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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Looks just like a sammy to me.
  2. I was injured at a Cincinnati Reds baseball game when I was around 13 years old. A foul ball was hit by an Alanta player named Jim Wynn aka the toy cannon. The ball was coming right at me. A man behind me shoved me in an attempt to get the ball hisself. I dropped my arms to keep from falling, and pow the ball hit me in my right eye. Ended up in the hospital with a skull fracture and broken blood vessels in my right eye. Later had to have surgery for a detached retina. Dad had checked into the liability that riverfront stadium had, and it was none. You assume responsibility for anything that might happen to you when you purchase a ticket. Guess what I am trying to say is that's life, deal with it.
  3. He's still that way today!
  4. That should get you the boot. Thanks for posting that last picture.
  5. Mark at table rock tackle has them
  6. Yikes!
  7. The bridge piers at cc would be your best bet.
  8. Happy rainy Thursday.
  9. This was a siting around 10 years ago in the Bella Vista area.
  10. Lol. Be quite and do what I tell you. I wonder if I could get away with that phrase.
  11. http://fox4kc.com/2015/07/02/entire-lake-of-the-ozarks-to-be-a-no-wake-zone-beginning-holiday-weekend/
  12. I like the looks of that also.
  13. Bill. It was that Dixie jet spoon. They were offended by you using a racist lure and were demonstrating.
  14. Anybody ever read mdc advisory on eating fish out of missouri streams and lakes? Yikes!
  15. Maybe we should start a save the worm program. Then he won't be able to catch anymore! Seriously his post would have been just fine if he hadn't implied the eating part. He's just trying to poke the bear and it worked. I say his future posts we let crickets chirp on it.
  16. Just childish posts by rickf. No usefulness whatsoever.
  17. Enjoy.
  18. I pull in on champ all the time, under the pretext of fishing. My real motive is to see if Donna brought anything good to eat!
  19. I have caught several bass around the concrete picnic tables inside coombs ferry during high water.
  20. Wow ! I want one. How much?
  21. Met Jim once in joplin and again at oaf gathering this spring. Very sad news indeed.
  22. At 921 I am sure most ramps are usable. Courtesy docks may be unusable.
  23. I too was naive in thinking most of us who bass fish were catch and release. Been an eye opener for me. C&r really came on strong in the 70s and through education and perseverance it finally took hold. We started seeing fisheries getting better and better, and knew it was from this practice. Maybe our generation has dropped the ball in teaching the younger generation? You don't hear it preached on fishing Comercial anymore or on fishing shows,although it's is shown by the anglers that on the shows. I guess they to are of the mindset that c and r is the norm now. I too remember in my youth being all full of testostarone bringing home a stringer of fish (all species ) and banging my fists against my chest while proudly proclaiming, me man, feed my family! When in fact I did them a diservice spending money for fishing instead of paying a bill or put that money to better use by buying a weeks worth of groceries. Some people talk about how great table rock was in the 60 and 70s. Ha. It's a million times better now than then due to C and R.
  24. I wouldn't mind seeing a 12 inch limit on crappie. I believe that in itself would help alot.
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