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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Didn't they put some boulders at the end of that parking lot? I think I remember seeing them,.
  2. Bassfest is this week, don't forget to make your activations.
  3. Launching at Big M with the high water is kind of a pain, so I decided to fish Indian creek. I like it, Indian creek that is, scenic, lots of places to fish, not much pressure, and closer to the house by 20 miles. Every once in a blue moon I have a good day there, but in general it is tougher than TR for sure. Good luck at Big M, and if you don't mind let me know how you do.
  4. I looked at the Horseshoe Bend area a few days ago, water was brown. I thought the same thing, If I was going to fish that stuff. I'd be fishing the banks with jigs, t-rigged plastics, square bills and spinner baits. Just don't know if it would be any good. Maybe try and find some cleaner water in the backs of coves. But the water color is much better on the dam end, sure looks good back in Indian creek, but it was tough fishing.
  5. Thanks for the info, fished the Indian Creek arm with a buddy yesterday, and we didn't have near the success you did. We caught about a dozen bass, mostly smallmouth, but small fish in the 11-14" range. Did not try any stick baits, we got them on jigs, ned, and c-rigging craws. I wonder if anyone is fishing the brown water mid-lake and having any success.
  6. Pearl worked, I'll be darned. Fish coloration gets lighter in heavily stained water, so I guess it makes sense.
  7. Congrats on some good fishing! Heckuva nice day to boot.
  8. Always a scary think to feel that thump when you hit something, happy to hear no damage.
  9. I've had days where it seemed the 130 would start to spook bass. Usually that would occur on schooling bass that are busting shad. I'd throw the 130, get a few fish, then they acted like that 130 was spooking them. Switch out to a walker or the 90 size and I would start getting bites again. 110 might be a good compromise.
  10. Received an email from Tacklesupplydepot.com and they say they expect to get this new sized WP sometime at the end of May. You would think that other tackle stores will get it around the same time. This size is in between the current two sizes, 90 and 130.
  11. Read in the paper today that the White near Clarendon is expected to peak tomorrow. From what I can tell from reading various sources, is that they aren't going to move water out of the White river chain of lakes until the down river flooding recedes. That's my reading of the tea leaves, FWIW. Good news to all this, according to AGFC, is if the lake stays high for a while it will give the fry cover and should lead to better fishing down the road.
  12. Just saw where they are calling for a "weather pattern change" for late next week. Could lead to another round of heavy rain for a few days next week. Let's hope they are wrong.
  13. Just a few weeks ago I was fishing on Table Rock for crappie using a 1/16oz jighead with a swimming minnow. Got hung up, tightened down and gave it a yank, got hit right in the eyebrow, whacked me pretty good, drew some blood and I had a nice little bump. Didn't have time to dodge, happened pretty quick.
  14. Someone on BBC claims to have seen them launching at Ouachita.
  15. Thanks for the report!
  16. Spawn seems to stretch out for quite a bit for the largemouth. Back in mid April I caught some spawned out smallies and spots, and a few largemouth that had looked like they were spawned out. My speculation, at least for the upper White arm, is that the smalls and spots are probably done spawning for the most part.
  17. AHA! You slipped up and named the cove! I am heading out to the garage and hooking up the boat...
  18. For sure, Kings river has bluff notches that are just full of drift wood.
  19. Never fished it myself, but was told that some government agency introduced a non-native fly that ate the grass in the lake, ate it all. Once the grass was gone the fishing went downhill. Saw the AGFC call-in show just a few weeks ago, AGFC says that the grass it starting to recover.
  20. Ouchita maybe? I'd like to see them fish that lake, not an easy one from what I understand.
  21. Mangy? Here's a pic of myself I took this morning, as you can see, I take great care of my hair.
  22. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    I know it well, easy to spend a few bucks there. Speaking a take and bake, they have really good stuffed salmon rolls.
  23. Thanks for the report! Can you please do one of those Google maps overheads and draw a circle around ABK's dock? I haven't fished up there, but in case I go, I want to know where the good spots are.
  24. Saw this in today's paper. The National Weather Service expects the White River to crest at 36.5 feet in Des Arc on Wednesday. Flood stage there is 24 feet. If the river reaches the expected height, it will be the third-highest recorded in its history, only bested by the 39.4-foot mark set on May 7, 2011, and the 37.3-foot reading measured on Feb. 2, 1949. Once the White River crests in Des Arc, it will remain at that level for several days before beginning a very slow decline, said meteorologist Dennis Cavanaugh of the National Weather Service in North Little Rock. Because the Mississippi River is rising, he said, drainage from the Arkansas River into the Mississippi River will be slow. The White River runs into the Arkansas River.
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