With a forecast for cooler weather I decided to make the trek to Table Rock. Had a location tip from rps, and the fish were where he found them last time he was out. They were all deep, 20-30 FOW, not a lot of them on the finder, but enough to fish for. I caught most of them on a c-rig UV Speed craw with a couple of drop shot fish and one on top. Put 8 in the boat before they just stopped biting about 0830. I spent too much time messing around with baits trying different stuff, if I had stuck to the UV Craw I'm pretty sure I would've boated a few more. You just don't get much time to fish before they shut down and the rec traffic starts going, I was off the water at 1030.
Must've have been some kind of Master Craft get together today, had a pack of 8 of them come by me, talk about wakes, holy cow, thought I would get seasick.
Surface temp was 85.
This sorry looking bass was my biggest.
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