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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Ouch! It's good to be young, that fall would probably put me down for a couple of weeks. Have to laugh at the irony, "Perfect texture for running.".
  2. Sure that's not a carp? It's ugly enough.
  3. Alright, I'll be looking forward to doing some hunting.
  4. Well they have passed a short term funding bill in the Senate. Guess they will have to go around and unlock all the gates. And I agree, this is very stupid.
  5. Went to Kansas this December with Phil and some other folks. We were fortunate to be able to hunt on private land and saw quite a few quail. I got there a day early and me and another guy that rode out there with me hunted a WIHA area and kicked up two coveys there, and saw some pheasants on another WIHA parcel. It convinced me that there are birds out there on public land. I have a GSP and plan on going out there next fall. Be happy to hook up with some OA folks if you guys want to make a road trip or three next fall. Just have to hope there isn't a drought out there this year as that can really negatively effect the birds. I don't have any local bird hunting spots around here, they are just about extinct in this area. I keep saying I am going to go scouting for them in May when they are whistling, find some birds and see if I can get access to where they are at. Just too darned busy fishing then.
  6. Welcome to NWA, lots of fishing in the area, you can stay pretty busy fishing if that is what you are looking to do. Might want to get some Hot Spot maps of Table Rock and Beaver, they show the ramps, contour lines, structure, and give some advice on spots to fish. The maps helped me a lot starting out here.
  7. It is, and probably worth more than the pole and reel combined.
  8. Drove over to Indian creek launch yesterday to check things out. Launch is open, no ice, same for Lost Bridge North. Walked down the bank a bit tossing the Ned around - caught a nice 17" smallie, the only bite I had. Found a rod/reel setup on the bank with a Whopper Plopper tied on. Looks to have been in the water a few months, anyway had a Revo XLT, which as far as I can tell is an older model, maybe 20-30 years old. It's pretty worn, so thought it might hold sentimental value to whomever lost it, so if it is yours, PM me and I will get it back to you. I realize it is unlikely that I will hear from the owner, so if no one claims it, I'll be happy to send it to someone that wants it. And if no one wants it, into the trash it will go.
  9. I'd use if for a c-rig reel, I like to move the c-rig with the rod and use the reel to take up the slack.
  10. How do you drive when you are tired?
  11. Good luck, and it will be interesting to hear how you do.
  12. Some good eats there. That .410 is pretty neat.
  13. Quillback


    You bet, total meltdown on WV's part. First time I have watched WV this season, and the first half I thought man, these guys are good. 2nd half, not so much.
  14. Quillback


    Did you see that KU/WV game? Impressive win by KU.
  15. Now we're getting all grungy.
  16. At least no one has mentioned armadillos yet. And leprosy.
  17. Another reason I don't fish in these conditions, get that nasty road treatment stuff on your boat and trailer.
  18. I am glad to see they made it there and back today without ending up in a ditch somewhere.
  19. Yikes - no way I would've fished today. As Ab mentioned you certainly deserved a biggun for that effort. Last time I fished there last week, the fish were biting very lightly as you mentioned, they'd just load up, it would feel a little spongy and I would set the hook on that.
  20. My ref-blew-the-call favorite was on, I believe it was Porter when he and a Hogs player were going out of bounds for the ball and they called a foul on Porter, was really a bad call, both players were going for the ball and there was minimal contact. The refs taketh and the refs giveth which is an unfortunate part of hoops. Hogs really need some sort of half court offense, if they don't score off transition, they just don't seem to have anything to go to, usually ends up with someone launching a three, and their 3 point shooting is shakey. Defensive rebounding is also shakey, Mizzou ate them up on their end for a while in the 2nd half.
  21. Got these before you got your mitts on them. Soon to be collector's items.
  22. Quillback


    i think the bios tend to look at what is good for the fish, as in lots of shad, and we fishermen tend to look at what's good for the catching of fish. It will be interesting to see if a significant shad kill results in the fish becoming more bank oriented instead of roaming the mid-channel areas.
  23. Picked up a lot of stuff from the Cave on their website over the years. Crazy low prices at times on some quality stuff.
  24. Arkansas has been in a tail spin, losing 3 straight SEC games, getting blown out by LSU at home last game. I hope they play well today.
  25. If it stays cold, you won't need to ice them. Just leave them lying on the front deck.
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