant afford top of the line we settle for what we can afford and nothing in the world wrong with that. As far as Lews reels go, I am a fan. Changed out all my Shimonos to Lews several years ago.
  16. Ok, I will get shot for this but a good place for bank fishing the spoonies is way up the James at Delaware Town, 5 miles east of Nixa on Hwy 14. You can snag right there at the bridge. My son uses a canoe to get to some of his favorite holes though. A little hisory on Delaware Town, The US goverment located the Delaware Indians there in the early 1820"s. The usual treaty, as long as grass grow and water flow. As trade and commerace began up and down the James its was the goverment decided that the land was more valuable to the whites than the Indians. The goverment went to the Delaware and said hey, we have a better place for you guys to live. Its alot bettter than this place. They were relocated in Kansas and later to Oklahoma.
  17. Sweet!
  18. In a nutshell I just wish it was more centraly located. I understand that the sponsers and regatta permits dictate where and when.
  19. I don't know how putting the weigh in at long creek will make it faster for the fisherman. That's a longer run than state park. Its great that the payouts increased, but come on, longcreek, really?
  20. I have fished out of champs boat on several occasions. Its a sweet ride.
  21. Mark carries them at table rock tackle and marine in stoneridge.
  22. After throwing A Rigs last winter in gin clear water, I am beggining to think it doesnt matter as far as what the fish see or doent see.
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