Well I hate to give away one of Champ's secrets, but what champ does the day before he goes fishing, he'll head over to Hook, Line, and Sinker and pick up several bags of Zoom Centipedes, how many bags is dependent on how optimistic he is. Centipedes come in a 20 pack BTW.
So he'll open up a bag and every time he or Donna catch a bass, he'll take out a centipede and throw it up on the bank. He'll do that until he empties a bag, then he'll start on a new bag. At the end of the day, he'll total up the number of empty bags, and count how many are left in a partially empty bag.
So in his case yesterday he had 3 empty bags and 17 left in the last bag he opened.
The final step is Champ will send a message to one of the math professors at U of A, giving him the totals as I showed above. They can usually get at least a number that is in the ball park of what Champ & Donna caught.
Most of us Arkansans have some sort of system like that.