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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Good for them, I think it would be neat to have a fly fishing only bass tourney series. 178 boats on a big lake like one of the White river Corps lakes is no big deal, but it does add to the masses out there on a Saturday.
  2. I'll tag our fearless leader. @abkeenan
  3. Looking at the AR numbers on the Dept. Health site, 134,000 have been delivered. So far, 38,000 doses have been administered. So there's almost 100,000 doses on hand in Arkansas. Yesterday 10,000 doses were received, 3,000 were administered. Clearly there is a problem in getting the doses on hand into arms.
  4. Being something of a weather wimp, I didn't launch until about 0830 in the hopes it would be warmer than say 0700. But there was still some of that ice fog (I hate that stuff) around and the temp was 26. Thankfully it warmed up fairly quick from there.
  5. It was a nice day for fishing, catching for me, not so much. Caught 8 on the Ned, with only 1 being a keeper. Don't know whether to blame it on the 2 foot rise in the lake since last week or the nice weather, but the fish weren't where they were last week for the most part. Missed several bites too, they just didn't seem to want it. Did hear of someone having a good day elsewhere on the lake on the deep bite. WT 43-46
  6. I've gone to braid/fluoro leader on spinning tackle except when I throw small cranks or top water. Manageability is so much better and the stuff lasts forever. Casting distance with little baits is another plus.
  7. Sports section.
  8. Here's a summary from an article in today's AR Gazette: Winners weighed in 5 for 19.45. Caught on cranks and jigs with twin tailed trailers. They fished from Rocky Branch to Prairie Creek. Bluffs, bluff ends, and chunk rock banks. 2nd place was 16.19.
  9. Cool, sounds like a great place to fish.
  10. Well you got me to look at that lake. Looks like it does have potential for some big fish. I would be a little concerned about the pressure, I bet you'll have lots of company, not a lot of lakes in that area and it's near a couple of decent sized cities. Don't know if you have ever watched the HoneyHole outdoors TV show, but the host fishes a lot of Texas lakes. The shows are archived on the web site, but they charge $9.99 to access the archives.
  11. Only if you eat them. 😃
  12. If they are going to stock bows, why not stock fingerlings? The few that survive to adulthood should have all the characteristics of "wild" trout as far as fighting ability and appearance. The fish are somewhat protected with the minimum length and harvest regs, so the fingerlings should have a reasonable chance at surviving to adulthood.
  13. That is a healthy largemouth, and that 18" K is nothing to complain about either.
  14. I believe a lot depends on how productive the lake is too. The community lakes here in Bella Vista have very good bluegill populations with reasonable numbers of redears. These fish get pounded, lots of gills get filleted, but these lakes consistently produce gills.
  15. I have always wanted to fish Rayburn, I haven't fished any lakes in Texas, but if I could choose one it would be Rayburn. Last February on the Texas Team trail tourney, the winners had 5 for 49 lbs. and change. Now that was an exceptional bag, but something like the top 45 teams had 15 lbs. or better.
  16. Here's one from it:
  17. That's a good idea, it's been long enough since I've looked at any Far Side stuff, that it is almost like seeing it for the first time. I have a 1994 far Side desk calendar (cartoon for each day) that belonged to my dad, 365 toons.
  18. I don't know, they are always changing policy, I didn't think to ask if I needed one at all, once I heard it was good for another 7 months I was OK.
  19. My annual COE permit expires at the end of this month. Pre-Covid I could drive over to the Rogers COE office and get it renewed. Now their policy is for you to mail them a check and they will send you the permit. However - Permits are now extended for 7 months after expiration, so my permit is good until the end of July, so no need for me to renew at this time. This has been a public service announcement. 😃
  20. That's a good day of walleye fishing!
  21. Haven't fished any myself, I was over at Swepco a couple of years ago on a Saturday in the winter (Swepco is a warm-water discharge lake) when there was a yak tourney going on, they had something like 50 yaks entered then add in all the bass boats and other craft on a popular 700 acre lake and it was a zoo. I don't see how that could be fun. Of course that was probably an extreme case, well I hope it was.
  22. Makes me wonder if those stripers can now spawn in that river. I think their eggs need something like 8 miles of flowing river to hatch.
  23. The worst punishment my mom could inflict on me was to tell me that just wait until your dad gets home and I tell him what you did.
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