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Everything posted by denjac

  1. That Jimmy with the Duramax can get you there at 16- 18MPG pulling the boat. 20 MPG empty. The only trouble diesel is $3.10 a gallon. 198,000 miles on it, and knock on wood no problems. Its a 2003 and I bought it brand new, still drives like a brand new one.
  2. The boat seemed to be saying, come on lets go !
  3. We lost a tag this year dragging a deer out. Wish they would go back to those steel bands. Of course that would cost money.
  4. I like those spoons, by the way thats what the bite was today ! Mail em to me and I will use them until you get your boat back .
  5. Nice job ! Hope I can repeat in the morning. Hope to see ya Sunday ! Bring Donna and I will have Jackie in tow.
  6. Most cardboard recycling companies will bring you a cardboard bin for no charge. They are big though.
  7. Edwin, you had a good day ! I didnt. I turned and went into the white and fished in there . Only had 3 fish . 2 shorts and 1 keep all on the grub. Flat water until noon . The deeper fish would just melt away from my spoon when I would drop it to them . Guess I shoulda stayed in the James, but the day I was having it probbaly wouldnt have mattered . The lake should be fishing small and it wasnt for me . I did notice on way way back going across the bridge at cape fair that the james was muddy down there . I would say that it will wont make it too far downstream before it settles out . Glad you found em !
  8. The article also stated that is was killed with one shot to the head from a 22. A little underpowered in my opinion, but the only legal weapon you can use at night for coon hunting. From my experiance they had to run that cat quite a bit for it to stay put in a tree. They will bail two or three times at the approach of lights and hunters before finally giving in. I would say the cat treed just where cattle happened to be and not hunting them. They started that track along ways from the cattle I guarentee you that. They guys should have pulled the dogs and went somewhere else to hunt, and reported the sighting to the MDC. He was just being a caveman and wanting some bragging rights on killing a mountain lion. He will be a big man at the corner grocery store for a few weeks.
  9. I am glad they are doing some work on this . Big Indian ran red last spring when we had rain . Jim Shirato, developer of the Indian Ridge Resort project in Stone County, says he doesn't understand why the state has sued him for alleged runoff pollution of Table Rock Lake. Shirato said he has a remediation plan in place with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and crews have been working to halt erosion for days."We moved heavy equipment out here in November,'' Shirato said Tuesday. "As I'm standing here, I'm looking at crews from Empire Electric, three backhoes, large earthmovers and a dozen men and trucks delivering loads of dirt and rock." Attorney General Chris Koster filed the lawsuit Tuesday against Shirato and Donald Snider, managing member of North Shore Investments LLC, who planned a $1.6 billion, 850-acre development located near Branson West. The site is less than a mile upstream of Table Rock Lake. In the lawsuit, Koster said no work has taken place at the site since August 2008, when the developers' bank failed and was taken over by the FDIC. He alleged that runoff from the property washed sediment into Table Rock Lake with each rain. "Every developer in our state is aware of the obligation to ensure the environmental integrity of their development sites," Koster said, in a news release. "This office will aggressively pursue any developers who show disregard for our environmental laws." The development was to include hundreds of homes, condominiums, an eight-story hotel, water park, golf course, conference center and retail shopping and restaurants. Koster is asking the court to issue an order requiring the defendants to comply with the Clean Water Law; to assess a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 per day for each violation of the Clean Water Law; to pay for their damage to Table Rock Lake, and to require the defendants to pay all costs associated with the case. Shirato said he hired Heithaus Engineering and Associates of Springfield to develop a remediation plan in conjunction with DNR. Owner Ken Heithaus said crews have been repairing drainage ditches and detention dams that have washed out from rainfall, covering some areas with soil and seed and putting down rock to keep runoff from reaching the lake. He said DNR will require Shirato to maintain the runoff controls after they are in place. Nancy Gonder, spokeswoman for Koster's office, called the work "a step in the right direction." However, she said the work would not stop the lawsuit from proceeding. Gonder also said the clock for potential daily fines began ticking "the day the Missouri Clean Water Law was violated." Because work on Indian Ridge halted in 2008, the potential fine could be huge. However, if fines were eventually levied, Gonder said, Koster's office "would take into account good faith efforts on the developers' behalf to resolve the situation."
  10. Really dont know what to say !
  11. I tried calling the Castle in Little Indian to check on them and my 5th wheel, no answer. Hope the young man that has the cafe at the Marina hadnt put his new one in yet. They were taking the old floating cafe out and putting in a new one with running water and restrooms.
  12. Call him back and tell him I will take him if he will pay my truck fuel down and back + boat gas and oil. And to get his own tackle for him and his sons. Bet that $250 would look good compared to my free trip as it were .
  13. I have a vague recollection of Paul Dallas. I remember he was down on Table Rock when we were there once, and the whole place was buzzing about it. Lots of snickers and whispering among the adults. My parents would never talk about it though. Guys if memory serves me right I believe ColdWaterFshr is Paul Dallas ! Just saying........
  14. Slim Jim is the right name for them. I have about a dozen of them . Your description of them sounds right. I also have abot 20 of the Deep Jims !
  15. I still use the slim jims, and yes they work well . They were way before their time . In another post it was mentioned about the old timers BASS on Beaver lake. Jim Rodgers won it !
  16. The thing that kills me is the money part of it. The pay as you play plan, Carbon credits. Its ok to add to the problem if you buy your carbon credits. I expect very soon The UN will say to a poor little country , here you guys dont make anything and so we are going to give you 100 gazzilion carbon credits. Feel free to sell them to anybody you want . A shift in economic power ? You bet .
  17. See if this picture works better . The Neosho biologist did say that it accures in the wild but is very rare . He said like buzz said that they are bred by private hatcheries and are very inbred and dont do well in the wild .
  18. Blakemore Roadrunners and ....... I cant remember.
  19. My son caught this fish today at Capps Creek. I know I should post it on Capps but though I could get more input here . Is this a golden? What is a Golden ? Is it a rainbow or a species all to itself ? Does neosho hatchery raise these or where do they come from. Any imput would be appreciated.
  20. George Carlin said it best . The human race better pack their bags cause we are leaving !
  21. One time we spent the whole show at the dock. The captain sad too much lightening, although there was none around us it showed up on radar nearby.
  22. I bet most will be understanding . But for the few that dont, a quote from the show stoppers. Theres trouble right here in river city !
  23. Yes, Congrads ! Winning money always warms you up.
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