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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I have quite a few reels but don't have a single Lews. Maybe KVD can talk me into one. 😄
  2. Yep, wet those bunks. You can get some pretty stout winches with lots of torque that will pull a fiberglass bass boat onto the trailer. If your Jon is aluminum, you can get a winch that will easily handle it, I bought one for my trailer, I can crank it up there if I need to (19 foot fiberglass bass boat), but power loading is my preferred method. I'm 62 with an artificial knee. If necessary I can back my trailer way in, far enough that minimal cranking is needed on the winch to get the bow to the roller - what happens then is that the boat won't be centered on the trailer, but if I slowly pull the trailer out, the boat will self center. It also helps to get either a step built onto the front of the trailer or one of those ladder deals so you can get off the bow of your boat to get to that winch without either trying to balance on the trailer rail or just jumping straight down onto the ground or water, which you don't want to do with a fake knee.
  3. Just took a look at the field. One thing that really stands out is there are favorites, usually 2 or 3 in each group that are heavy favorites. Zaldain in group A is at something in the 40% range of being selected. That's a pretty safe pick and it would not surprise me if he won this thing. So do you gamble and go for someone else? Because if everyone is picking Zaldain oyu're not going to gain much ground by picking him. I'm leaning towards C. Johnston in that group myself, thinking a Canadian ought to be able to get it done on that lake. But, he's a pretty popular pick too.
  4. Cool, you guys got some nice bass. Surprised to hear of all the rec traffic this time of year, but maybe it is due to the heat. Haven't been over to the Rock in a while, but should be soon.
  5. Reading the link above it say that they reproduce sporadically which may explain why some years they are around and other years not.
  6. Have some fun with them:
  7. Didn't know they were in the lake. Pretty neat.
  8. Pfffftttt...I bug him all the time for stuff. He's really good about getting it out ASAP, usually I get what I order from him in 2 days.
  9. Well we have a couple of guys, SupremeKeenan and Bassmaster#1 that have a realistic chance of winning the TW group. Usually we're pretty secretive about who we are going to go with, but I think it would be fun to hear some opinions on who to go with on the AOY tourney, and maybe we can help those guys out - assuming they want our advice, they might be better off going with whatever got them where they are.
  10. Uh-oh, going to be a run at the tackle shops on Fall Craw Bandits..😃 I don't mind catching 14-15 inch bass, on the right tackle it's a lot of fun. And why fish unless it's fun?
  11. Good to hear, I think we have finally broken out of the hot weather cycle.
  12. Cool, looking forward to hearing what the District 1 fisheries guys are up to. Used to be available on the website, but when the redesign of that website happened a couple of years ago, there was an info shutdown as far as fish stocking, habitat projects, and survey results. I do commend District 2 for keeping the public informed and doing a good job of letting us know what they are up to .
  13. Watching Live Mix today - Zaldain sets the hook on a "Big One"! Turns out to be a drum... First fish I have seen hooked.
  14. If BassTrakk is accurate it looks to be another TOUGH day. I watched some live coverage yesterday and a bit today and I have yet to see a fish caught. Tough time of year to be fishing around here.
  15. My uncle rented a place for a few days that was about a mile or so away from the dam, this was back about 5 years. Went over there to fish with him one day and there were a couple of big walleye living underneath the dock. You could see them but it with the current and depth you couldn't get anything down to them.
  16. Well this one should be interesting, fishing Tenkiller which is about 2 hours from my house. I hope to have some time to watch live coverage. Might be a front coming through Friday so could see some rain.
  17. It wasn't a bad year for me, had really good summer squash, for some reason the squash bugs never were much of a problem. Tomatoes were good for most of the month of July, got some decent cukes and the beans were good early in June. Not much left now, wilt got most of the tomato plants, still have 3 plants left with a few green tomatoes so may get a few more. Planted some beans in early August, they are doing well and should get some in October.
  18. I bet the worm, fished under a float, would work for steelhead when they are in the rivers.
  19. I fish Beaver and Table Rock, and what has me scratching my head is that as far as I know they aren't closing down any of the Beaver parks, and down by the dam at Beaver there are 4 parks almost within sight of each other. It's a nice area to camp and very popular so I'm not complaining, but I see Table Rock as being much busier and from a business perspective Table Rock has way more resorts, etc., than Beaver. The COE folks at Beaver also seem to me to be faster at jumping on maintenance issues at the ramps too. One of the darn dock cables on the Big M courtesy dock has been broken for over a year and last time I was there it still wasn't fixed. I was trying to stay out of this thread because I know it does no good, kind of like yelling at the TV when you don't like what some politician has to say.
  20. This was one of my favorite episodes, and it was downright scary when I saw it as a kid.
  21. Yep, pretty much the way I feel about it.
  22. Are they still doing new episodes? I watched one time and was done with it. I admit to being hooked on Gold Rush, I record it and do a lot of fast forwarding, but there's something about gold mining that I have always found interesting. Speaking of moving dirt, they move a LOT of dirt.
  23. What killed Star Wars for me were the gun battles where the storm troopers would fire about 7 bazillion rounds and never hit anyone. But, when the first one came out the special effects were pretty neat, at least for that time.
  24. That's not bad, you found them and got some bites which is tough to do this time of year. Come back late October into November and they should be biting top water. They are tougher to fool in the fall than they are in the spring for some reason, but I was able to catch a few last year tossing tail spinners at the boils.
  25. Quillback


    Some good bream fishing to be had around here. I only fish for them once or twice a year, I keep telling myself to spend some more time chasing them.
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