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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Glad to hear your wife stayed out of that water. Just got back in from walking the dog and it is still raining. Looks like Beaver has gained close to a foot of water in the last day, probably will come up some more on top of that.
  2. Looks like it has moved, I found it by clicking on the "Browse" tab.
  3. I've gone to the vest style with pockets. I like the pockets for holding plastics, and other gear. They are a bit hot in the summer, but in the cold weather act as an extra layer of insulation.
  4. As a child of the 60's I certainly saw a lot of Tarzan, there was a TV series that ran for a few years and I think they showed re-runs of those Weismuller movies every Saturday. Never was a huge fan, but I can still do a Tarzan "Yell". There was that movie that came out in the 80's, can't remember the name, Greystoke, Lord of the Apes, or something like that. I looked forward to seeing it, but it turned out to be a disappointment. Maybe this one will be better, but it sounds as if it's a replay (with a few differences) of a story that has been told so many times. Oh well, hope for the best.
  5. Really nice 'eye. Congrats!
  6. It is a requirement that participants be OA members. It's an OA tourney and we certainly want the winner of the trophy to be a member. Maybe you can get them to sign up?
  7. Picked up a few Phantom Red, they are in stock now, my guess is that unless they have a lot in inventory, they will probably sell out. Just sayin'...
  8. Thanks for the report, I was wondering what the water temp is.
  9. No partner necessary, hopefully we will see you there!
  10. BPS in Springfield certainly has some big aquariums with fish. By the clothes section there's a water tank that has a snapping turtle that is about the size of a VW Beetle.
  11. A ton of tree frogs around my house, gets pretty noisy in the spring. Very few, if any, around the shores of the local BV lakes.
  12. Good deal, you can be the weigh master again if you want. That pavilion set up you had was pretty nice also, I can get there earlier this year and help you set it up.
  13. We can certainly change the name to the OAF Sac River Jim One Bass Memorial Tournament.
  14. Well it's time to get the paperwork submitted, so I'm looking to get an estimate on number of boats. Shooting for Saturday March 12 at the Eagle Rock COE ramp (Table Rock lake). Biggest bass wins the trophy. Reply back if you think you can make it. I'll do a post in a week or two with start/end times and the rules, just looking to get a head count right now.
  15. Well it's time to get the paperwork submitted, so I'm looking to get an estimate on number of boats. Shooting for Saturday March 12 at the Eagle Rock COE ramp (Table Rock lake). Biggest bass wins the trophy. Reply back if you think you can make it. I'll do a post in a week or two with start/end times and the rules, just looking to get a head count right now.
  16. No need to apologize Gruber, just an attempt at humor on my part.
  17. When I lived in Washington state, recycling was voluntary, but you were provided with bins if you wanted to recycle and the trash company would pick it up. But, trash collection was roughly twice what I pay here. Paper and aluminum recycle well, but not so much glass. It costs more to process glass than the recycled glass is worth so that needs to be subsidized. And there is more glass waste accumulated than is recycled leading to mountains of glass needing to be stored.
  18. We need a "hook in body part" ignore feature. These threads give me the willies.
  19. Rick, we need to start putting together a bribery fund and get whoever it is in charge of water releases to ease up on the weekend we are there.
  20. Yep Cody, we missed having you there. I imagine that next year we'll probably go again on the first weekend in December that is a week after Thanksgiving, seems to be the date that works best.
  21. Nice fish, thanks for the report!
  22. A few more pics. Thanks to all of you for a great time, really appreciated the good food, boat rides, and camaraderie. We'll have to do it again! Here's Pete, riding up front and watching for floating icebergs and low flying herons. Ham with a 21" Brown Pete and Brett tucked in behind a rock. Here's Brett heading up river. Notice Pete is no longer in the front seat. Apparently there was some kind of altercation, all we have is Brett's version of events, he claims Pete mishandled netting a huge brown Brett had brought to the boat. All we could get out of Brett is that he dropped Pete off on the bank near some railroad tracks - Pete we hope you made it home OK. Here's Brett with a nice looking brown, caught on a 4 inch suspending jig. And a final scenery shot of some rolling water.
  23. Dang it, I must have missed Miles singing again! I'll try and get my pics posted later this AM.
  24. That lake don't need any more stinking publicity.
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