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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Some tanks you have there buddy, congrats!
  2. I'll bring the utensils, cups and so on. I'll keep an eye out for any that are bio-degradable. I'll also bring the small charcoal grill that I had last year. I can bring dogs and buns too. Be great if someone brought some chili for chilidogs. šŸ˜œ
  3. Couple of the lakes here in Bella Vista are overpopulated with 10-12" largemouth, they are pretty tasty, on a par with walleye, crappie. I'll keep a few walleye and a striper or two, and some bluegill, and that will do me for a year as far as fish. Sam's sells some fresh salmon rolls stuffed with some kind of shrimp stuffing, it's pretty good. I have eaten wild trout, hatchery trout, trout from rivers, trout from lakes - I don't think it's much better wherever it comes from.
  4. Hey buddy, come on down!
  5. I think there is a lot of that going on.
  6. Regatta listings show only one tournament today, out of Mill Creek. American Bass Anglers, 30 boats. Only two listed for the entire month.
  7. Love those fat spots!
  8. M&M had done the research and has determined that Saturday, March 21, is the best date for our annual tournament. Putting this out as an early alert. Haven't gotten the permits yet, anticipating that we will, but once Mike gets the permits we'll make it official. Come on down!
  9. Did you decide not to be a ref?
  10. Yep, like it when it is on local lakes, I see it as a fishing show more than as a competitive event. Birge did whack them on that spot, amazing how many bass were there.
  11. Outdoor channel will be airing this starting this Saturday afternoon, I think 1 PM Central. It's on Bull, filmed last year in June.
  12. I remember talking to someone I know that has an Ultrex and he was complaining about that shock thing too.
  13. Being retired I can spend my fishing time doing goofy stuff. Today I told myself that I would take pics of the first 10 bass I caught with the Ned rig, focusing on where they were hooked. Today was a day of dinks, caught over 20 of them, but only one keeper. Keepers just vanished today for reasons unknown to me. Not one bass 'gut hooked'. If you don't like seeing pics of dinks with Ned rigs stuck in them, now is the time to exit. BTW, I took 11 pics, lost track. Senior moment.
  14. New product at Tackle Warehouse (I kid you not). Would make a great gag gift for a fishing buddy that does not like Ned rigging.
  15. Must have found either a really good doctor, or some really good meds, or a combination of both.
  16. See that is the problem of NOT owning a boat - you just spend the money on other things.
  17. I hung in there for about 6 minutes. I very rarely gut hook fish with a Ned rig.
  18. Yeah, Ham is a wizard with that Nanofil. I have gone to Seaguar Smackdown braid. I tie an Alberto knot to tie on the leader. Works fine, passes through rod guides OK. But I will check out that knot Mitch mentions above.
  19. Quillback


    I live in a retirement community, see a lot of old people and fish with a few of them, at 62 I'm still considered to be a "young feller". You hardly ever see old fat guys out on the lake, old skinny guys, yes. I want to fish for as long as I can, and to do so, I need to lose some weight. Being old and fat is not good, yeah you might still live a long life, but it's tough to get out and do things. In short, quality of life will probably be better as you age if you keep yourself in reasonable shape.
  20. I'm assuming that there will be one this year. I don't fish it, but if anyone does and hears the results, please post them. I'm always interested in seeing how well the winner does.
  21. Well done!
  22. So that's where all the loons are. I saw only one yesterday. Seeing 30 of them in one spot is something you just don't see - must be a lot of shad (obviously) on that end of the lake. Congrats on a great day!
  23. Those fish are thick, I never see them like that on the upper end. Once they get 'educated' you might want to drop a Ned on them. It will take it a while to get down there, but I bet they would hit it.
  24. Hey, you are always welcome to come over here to BV and do some fishing with me, we can probably catch a bass or two.
  25. Here in Bella Vista the lakes department always plants a bunch of Christmas trees they get from residents. It's a good way to get rid of them, but they tend to have really soft wood and deteriorate quickly. If you got them, might as well use them, but if I wanted to create some longer lasting habitat I'd use cedars or some kind of hard wood.
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