Fished around Viney again today with Muddy Water, and we were banking it. Good numbers day, approximately 28 bass between the two of us, a couple of solid keeper largemouth, and maybe another one or two that were close. Caught a nice walleye, no measuring device on hand, but it was a solid keeper, maybe 22 inches. Dragging Neds.
Lots of tourney boats in Viney, had 4 or 5 in there at one time, constantly had boats running in and out. But most of them were fishing shallow, so left us plenty of water to fish.
And we got some bonus free tackle, I found a custom painted Wiggle Wart on the banks and Muddy dredged up a spinning combo. That spinning outfit is going to need some work, looks to have been in the lake since Babler was a pup.