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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I was curious what the world record for a yellow perch is, and it is 4 lbs. 3 oz. Set in 1865. Looked at a couple of state records in yankee land where those things are native - didn't see any over 3 lbs. So any perch over 2 lbs. is a biggun.
  2. Well that is good news for Hook, Line and Sinker. And Tackle Warehouse.
  3. Well I could not match Bill and Docknit, but I did get a few today. There was an early bite then things tailed off considerably about 10 AM. I caught 15 bass today, 13 of them before 10 AM. Thought I was going to have a 25-30 bass day, but it didn't happen. Last time I was out on TR, about 2 weeks ago, I could not get a bite any shallower than about 20 feet. Today, I could not get a bite any deeper than 15 feet. Things have changed, even thought the water really hasn't warmed up much - I saw a temp of 48 when I left. Fish were on the Ned rig, I did try some cranks, jerks and a spinner bait, but no joy there. Had several solid keepers, but nothing really big. No smallmouth today for me either, just K's and largemouth. My buddy the ramp goose: Couple of fish pics from today: This post has been promoted to an article
  4. Well I could not match Bill and Docknit, but I did get a few today. There was an early bite then things tailed off considerably about 10 AM. I caught 15 bass today, 13 of them before 10 AM. Thought I was going to have a 25-30 bass day, but it didn't happen. Last time I was out on TR, about 2 weeks ago, I could not get a bite any shallower than about 20 feet. Today, I could not get a bite any deeper than 15 feet. Things have changed, even thought the water really hasn't warmed up much - I saw a temp of 48 when I left. Fish were on the Ned rig, I did try some cranks, jerks and a spinner bait, but no joy there. Had several solid keepers, but nothing really big. No smallmouth today for me either, just K's and largemouth. My buddy the ramp goose: Couple of fish pics from today:
  5. Nice ones! I have fished Sardis a few times in the summer, we trolled Bandit 300's and always caught fish. Those lakes get hammered, but in spite of the pressure they still put out a lot of crappie.
  6. I recognize the name, but don't know anything about him.
  7. Very nice, sounds like they are moving in!
  8. From the Washington Post: The coronavirus has been circulating undetected and has possibly infected scores of people over the past six weeks in Washington state, according to a genetic analysis of virus samples that has sobering implications for the entire country amid heightening anxiety about the likely spread of the disease.
  9. Yeah, I thought they were 2 or even three day events. Seems like they used to be, but I might be remembering wrong.
  10. Quillback


    Winner had 19-5 and the co-angler winner had 18-14.
  11. I sure don't know the answer to that.
  12. I wonder if it has been here for a while, but being that it is flu-like no one knew until they started testing.
  13. Another thought - Aren't many of the reels/parts made in China or South Korea?
  14. Went to Wally World early this AM, decided to grab some hand sanitizer while I was there. Shelves were about bare, maybe couple dozen left, probably be gone soon unless they restock. It's made in the USA, but it wouldn't surprise me to see a run on certain products.
  15. You've probably all seen the movie Fury. They give the new tank crewman the nickname the Machine. DJ, you should change your moniker to the Machine as you are a fishing machine! Nice fish, hope you whack some more!
  16. Stock market sure is spooked by this. So are oil and gas prices. Gas futures for March are at $1.36/gallon, usually retail gas prices will run about 40-50 cents more per gallon than the futures prices, at least in this area, also will need to see them hold for a while at this level, but we may see gas at anywhere from $1.86 to $1.76 here in NWA. Jan. 2021 futures are at $1.27.
  17. What is that saying, something about statistics and lies? John's Hopkins numbers show 82,000 reported cases, 2,800 of those people have died. 33,000 have recovered. Leaves roughly 42,000 still suffering the effects. So based on those numbers, I'd say it's closer to a 4% mortality rate, with the potential to be higher with 42,000 still not out of the woods. Those being the numbers reported so far, who knows how accurate or reliable they are? Hopefully it will be contained or just peter out.
  18. The flu sucks, used to get it almost every year when I traveled all the time. Now that I don't travel I haven't had it in 10 years or so. I get the vaccine for what it is worth. Got the latest shingles vaccine last year myself, shingles is no joke for sure.
  19. Well Saturday looks to be a really nice day, with the BFL on TR and everybody looking to get out, I bet there will be more than a couple of boats out there.
  20. That is what makes a difference.
  21. Saw Lovett at the Denver airport, he was at baggage claim arguing with the people behind the counter. There was a semi-circle of about 20 people standing there watching him. It's tough being out in public when you are a celebrity.
  22. A pickerel in the 18-20" range is a good one. Some of the ponds in Massachusetts were overrun with them, you could catch all the 12-14" ones you wanted, but not easy to get them bigger than that.
  23. Those are some nice slabs, congrats!
  24. Yep, if you're concerned about, best to do your own testing.
  25. Must be a MO thing, I've tested it several times and no alcohol is present. But, that is from an Arkansas station.
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