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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Not quite as red here either, but I only looked at it for about 2 minutes.
  2. One of the community lakes here gets stocked with rainbows in the winter. It's small, about 70 surface acres, but deep, 70 feet near the dam. 2 years ago, a local teenager caught a 12 lb. bass out of that lake. Biggest bass I've heard of that came out of these lakes. No doubt the trout diet helped it reach that weight.
  3. I think survival depends on water conditions to some degree. Seems I remember seeing somewhere that some percentage of walleye that are kept are hatchery origin, 40-60% maybe. If one of the AGFC bios see this they probably have a number.
  4. Saw this on the AGFC hatchery newsletter. 5/21 - 53,203 5/22 - 48,542 6/4 - 17,190 1.5" fingerling walleye.
  5. Saw this on the AGFC hatchery newsletter. On May 22 -40,092 stocked May 27- 21,105. They were all 1.5" fingerlings.
  6. That is one big fish.
  7. I think there are a few keepers in the mix, but they are way outnumbered by the shorts. Might be worth a shot to swim a big swim bait underneath them.
  8. Fished Big M area today, fishing was good for the short fish. There are big schools of predominately 10-14 inch black bass in the Upper White river channel. I found schools in 3 areas that probably numbered in the hundreds as far as how many bass are in each school. Fish chasing shad on top and fish underneath the boat visible on the fish finder. In as shallow as 10 feet and out in the channel over deep water. Just bunches of bass chasing shad. I did get a 3 lb. fish on a Yellow Magic Havana out of one of the schools, but that was the only top water keeper I caught, but caught bunches of 10-14 inch fish. Caught another 3 -3.5 lb. fish on a swing jig with a black/blue Megabug first thing in the AM dragging bottom, and had another 2 lb. LM on a jig. That was it for keepers. Top water works well, talked to a fellow that was getting them on spoons, and I bet a drop shot would catch fish. Dragging a jig on the bottom underneath them was also getting some bites. Water temps 77-79.
  9. I was out there today, probably saw you but didn't know who it was. Did you get out early for the top water action?
  10. OK, I may take up on that offer, just need to get out and fish them and weed out the bad ones.
  11. Started a little fire in my back yard, threw some Redfins in it that I could not get to run straight. Is that what you mean by burning baits?
  12. That didn't come out right, I meant to say that the bait (shad) that the bass were feeding on were small. 1/2 inch sized, so the bait was small, attracting small bass. But the Plopper I was using is the 3.5" size. To have fun with those schoolers a person could throw a Tiny Topedo on light spinning gear.
  13. I go to my profile, click on the drop down menu, then select "My attachments". My attachments come up in a list and there are 300+ of them, all images. I click on the title of an attachment, get a window showing the image, select File-delete, but they don't delete - it just hangs and says "loading". I would really like to delete the images.
  14. Launched at 0630 and fished until 1:30 PM. Found some early fish on the edge of a dock, pulling a swing head jig with a creature, caught a 2.5 lb. largemouth which was my biggest fish. A bunch of small black bass started schooling chasing 1/2inch shad out in the main channel, so I cast to those dudes using a Whopper Plopper. Caught quite a few of them, but all small 10-12" fish. I thought there might be some bigger fish with them, but that was not the case. Small bait, small bass. Reading 5bites report, it sounds like he found some of these dudes also. I guess it's good for the future as there are sure a lot of them. The small shad are everywhere, on the bank, in the channel, and back in the coves. Did catch some keeper brownies on a 3/8 oz jig, 4 of them, kind of unusual to get that many keeper smalls in a day in the upper end. They were on chunk rock banks in roughly 5-10 FOW. No wind, made for a tough bite. Water temps 77-79, water still murky in the coves, but not as bad in the main channel. Maybe 5 feet of viz in the main channel.
  15. Great report, mucho gracias!
  16. Revenge of the bass!
  17. I'd say that in theory, bass see color fairly well, as well as we do, maybe not, but if you're going to rely on science as far as what bass can see, then they can see color. Does it matter? I'd say sometimes, but not all the time. "Now for the most popular question we biologists get about bass vision, do bass see color? Without a doubt, yes! Not unlike humans, bass have cellular structures in the retina called cones and rods. Rods allow an animal to see black, gray and white in low-light conditions, while cones allow an animal to see color. The exact kind and quantity of cones in bass is uncertain, but the plentiful existence of cones, along with related research, indicates that color selection can be important, depending on the conditions."
  18. That's some great fishing, thanks for the report.
  19. Usually when I notice color differences it's when I'm fishing with someone else. An example was early this spring, I was fishing with board member Huntest on Table Rock, I was in the front of the boat, Huntest in back. We were fishing the Ned, Huntest was using PB&J, I was using some greenish version. He boated 4 bass and had several others on, I had caught one. I switched to PB&J and was able to keep up with him for the rest of the day. I can think of several other instances fishing plastics where color has made a difference. Color seems to me to be very important when fishing jerk baits in the winter.
  20. Yeah that game between MO and AR could be the "Who gets to go to a bowl" bowl. But, I think MO will probably play well enough to not need that game to qualify. Hogs could easily lose the next 3 games and be 1 - 5. And the schedule doesn't get much easier with Auburn, Ole Miss, LSU, and MO for the last 4 SEC games. Probably about as tough an SEC schedule as there is.
  21. At least Mizzou is winning the games that it should win. Arkansas has finished the cupcake part of the schedule at 1-2. Now they get to go to Jerry World to play A&M and then on the road to Tennessee and Alabama.
  22. Nice old boat - looks like it's still in great shape.
  23. I like Deep Little N's.
  24. Thanks for the update!
  25. Excellent, thanks for the report!
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